Love for Spike Lee

Is there a thread with his detailed comments on QT and the Django movie? :nerd: Cuz the only thing I've seen is that one thread with the 30 sec video where he says "all I'm gonna say is it wouldn't be right to watch because its disrespectful of my ancestors." I haven't entered the Django thread cuz I haven't seen the movie yet if it's in there. So what exactly has he said?

thats pretty much all he said. Somebody asked him if he would see it, and he said that.
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Great director with some classics but he's hit and miss with me, especially the last decade or so.





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well spike lee is just cool to me he made some of my all time favortie movie and he's a sneakerhead well he checks in my book
One and done?


Boyz n the Hood
Poetic Justice
Higher Learning
Baby Boy

all hood classics :lol: :pimp:

He also did (which I think I knew at the time but have since forgotten) 2 fast 2 furious and Four Brothers........ dang, he did Shaft! Rosewood! ABDUCTION !? That joint wit' the kid from Twilight !? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wikipedia man , they know everything.
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A true legend. So many classics, Malcolm X might be his best work IMO. Of course he won't get the credit he deserves and we know why.

Him and Scorsese are at the top of my list.
Red Hook Summer

I found myself laughing more than anything. Seems like (to me) Spike was poking fun at super religious black people. Grandfather was over the top.

Movie was kinda too long IMO. 2 Hours. Could have did without 30 mins of it.

It was a cool movie though.
Spike is pretentious in my opinion, and while he has made good films, most of them are eh.
I was a big fan, still like him but once I seen him in Giants and Jets gear. I was done.

He's gotta lot of great films though. DTRT, St. Anna, Inside Man, He Got Game, 25h and so on. Never seen Redhook, the trailer bored me to death and they said it had a small budget. I'm sure it was ***.
You've repeated that now in multiple threads.. Care to elaborate?
I know. This is the third time seeing it, but the more I watch it, the more overrated it seems. Don't get me wrong, Spike Lee is great, but the movie just doesn't live up to what people say it is. It's not really a good representation of NY at the time and the plot is just meh, not very exciting, not very well developed organized. My opinion. Don't , mean to rustle any jimmies. 
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"Do the right thing" should be shown in every American classroom once.

Co-signing 100%

To add to OP, he is my favorite director of all-time. Dude was untouchable during the 80's and 90's. Then he ventured into different genres of films and I personally don't think they came out well. Spike is so great. Still haven't checked out "Red Hook Summer" though.
i got love for spike. was dissappointed when he was hating on Tyler Perry couple of years ago :smh:. i mean, let another ***** shine b
God do I hate spike lee don't get me wrong he has made some good movies do the right thing he got game...but overall he's a front runner knicks fan and as soon as they stink again he will be jumping on the bk bandwagon mark my words
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