Miguel is Hulk Hogan , lmaooooo

Damn he's wearing some big *** heels. How tall is he?
son can't be no more than a low 5.  The heel on the boot is OD, the girl that got caught with the back foot is probably somewhere ****** up right now
1. Dude is prob on that super crack right now

2. He's not on any crack, but he practiced that jump in rehearsal like 1,000 times and was confident enough to think he could pull that off.

Knowing this cat....prob option 1.
You can see him making the worried "ohh shhh" face at the end of that gif.

And rightfully so, 'cause that's a potential lawsuit he's got on his hands.



yup. I could see him getting donkey of the day tomorrow by Charlemagne.
did he do that to her nose? 

Sue his ***....
MiguelUnlimited sounds like a WWE member lol saw this on twitter
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  I don't mean to laugh but that must of hurt.  I bet she gets mad autographs and pics with  all the famous people there and I bet she gets offered vip concert tickets to any show she wants.     Otherwise I smell a lawsuit coming.   
So Miguel hit chyna with a sissor kick and is the new intercontinental champ?
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