Milk or OJ with eggs?

Mar 27, 2004
So which is it? I can have either.

Feel free to add your own breakfast question, like:

Cereal before or after the main course of breakfast?

I kind of like to have cereal first because it's easy and it'll get something in my stomach as I cook and wait for the rest.

3 or 4 eggs?

It depends on how many I have left. If I have 6, for example, I'll have 3 eggs so that I can have 3 left for the next breakfast.
Originally Posted by dropKicks

Apple juice .. wit eggs over easy

Whoa, apple juice would certainly change things up. I may try that. As for how to cook my eggs, the yolk better be runny.

Try eggs with Chorizo
Orange juice.

My breakfast is usually one of three things:

1. cereal

2. Apple & cinnamon oatmeal

3. Three eggwhites, scrambled with some cheddar cheese (and mushrooms if I have), on wheat toast with a banana on the side (my fav
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