Mike Tyson Vs Bruce Lee #Garcia in my garage bruh

I'd think Tyson had his fair share of street fights himself

When he was young thug gun-butting and robbing people, sure but not as a grown man and a trained boxer.

He was the World Famous Heavyweight Champ at 18, can't go around beating people up when you're that famous. He would've been in even more legal trouble than he already was.

When he talks about the Mitch Greene street fight he says that he was nervous because he hadn't had a street fight in so long.

Bruce also had a bunch of street scuffles as a kid, that's part of the reason his parents moved him to the US.

But people in Bruce's inner circle as an adult have a bunch of first hand stories about his frequent street fights in Cali. Word has it that he lived for street fighting and that's how he was able to develop and perfect the techniques for his Jeet Kune Do style, which is revolves around real life situations.

The martial arts culture in Cali and NY in the 60's and 70's were all about taking what you practiced in the dojo and testing it out in the street.

So while Mike was the more ferocious looking individual, Bruce was probably much more dangerous and experienced in a street fighting situation.

Mike was still a beast so nothing is definite. But The Dragon was a true master that could literally break you apart in a variety of ways.
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I remember reading somewhere before that Bruces street fighting tactics were to basically run around, dodging and parrying to tire his opponents out before finally landing one big knockout blow. This would definitely work against Tyson, but of course if Mike lands one, Bruce is going down.
Tyson isn't confined to just boxing either. This is a brawl, dude can grab him and such. Bite, knees, ultra combos, anything
Iron Mike makes short work of the actor. Mike is one of the most physically imposing and gifted fighters to ever step into a boxing ring.
I think Bruce would win in a street fight, he's too quick. Mike would have a tough time connecting.

But Mike might only need to connect once for Bruce to be KO'd
Tyson if they were to fight and how quick he swings Ges bound to connect and if he does it's a wrap
:lol: :nthat:

i go back and forth on this all the time.

Mike was such a beast but I think Bruce would keep away and the fight would end up in a clinch situation, where Bruce would have the advantage.

If Tyson got a clean hook in though :x

But professional boxing doesn't automatically translate into street fighting. Totally different arenas.
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tell me why everyone's referring to bruce as the actor as if mike hasn't done any acting of his own....
I think it'll be closer than a lot of people think. Could go either way really, but I'd give Bruce the slight edge for versatility and speed.

Now would things be different if you gave each 3-6 months to train for a fight? Or they have to fight straight up in their prime with no further training?

If Mike got to train, would definitely close the gap a bit.
When Mike punches someone the fall directly to the floor, when Bruce kicked a punching bag, the person hold it was turned around and flew feet.



:wow: Never seen this one
Bruce Lee was far more than just an actor. Dudes really showing their ignorance in here and it's just the 2nd page
Hmm...is the area somewhat enclosed or not? If it's a somewhat enclosed area (say, an alley) I don't think Bruce can run forever. Iron Mike made a career out of curing insomnia with one swing.

However, if it's more open, like a park or a wide street, I think Bruce's agility and technical skill comes into play more.

Either way, it would be a hell of a thing to watch.
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