MTV The Challenge season 27: Bloodlines Fall/Winter 2015

Banana's making power moves? I'm Ready.

Tony really irks me.
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Corey feeling some type of way about Anessa's vote when he dissed her the previous episode.

Abram still got this fool Thomas shook.
Sasha banks>>>

Two new episodes in a row

Nicole is cute when she is natural. WTH is wrong with her and the blue eye contacts?
Wasn't surprised at Johnny's decision at all. This is regular for him.

I feel like there was already a challenge where he royally screwed over Nany :lol:

Him crying to her saying it's cuz of his gf is typical pathetic Johnny. He acting like his vote would've changed Nany going in. It's like son can't even bow out of being a focal point in a vote.
Wow, Bananas actually voted Nany to save face with his girlfriend back home. What a fraud. Just say Jenna's name and justify it with knowing Nany and Aneesa longer (which is the excuse most people use in those situations). Bananas goofed, man. Also, thank god we have someone (Abram) in the house who actually hates Bananas and wants him to die. The show needed that.

Also, after seeing the preview for the rest of the season...

I was on the Nicole bandwagon, but that's too much of a disparity between natural & made up, damn.
I was actually rooting for the twins and their rookie alliance, but I'm glad Abrams jedi mind tricked the Nany vote.
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