Men Open Fire into Public Bus

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Good thing about this is that all those animals who shot at a bus with innocent passengers aboard are behind bars where they belong. Someone could have been easily been killed but luckily those cowards had bad aim. Why not come with your fists if you have a problem with someone? Instead you have no regard for human life so you shoot a gun into a public bus with innocent people aboard?! Their intent was to kill innocent unarmed people and thats why they're charged with attempted murder and in jail where they belong. THat mother deserves to have the kid taken away from her before she raises him to be a gun packing thug like the people she asscosiates with.

Shes the work of the devil to order someone to be shot and killed over such a small verbal dispute. She knew there were a lot of people on the bus and anyone could have gotten hit with bullets even the people she didnt have a confrontation with ,but she ordered those thugs to shoot the bus up anyway. She herself has no regard for human life and she deserves to be killed or thrown in jail herself for what she did.

The world will be a lot safer place if she and others like herself are NOT part of society. People lose their lives to gun violence everyday people get hit by stray bullets all the time and this could have easily turned into a deadly tradegy. I thank god no one was hurt or killed and I hope alll responsible for this crime are locked away for a very long time.

  uh oh.....

Dude wrote 3 paragraphs and all you address is his use of the word animals...stop it 5.
I agree with a majority of what haze&sneakers wrote.
Although, the guy should have just reported her without telling her.
Whats this stop it 5,
Originally Posted by INS

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

  uh oh.....

Dude wrote 3 paragraphs and all you address is his use of the word animals...stop it 5.
I agree with a majority of what haze&sneakers wrote.
Although, the guy should have just reported her without telling her.
Whats this stop it 5,
Stop it.

Thank Camron.
Originally Posted by ImRobindaHood

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

  uh oh.....

Dude wrote 3 paragraphs and all you address is his use of the word animals...stop it 5.
I agree with a majority of what haze&sneakers wrote.
Although, the guy should have just reported her without telling her.

I thought the word animals was ban here lol........ why any fool would still use that word to call someone else that is pretty immature but oh well it doesnt bother you so I guess shouldnt bother anyone else.. 

I don't know if he used animals with racial implications.
If he did, shame on him.
My problem is seesoned vet quoted the word animals as if to start something.
He read three paragraphs and all he did was bold animals.
What's the point?
-This horrific event occurred in a relatively common, big-city, urban American neighborhood / ghetto: North Philadelphia.

- Often, with poverty and lack of education comes illogical criminal behavior and blatant disregard for life; as evidenced here.

- I, a 5th generation Philadelphian, would not step foot in North Philadelphia  (Philadelphia - city comprised of a plethora of varied neighborhoods), with the exception of some family and Temple's campus, which is well patrolled.

- An impoverished community (N.Phi.), one of the worst economic climates in the history of the country -- which began here; hot weather, hot tempers, lack-of-education, and petty bickering, spawns these senseless acts of violence...
and it will not cease with this occurrence (July '11)...and that's not just true of Philadelphia; that goes for every large/major city (1M+ pop.) in this damn country.

- This is just the beginning!
Originally Posted by Methedy24

-This horrific event occurred in a relatively common, big-city, urban American neighborhood / ghetto: North Philadelphia.

- Often, with poverty and lack of education comes illogical criminal behavior and blatant disregard for life; as evidenced here.

- I, a 5th generation Philadelphian, would not step foot in North Philadelphia  (Philadelphia - city comprised of a plethora of varied neighborhoods), with the exception of some family and Temple's campus, which is well patrolled.

- An impoverished community (N.Phi.), one of the worst economic climates in the history of the country -- which began here; hot weather, hot tempers, lack-of-education, and petty bickering, spawns these senseless acts of violence...
and it will not cease with this occurrence (July '11)...and that's not just true of Philadelphia; that goes for every large/major city (1M+ pop.) in this damn country.

- This is just the beginning!

Being from North bad things happen at times (don't see how its different from anywhere else) but I don't like when people make it seem like this is some foreign land where dudes fighting over religion. 
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Originally Posted by Methedy24

-This horrific event occurred in a relatively common, big-city, urban American neighborhood / ghetto: North Philadelphia.

- Often, with poverty and lack of education comes illogical criminal behavior and blatant disregard for life; as evidenced here.

- I, a 5th generation Philadelphian, would not step foot in North Philadelphia  (Philadelphia - city comprised of a plethora of varied neighborhoods), with the exception of some family and Temple's campus, which is well patrolled.

- An impoverished community (N.Phi.), one of the worst economic climates in the history of the country -- which began here; hot weather, hot tempers, lack-of-education, and petty bickering, spawns these senseless acts of violence...
and it will not cease with this occurrence (July '11)...and that's not just true of Philadelphia; that goes for every large/major city (1M+ pop.) in this damn country.

- This is just the beginning!

Being from North bad things happen at times (don't see how its different from anywhere else) but I don't like when people make it seem like this is some foreign land where dudes fighting over religion. 
Agreed. There are bad parts all across Philly. I think North gets perceived as the worst because of Temple Students complaining and the huge push for gentrification.
I just saw this. Wth.
That woman is allowed to "spank" her kid, but why the hell would you do it on a public bus? It pisses off the other passengers when your child is whining like a brat. She should've learned to discipline her child before she brought him/her on the bus. btw how the hell did that lady with the kid know those gunmen?
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

The actions of another human being does not give "legitimacy" to how someone should look at me as a black man


Agreed you cant judge an entire race just because of the actions of another human being.Our President of the United States Barack Obama is black himself but that doesnt mean he's a bad man just because  of the actions of person who is also black.

Just as an example the suspect in the recent Norway shootings/bombings who dressed as a police officer then shot and killed over 90 people in a one hour killing spree was NOT black he is white.I dont hear anyone saying "oh thats why everyone looks at white people like this". The Norway killing suspect who shot and killed over 90 innocent people in less than an hour is because he went on a one hour  killing spree should that make all whites bad people?
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by Proshares

Let me get this straight. So because he tells her he disagrees with what she's doing and threatens to report her, he deserves to get shot at? How in the hell can you justify that? And those people are idiots?

I was just saying that out of anger. I hate that you can't discipline you own god damn children anymore without some douche threatening to report you. White people think it's ok to let their children cuss them out and run over them but wana lock black people up for doing what a parent is supposed to do.
Go +%!% yourself
If I was the president I'd have a huge meat grinder like GIANT, and whenever people did something like this or killed someone, they'd be thrown in the grinder and the meat would go into the ocean to feed the marine life.

I love fish.
i really cannot stand philadelphia. 5 years at Temple U and i just moved back to nyc this summer im glad to be out of that hell. The race card is really hard not to play when it comes to this city and it bothers me because im black too...but goddamnit, its always something with that city. I go to the local news website for philly to read about this then i find out that flash mobs are popping up again. I really am afraid for my gf since she has 1 more semester left and i am not living with her anymore. young black teens in philly seem to think that acting like $#+%@%! goons is whats good and it really spoils it for everyone else who isn't down with that type of ****ery. I've never seen such a bad case of parenting since Precious. All these kids are failing at life but their families broken or not, are an even bigger disappointment. And yea, there are def social, political, and economic reasons that lead to state of black people today, but at the end of the day, most people want to be able to walk down the street in philadelphia and not have to worry about dodging AR rounds, or getting jumped by young black teens as young as 11yrs old (not a teen i kno but still arrested). again, i may come off as uncle ruckus...but if you lived in philly these past 5 years you'd be mad as hell at black people too.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by Proshares

Let me get this straight. So because he tells her he disagrees with what she's doing and threatens to report her, he deserves to get shot at? How in the hell can you justify that? And those people are idiots?

I was just saying that out of anger. I hate that you can't discipline you own god damn children anymore without some douche threatening to report you. White people think it's ok to let their children cuss them out and run over them but wana lock black people up for doing what a parent is supposed to do.
Go +%!% yourself
Dmoney82, I almost feel like I shouldn't be stooping to your level and I should just shake my head and keep it moving. I can't even believe someone would be ignorant enough to say something like that. I used to catch the business as a child and so did the rest of my white friends. Oh, and 'normal' white parents don't let their children cuss them out. Maybe you're parents never beat any common sense in to you. 

oh and uhh "You say the stupidest stuff at times." - Furrell
Everything is just wrong wit this except her spanking her child. She was the worst one in the end though
Originally Posted by illwill8710

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Originally Posted by Methedy24

-This horrific event occurred in a relatively common, big-city, urban American neighborhood / ghetto: North Philadelphia.

- Often, with poverty and lack of education comes illogical criminal behavior and blatant disregard for life; as evidenced here.

- I, a 5th generation Philadelphian, would not step foot in North Philadelphia  (Philadelphia - city comprised of a plethora of varied neighborhoods), with the exception of some family and Temple's campus, which is well patrolled.

- An impoverished community (N.Phi.), one of the worst economic climates in the history of the country -- which began here; hot weather, hot tempers, lack-of-education, and petty bickering, spawns these senseless acts of violence...
and it will not cease with this occurrence (July '11)...and that's not just true of Philadelphia; that goes for every large/major city (1M+ pop.) in this damn country.

- This is just the beginning!

Being from North bad things happen at times (don't see how its different from anywhere else) but I don't like when people make it seem like this is some foreign land where dudes fighting over religion. 
Agreed. There are bad parts all across Philly. I think North gets perceived as the worst because of Temple Students complaining and the huge push for gentrification.

Cmon fam, we both know north philly ain't no joke. how many cops died there since 2006? now how many died within blocks of our school within that time? Temple students get held up at noon walking home from class 2 blocks away....i'd complain too. and you know this. Can't say north philly is the worse, idk about west philly. but it was just last year you texted me talking about you just saw shots fired on some street while on the c bus home lol
Originally Posted by RighteousKungFu

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I was just saying that out of anger. I hate that you can't discipline you own god damn children anymore without some douche threatening to report you. White people think it's ok to let their children cuss them out and run over them but wana lock black people up for doing what a parent is supposed to do.
Go +%!% yourself
Dmoney82, I almost feel like I shouldn't be stooping to your level and I should just shake my head and keep it moving. I can't even believe someone would be ignorant enough to say something like that. I used to catch the business as a child and so did the rest of my white friends. Oh, and 'normal' white parents don't let their children cuss them out. Maybe you're parents never beat any common sense in to you. 

oh and uhh "You say the stupidest stuff at times." - Furrell
My man you are right and so are the rest. I be typing stupid #!# without really thinking about what I am saying. It was ignorant as hell.
sorry to bump, but once again yall throwing around the death penalty way to quickly. I mean i wouldnt care if they did, but they shouldnt. They should just spend a very, very long time in jail.
Originally Posted by theHBkid

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Unbelievable....that mother should lose her child and go to jail for the rest of her life. EVERYONE involved who is on trial, should get the death penalty. They bring nothing to society and we'd be better off w/o any of them on this earth.

This doesnt happen in Canada 
100% wrong.

It may not be the Choppa, but there's been various shooting incidents on public transportation in this country.
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