Making a living Vol. LEARN HOW TO TIP

Mad much???? I tip just because my wife used to be a server once we graduated from college. She's since moved up in life and has made a career teaching. I always tip 20%...But I don't think I ever tipped 30%. Just because you are a server does not entitle you to a tip!!!! I am sorry...
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by offbad

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires payment of at least thefederal minimum wage to covered, nonexemptemployees.  An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 an hour indirect wages if that amount plus the tips received equals at least the federal minimumwage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receivesmore than $30 a month in tips.
If an employee's tips combined with the employer's directwages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employermust make up the difference.

and i haven't seen anybody ask this crucial question: Are you waiters/waitresses paying taxes on your tips? No? Then ##$*, get me some extra napkins, and refill my water glass.........Pretty f------ please 
tips are taxable as gross shows how much you know coming in here with that attitude.
Originally Posted by chiang2k6

tips are taxable as gross shows how much you know coming in here with that attitude.
i said how many are actually paying taxes on it. i already know it's taxable. 
Originally Posted by kdawg

I'm not saying you shouldn't tip - just that both sides here are exaggerating.
this is probably the best thing said in the entire thread.

end of the day it's some servers who should just shut the hell up and do their job and chill with the sense of entitlement, op made servers look bad with his 30% expectations and expecting someone to give 15% for minimal service.  if you do a good job and provide decent service hopefully you get tipped accordingly.  end of the day you'll have some deadbeats but as long as the majority of customers are decent it comes with the territory.

that said there's some deadbeat cheapskates out here as well. if your provided with good service and maximum effort and the waiter went above and beyond to make sure your time at that restaurant was above what you expected and you still them on a tip your a bum and deserve the cheap label that probably already follows you around among people who know you.

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Tipping is optional, so restaurants need to enforce mandatory tipping if they're going to whine and complain every time someone chooses not to tip.

No one should have to tip just because it's expected. That defeats the entire purpose. There shouldn't be the fear of poor treatment. This sense of entitlement is absurd.
It's illegal to enforce mandatory tipping unless its a party of 6 or more.  (In NYC at least)... if a place puts gratuity on and you have a bar tab or a table of less than 6 it's actually illegal for them to make you pay the tip. 
You get double the tax from me..................

take it or leave it.......

People dont even tip overseas, they consider it their JOB
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Tipping is optional, so restaurants need to enforce mandatory tipping if they're going to whine and complain every time someone chooses not to tip.

No one should have to tip just because it's expected. That defeats the entire purpose. There shouldn't be the fear of poor treatment. This sense of entitlement is absurd.
It's illegal to enforce mandatory tipping unless its a party of 6 or more.  (In NYC at least)... if a place puts gratuity on and you have a bar tab or a table of less than 6 it's actually illegal for them to make you pay the tip. 

I know they put Gratuity on parties of 6 or after 8 but i didnt know it wa smandatory. I have left multiple times with friends when we had horrible service. No tip or minimal tip. I mean crossing out and recalculating the bill.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Tipping is optional, so restaurants need to enforce mandatory tipping if they're going to whine and complain every time someone chooses not to tip.

No one should have to tip just because it's expected. That defeats the entire purpose. There shouldn't be the fear of poor treatment. This sense of entitlement is absurd.
It's illegal to enforce mandatory tipping unless its a party of 6 or more.  (In NYC at least)... if a place puts gratuity on and you have a bar tab or a table of less than 6 it's actually illegal for them to make you pay the tip. 
Not sure if it's illegal or not, but I've been to a restaurant that charges gratuity during their happy hour, regardless of how many people are in the party. Either way, I'm just trying to make the point that they need to either adjust their prices to treat their employees better or respect the fact that tipping is optional and some individuals will choose not to tip. 
I'm server at a fine dining restaurant and make $8.67 plus tips, cant complain because the money is good. But i make sure i know my menu, beer, and wine so i can sell my customers and earn my tip. If i give someone good service and they don't tip well I never trip, that's just what you get from the food industry. It alway evens out by the end of the night.
i show the pizza guy way more love then waiters

because pizza guys actually have to put in work
For the servers who don't deserve tips (not the ones that makes mistakes, but the ones who have attitude and have that negativity about them):

You better work for that tip. Just like how I grind for my $$. Go to a third world country and see how the waiters/waitresses/maitre'd's serve.

For the rest of the servers:

Just hang in there.

For the people who tip terrible after a great service:

For the good and bad servers:

You're not entitled to the tip. Let this be a lesson for you. Go hard at school. Look for ways to get your grind on. Be grateful you're even being tipped.

Hell, as long as the server is nice, he/she's got my 15 % at least! Just bring my water when requested and we're good.
I'd rather tip the cook you carried a hot plate from the kitchen to the table

I do that at home for free
Someone had said it "its all about class"!!

I tipped from 15% to 20% mostly based on service, or food quality!! 10% if its really bad tho..
I double the tax unless they wow me. which most times they dont. and those are the ones who say i should tip 30%.
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