Man On Chicago Transit Train Attacks Woman With Sock Full Of Feces

Jun 7, 2009
View media item 185062

An unidentified man riding the Blue Line of a Chicago Transit Authority train in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago, allegedly hit a fellow passenger with a sock full of human feces, the Pioneer Local reports.

“He had a sock full of his poop on me,” said the 21-year-old college student. “It was everywhere; on my face, my hair, my clothes.”

The woman screamed and followed the man, but the attacker escaped. She was riding an east-bound train from Oak Park to Chicago when the foul act occurred. The victim, who did not want to be identified, said she noticed the attacker when he boarded the train car with her but did not perceive him as a threat. She sat down and began texting on her phone. But, at the next stop, the man assaulted her with the sock full of feces.

“I don’t know why he did it,” she said, adding, “I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have done that to a guy.”

The Local has more:

Oak Park Police Commander Ladon Reynolds said officers responded by searching for the man in and around a gas station at Harrison Street, but did not find him. Reynolds said police retrieved a photo of a “person of interest” matching the description the woman and other witnesses gave. That man was videotaped on the Austin platform.

“We have photos of the offender and we’re seeking to identify him,” Reynolds said of images obtained from the CTA. “We’ve reached out to other (police) agencies and have issued a bulletin.”

CTA spokesman Catherine Hosinski said the transt agency has “several high definition video cameras” at each station.

The woman, who said she has a copy of a photo of her assailant taken by a CTA security camera, described her assailant as a black man no older than mid-20s, average build, with facial hair above the mouth and on the chin. She said he wore a hooded sweatshirt and ball cap that partly obscured his face.

She expressed utter disgust and outrage.

“It was like the biggest degradation I’ve ever (experienced). I wish he had just hit me,” she said, because she thinks that would have been less traumatic.

“The worst part is nobody had anything to wipe my face with,” she said. She managed to find some newspapers before paramedics arrived. The paramedics gave her towels and water.

The woman says she still rides the CTA but is much more attentive now. “I just want people to pay attention on the train,” she said. “I try to check the people around me.”


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how did people not notice the smell when he carried it on though? Does Chicago trains smell that bad that it'll mask it?
Why is this even news? **** happens.

.....i dont even know ..i usually enjoy taking the bus instead of my car...because of the people you meet on there.......(intersting crazy)...time to boycott public trans......not risking it
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