Jun 16, 2012
Gov needs to stop playing

The fact that Timothy Brown is a reasonably healthy 46-year-old is no small thing. Only a few years ago, he had AIDS.

"I feel good," Brown told ABC News. "I haven't had any major illnesses, just occasional colds like normal people."

Brown is the only person in the world to be cured of AIDS, the result of a transplant of blood stem cells he received to treat leukemia.

"My case is the proof in concept that HIV can be cured," he said.

Brown got lucky. The blood stem cells he received came from a donor with a special genetic mutation that made him resistant to HIV. The genetic mutation occurs in less than 1 percent of Caucasians, and far less frequently in people of other races. Before Brown got his transplant in 2007, doctors tested nearly 70 donors for this genetic mutation before they found one who was a match.

But doctors hope that a similar solution could help other people with HIV: umbilical cord blood transplants.

Dr. Lawrence Petz, medical director of StemCyte, an umbilical cord blood bank, said although Brown was cured by his transplant, the process was complicated because the blood stem cells came from an adult donor.

"When you do that you have to have a very close match between donor and recipient," Petz said. "With umbilical cord blood, we don't need such a close match. It's far easier to find donor matches."

But it's still not that easy. Petz and his colleagues have tested 17,000 samples of cord blood so far, and found just 102 that have the genetic HIV-resistant mutation. The team performed the first cord blood transplant on an HIV-infected patient a few weeks ago, and they have another transplant planned for a similar patient in Madrid, Spain, later this year. It will still be months before researchers can tell if the transplants have any effect on the patients' HIV.

Petz also noted that transplants aren't performed solely to treat AIDS. Patients who get them have an additional condition that requires a blood stem cell transplant. Curing their AIDS would be an incredible bonus.

"It can be done. It's just a matter of time," Petz said.

Brown had his transplant in February 2007. Today, his body shows no signs of the virus.

Brown said he feels guilty being the only person to have been cured of the virus when millions still live with it. But he hopes his story will inspire others that a cure is possible.

"I don't want to be the only person in the world cured of HIV. I want a cure for everyone," he said.
sounds like a good guy. 
I was at the Dr. office not too long ago and he was telling me that by 2020 most diseases (HIV/some cancers, etc.) will have cures
You can't blame "the government" on this.

There are some segments of the population specifically in Scandinavia that have some genetic predispositions that allow them to resist HIV infection. 

I think it basically has to do with cell signalling on how the HIV binds to the cells it normally attaches to. 

If I recall it has something to do with them also resisting the bubonic plague but I don't remember.

If you cure AIDS you win a Nobel Prize not only because of the societal benefit, but the new understanding in biochemistry and immunology that you bring forth would introduce massive advances in the application of medicine.
I think you need a new SN.

I think you need a new opinion. We are making significant breakthroughs in biochemistry and nanotechnology which will only exponentially increase as medical technology becomes more improved and more cost effective.

Maybe 2020 is sooner than you think, but I have a good suspicion that certain diseases that we couldn't crack before will have better cures in the next 8 years.
Like Chris Rock said, "There's no money in cures, just treatments." But this is still a great story

I think there would be money in this. Since only certain people have the right keys for immunity, you would have to be rich to "buy the cure".

I mean, that is if they dont find a way to mass produce it
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I'm confused. In the article, they say he got cured of AIDS, but he's saying he got cured of HIV.
We talked in a prior post on NT last week about this. HIV isn't even scientifically proven to cause AIDS and most of our immune systems can handle it.

its either 1 of 2 things.

1. Possibly a simple mix up. He may have full blown AIDS, but mistakenly said HIV
2. The article writer messed up
I'm confused. In the article, they say he got cured of AIDS, but he's saying he got cured of HIV.

We talked in a prior post on NT last week about this. HIV isn't even scientifically proven to cause AIDS and most of our immune systems can handle it.

HIV is virus that CAUSES AIDS. 

 HIV is an abbreviation for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which is the virus that causes the immune system to break down. As a result of this breakdown AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), the collection of symptoms, diseases, and infections associated with an acquired deficiency of the immune system  occurs. While HIV is the underlying cause of AIDS, not all HIV-positive individuals have AIDS, as HIV can remain in a latent state  for many years. Usually HIV progresses to AIDS, defined as possessing a CD4+ lymphocyte count under 200 cells/μl or HIV infection plus co-infection with an AIDS defining opportunistic infection.

(And don't even complain about it being a wiki-site. Read the sources at the bottom.)
Everyone who has AIDS has HIV infection, but not everyone with HIV infection has AIDS. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It’s “acquired” because you only get it by being infected with HIV from someone else who has got it. “Immunodeficiency” means it causes damage to the immune system. It’s called a “syndrome”  because in the years before HIV was discovered and identified as the cause of AIDS, we recognised a collection of symptoms and complications, including infections and cancers that occurred in people who had common risk factors.

The term AIDS was coined in 1982. HIV hadn’t been discovered yet, so there was no way to know whether people were sick until they were truly sick. Someone was said to have AIDS if he (and it was mostly men back then) developed one of a long list of opportunistic infections and cancers that don’t occur in people with healthy immune systems. After HIV was discovered and a test became available, being HIV-positive was added to the definition of AIDS. In 1993, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  expanded the definition of AIDS to include people with CD4 counts of less than 200.  See list of conditions below.

Avoid the term “full-blown AIDS.” It’s old-fashioned, unnecessarily scary, and doesn’t mean anything other than AIDS. In fact, the word AIDS isn’t all that useful either. If you’re HIV-positive, the disease you have is HIV infection or HIV disease. AIDS just refers to a more advanced stage of that disease. Treatment can prevent HIV infection from turning into AIDS, and it can restore the health of people with AIDS. In the eyes of organizations and scientists who keep track of the epidemic, once you have AIDS, you’ll always have AIDS. But what matters more to your provider—and should matter more to you—is how you’re doing now.
If you have have HIV, you have essentially AIDS

Oh and that last site you quoted? Its psuedoscience. All of it.

I'm confused. In the article, they say he got cured of AIDS, but he's saying he got cured of HIV.
We talked in a prior post on NT last week about this. HIV isn't even scientifically proven to cause AIDS and most of our immune systems can handle it.
its either 1 of 2 things.

1. Possibly a simple mix up. He may have full blown AIDS, but mistakenly said HIV
2. The article writer messed up
This is FAR...FAR more likely. The media often doesn't know that much about what they're writing about and the importance of nuance in certain terms. Look at how they're treating gun statistics right now. Just boatloads of misinformation.
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I'm confused. In the article, they say he got cured of AIDS, but he's saying he got cured of HIV.
We talked in a prior post on NT last week about this. HIV isn't even scientifically proven to cause AIDS and most of our immune systems can handle it.
duesberg :stoneface:
don't fall for that nonsense

For example, the editors of the magazine Continuum consistently denied the existence of HIV/AIDS. The magazine shut down when its editors all died of AIDS-related causes.
NT can someone tell me the effects of transcription factors in the growth and progression of HIV into AIDS?
For example, the editors of the magazine Continuum consistently denied the existence of HIV/AIDS. The magazine shut down when its editors all died of AIDS-related causes.
Darwin Award nominees! 

And look where "Doctor" Duesberg is now:


A PhD doesn't mean anything. Evidence based medicine means EVERYTHING.

Ya'll just had a PhD candidate shoot up a movie theater as a action movie character reincarnated... Gotta raise your standards man... 
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The real cure won't be "found" until more of Africa is wiped out. Then you'll see Africa turn to the premier vacation spot...
Was expecting this thread to be about Magic.
too be honest, he's probably cured.

i find it hard to believe that we have a cure for everything but
Hes not. I've asked a ton of people their honest professional opinion and they say that he just manages it really well.

He STILL has HIV. Hes not getting rid of that...not today. He hasn't developed AIDS though.

These days since the introduction of a new class of drugs in the mid 90s you can live a pretty healthy and full life IF you take your medication.

The caveat is how expensive and numerous these drugs are. Also, there is so much of a chance for mutation in the virus that often times you'll have to switch your regimen up to a radical degree just to get things back under control.

If you completely stopped taking the drugs after like a month or two you'd start seeing more symptoms, but don't get it twisted he's still got it.

Plus, Magic is too valuable of an entity for him to be testing "cures." Lets be honest here. Not until its proven in some underground bunker of a major pharma company, Magic won't get the first batch. He doesn't need to be the test tube. Thats what poor people with few options are for...Its harsh but its true.

Anyways I say all this to say this...just because we haven't found a cure yet doesn't mean anything.

Look at how far we've come in only 100 years.

For you to say "well we've cured everything but this" is just ignorant. Its not that easy. 

You want my honest opinion too? We may never cure cancer. A.) Its too complex. B.) Cancer is an umbrella term for a whole other host of issues.
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