Motorola Droid Verizon Wireless

thanks for the new info. Thats what was holding me back from jumping on to verizon because of the 5gb cap. But since you explained it, that it only involvestethering well that makes the data plan better. My bad on incorrect info though.
Originally Posted by Aztec

So can anyone explain why they offer two different data plans. I was checking to see how much more it would be and this are the data plans offered.

[table][tr][td] [h2]PDA/Smartphone Email[/h2]You must select an option below [/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]Unlimited Data Usage[/td] [td]$44.99/month[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [td]Email and Web for Smartphone[/td] [td]$29.99/month[/td] [/tr][/table]

One is if you need corporate provisioning the other the for regular people. From what I hear even on the 29.99 you still get corporate email depending on yoursettings.
Love everything about this phone...traded in my storm 2 for it first day...only complaint is short battery life, any suggestions?
Originally Posted by MiKeY iCe 23

Love everything about this phone...traded in my storm 2 for it first day...only complaint is short battery life, any suggestions?
Advanced Task Killer is your friend.
Droid is sick though closest thing to the iphone if not better. But I would hold off for the new htc coming out soon.
Which HTC>?

I just looked that joint up. Im good

And yeah if your a student you can get that 15% off if you show them a paystub & ID or so like dude was saying.
Originally Posted by icomethru

^^^^^ whats the new HTC called thats coming out???
i think its called HTC Passion? someone correct me if im wrong. Its got that 4.3 screen but no physical keyboard and other things. It sounds hotbut on the real i don't need much more then what i got with this Droid right now. if it ain't that N900 then how much better can it possibly get?
I dont know if I want to get a droid, wait for the htc dragon/passion, or stay in the blackberry family. Upgrading phones is stressful %#@%
I've had this phone for about two weeks now and I'm glad I waited to upgrade to this phone instead of the enV Touch. It's NOT the iPhone killer butdoes have ALOT of nice features. Now I don't need to purchase a new iPod because of the 16gb card. It also took some time before I figured out how toupload ringtones and notification ringtones etc. Oh and I went through 2 silicone cases before I found one that fit.

If you're still skeptical on whether or not to get this phone, take a chance. Go for it! You'll be satisfied.
I sound like I work for vzw or motorola
Originally Posted by distinct101

thanks for the new info. Thats what was holding me back from jumping on to verizon because of the 5gb cap. But since you explained it, that it only involves tethering well that makes the data plan better. My bad on incorrect info though.
Told ya... Got get it the Droid now

Originally Posted by Aztec

Is Pandora a app you can get on the app store? Because from what I hear is that its unlimited data as long as you use regular stuff like email, web, and data usage from using the apps. But its capped at 5gb if for instance you use it to for tethering.
Yeah, it's from the app store. It does give a warning that this could cause data overages before you use it, which is why everyone wasconcerned...
Anyone else lost their battery cover yet? This got me heated had to buy another from motorola
yeah, I definitely need to jump to V to get this phone. Best Buy has it for $200 and amazon has it for $150. Are there any other good deals out there?
Originally Posted by nyrican23

How do I take pics from my Flickr and make it my wallpaper?

Touch it and hold, NH. Then a "right-click" type of menu should come up.
ok so i sent a text with a sound attatchment and i cant figure out how to save the sound file as a ringtone or notification! i need help, im about to smashthis phone!!
Any other must have apps? I got the Pandora and Weather Channel ones right now...

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

ok so i sent a text with a sound attatchment and i cant figure out how to save the sound file as a ringtone or notification! i need help, im about to smash this phone!!
When all else fails, try to press on it and hold... It should bring up a sub menu for saving options...
I don't understand why some of you guys don't get the premium plans 450 mins + unlimited txt start at like $59 or somewhere in that area
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

I don't understand why some of you guys don't get the premium plans 450 mins + unlimited txt start at like $59 or somewhere in that area
Premium plans include a charge for non-smartphone data, such as mobile web and mobile email. Select plans have Unlimited text as well, and no databundled, so you just pay for the Voice and then your 29.99 Email plan.
If you haven't gotten the 2.0.1 update you can download and install it here. (I did it and it works)

2.0.1 forced update:



Rename to

Copy to you SD card as "". Check your windows options, it if appears as just "update" get into windows and fix this.

Power off y0ur DROID, top key, hold it down and then select the menu option to turn it off.

Wait a bit for it to actually power off.

Open the physicial keyboard.

Power back on with this: hold the the X key on the keypad and THEN, OR at the same TIME, next hold the power button (top right button).

When you see a "/!\" symbol, press and hold first vol+, and then hold down the camera button.
Keep holding it down for a bit... maybe 15-20 seconds IIRC...
Alternative, there's reports that you have to do it fast, or do it at the same time.
We simply, and calmly did the vol+, and the did the camera button... 2 seconds or less in the process?

Once the menu shows....
Use the dpad to select the SD UPDATE.ZIP

Wait until the progress bar goes all the way.

When it's done hit the Dpad button, up top it says to hit it to reboot now.

Enjoy the new lockscreen and 2.0.1 goodness after reboot!

The following enhancements to the Droid by Motorola have been made:
  • OS stability is improved.
  • Battery life is improved.
  • Camera auto focus functionality is improved, and time between shots is reduced.
  • Enhancements for three-way calling.
  • Audio for incoming calls is improved.
  • When receiving a call on call waiting, the speakerphone now remains on.
  • Bluetooth[emoji]174[/emoji] functionality is improved; background echo is eliminated.
  • Improved Bluetooth phone book transfer of contacts to in-vehicle Bluetooth solutions.
  • After closing a GPS application, the GPS icon will now automatically be removed from the notification panel.
  • Users can now receive SMS and MMS messages after an EMS message is received.
  • SMS and MMS may now be sent to seven-digit addresses.
  • Google[emoji]174[/emoji] contact merging has been updated to accommodate seven-digit numbers.
  • Visual Voice Mail notices now arrive instantaneously.
  • The corporate calendar widget user interface is updated.
How to Root Your Droid (For Non-Linux/Non-Geeks)
Here's a guide written for non-linux users on how to root your droid. What you do beyond that, well, I have another thread set up for that. Let's get going!

You will need the following:
(Those 3 are the same file, just use either link, and choose another if any is dwn)

Once you have all these files downloaded, extract them all into a new folder at C:\Android

You should now connect your Droid to your computer and Mount the SD Card through the phone (A dialogue will pop up on your phone asking to connect your SD Card. Click Mount)

Go to the C:\Android folder you created. Rename the file to Then take and move it to the SD Card on your phone.

Once this is done, unplug your phone and turn it off by holding the top button, then selecting Power Off.

Open your phone's keyboard. Hold down the letter X key on the keyboard and power your phone on WHILE HOLDING THIS KEY DOWN. You will see the Motorola logo, followed by a graphic with an ! mark on it. At this time let go of the X key and the power button. Press and hold the Volume + key on the side of your phone, then press the camera button while holding the Volume + key.

Now you will be presented with a menu. Navigate to "update" using the D-pad, and click the middle button. Now wait for the process to finish.

When it is complete, your phone will power up again. Go to Settings->Applications->Development and check the USB Debugging checkbox.

Connect your Droid to the Computer again.

Click Start on your computer, and click run. Type cmd in the box, and hit ok. Now type the following, pressing Enter after each line:

cd c:\Android\tools

adb push su /data/local

adb shell


mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

cd /system/bin

mv su osu

cat /data/local/su > su

chmod 6755 su

ls -l *su
(you should see the following)
-rwsr-sr-x root root 76200 2008-08-01 05:00 osu
-rwsr-sr-x root root 76200 2009-05-30 11:28 su
(now continue typing these following lines to finish)



You're done!

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