Mass Text Ettiquette? vol. You Talkin' To Me?

Oct 2, 2005
How do you guys reply to those mass texts people send on holdiays? I got a couple Happy V-Days from some bad females but part of me thinks it was just a mass text they sent to everyone on their phone list. I don't wanna reply and sound like a %#@*#@*, but I'm also a pretty desirable guy so it could've been specific to me. What do you guys do in this situation?
I respond to the ones that matter. A simple "Thx love, same to you" will suffice.
lol they aint gonna laugh at you if u reply

unless you dont got a text plan i dont see whats wrong with replying...even if it was mass....they prob hand picked a bunch as oppsed to select there even that option?
Well the person thought of you enough to include you in what you think was a mass text. Shouldn't matter if it wasn't sent to just you or not, just reply and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Jesus Christ you people over think everything
son probably think his chances of leaving the friendzone and smashing just increased because he received a mass text.

hell i dont even respond to those texts unless theres something in there specific to me (name, food, date, etc) then i aint wasting my time.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Jesus Christ you people over think everything

I don't reply to mass texts. Ever. I don't care what it's about or who sent it, not getting a reply from me.
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by dreClark

Jesus Christ you people over think everything
son probably think his chances of leaving the friendzone and smashing just increased because he received a mass text.

hell i dont even respond to those texts unless theres something in there specific to me (name, food, date, etc) then i aint wasting my time.
You just overthought this thread. The whole bad shorty thing was jokes, I was just wondering what people do in the situation. I get alot of em on holidays and honestly I'm not big on initiating text conversations unless its worth it. Ya'll mad I asked a question?
i just respond with a "thanks, happy ___ to you too"... its a common courtesy. not like it takes that much time.
Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

Originally Posted by ListenHere

Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by dreClark

Jesus Christ you people over think everything


I think you're reaching on that one.
I think hes trying to make a joke lol
yup, try not to over think things

i think you trying to tell people not to over think things
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