Most annoying commercial on tv...

I like the HeadOn commercials...I think its funny cuz it pisses so many ppl off...who came up with that %%%%!?

But I'd have 2 go with the Extenze (sp?) commercials..."a capsule...that can make a MAN larger?" *smirk* Make it sound like a n'ga can pop acouple of them jawns and be like 8' 9". (and yes, I know what they really for...)

Oh oh...and the PSP commercials..."Its a PSPEEEE!", "Gettin ya pigskin oooooon", "Coll-ect-ibuuuul", "Nice unit!"(aiyo!)...I swear on everything I love I'd str8 give dude a quick 2-piece and a biscuit if I saw him on the street. I HATE that man.
i just hate commercials period...especially during any sports game....seems like they have a commercial after every play
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