MW2 DLC 2: "Resurgence Pack" JUNE......F This Crap.........

Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

Originally Posted by air max 87

its $15 bucks, its not that serious

at you dudes sayin you like MW betta than MW2.....
complaining about kill steak rewards, its your fault for letting them get to that point
Only $15, keep telling that to yourself. Which one looks better to the consumer?

A) $60 Game + $15 DLC 1 + $15 DLC 2 = $90
B) $60 Game + $15 DLC 1 + $15 DLC 2 + $15 DLC 3 + $15 DLC 4 = $120 *Activision said at least 4 DLC*
That price is going to be ridiculous no game on earth is worth more than its MSRP.


A) $90 Game = $90
B) $120 Game = $120

The price totaled would put some logic into anyone and deter them from purchasing, but since DLC will always be micro transactions after the fact, it seems irrelevant to the sunk cost of the game.

I feel bad for the people who bought the LE packs (hardened and binoculars) they have it worse with the computation.

Can't wait when people finally realize how much of a joke this is. I think it will be when the 4th DLC releases.

Man if you broke that down and divided those dollars by the amount of hours of enjoyment you get from playing MW2 you would realize that it is actually worth it! Some of you guys just always want something for nothing and dont understand business and the time and effort developers put into this games.  Just simply look at the hours of enjoyment you get from playing the game. 

Most of us spend money on going to the movies each year and spend more money for less total time of enjoyment.  So if you are complaining about $120 for the countless hours of online play you have participated in then you just seriously do not get value. It is not always about the price....look at the total VALUE of what you are getting!

where did I say I want crap for free? Don't give me that BS about its business, hard work, etc.

All I am saying is that it is not worth $15 especially when old maps are already on the same engine and can be easily transferred to MW2 with simple addition of re-coloring. So with that said they could easily lower to a more reasonable price.

Hours of enjoyment equaling value? how about glitches, modders, hackers, lag, non working lobbies, party system is crap, etc. COD4 now that was true value because when the game released it was polished (BETAs WORK) with very few hiccups, the DLC was a reasonable price and provided pure entertainment, MW2 on the other hand was a glitched $60 piece of work in progress crap from the get go and the nerve to charge $15/DLC. And should I see value in MW2 when compared to COD4 I was playing that nonstop? MW2  is more here and there. So yes I do understand value. And before you say something about going back to COD4, I would but no one on my friend list plays COD4 anymore.

And maybe I am biased because I bought the Stimulus Pack DLC and thought that was pure utter garbage waste of $15. Other than the COD4 maps, it was not worth it at all.

Do you realize how money hungry Activision is? Infinity Ward employees have already left the company to start their own.


Man the way you are complaining it sounds like even if it was free you would still complain.  My points about business and hard work are the truth but you just dont want to realize.

Honestly glitches in MW2?! I feel as thought MW2 overall is a much more polished game than COD4....where are the glitches?! I have not had any problems with the games online play. Occasional lag here and there like in COD4 but no major problems. I do agree with you regarding the fact it could be a bit less with older maps on it and quite frankly I wish it was just five new maps....but its not and at the end of the day for $15 bucks I am enjoying the maps for the fact I have five more maps added to the playlist which gives me some diversity.  There is value in that!!

What do you want the price to go down to? $9.99?? Lets say that reasonable with the two old maps in the stimulus at the end of the day you're upset over FIVE BUCKS!! If your are truly hung up over five bucks for some DLC then you just shouldn't be purchasing add-ons online. 

And I realize Activision is a business and they are trying to make a profit.  But if the product is good (which this is) and I get enjoyment out of the money I am spending for a product then what is there for me to complain about?! Nothing at all! If the maps were crappy and you paid 15 dollars and didnt like then fine but the maps are far from that at all. But if you are going to complain about the price without looking at the value you are getting or the fact that there is a business side to things and it is not just about you paying the cheapest price you want then don't play the game because clearly you do not get it.
If you played the games I've been in, you will see how flawed this game is as in glitches, online, etc.

Reasonable price is $8 and its principle not if I can afford it. (Activision not Infinity Ward wanted the $15 price tag)

The maps were garbage except for the COD4 maps which should have been free.

Please stop telling me I do not know value. You have your opinion about value with the game and I have my own. To you its completely worth it and to me its not. End of story.
Fair enough man and I have enjoyed the discussion no hard feelings at all.
I disagree with you that new maps are garbage and seriously would love to know what you would have done to improve thos particular maps.

I hear your points but you say that a reasonable price for you would be $8 and thats cool but really at the end of the day we are talking about a $7 difference. Is it really that serious? And $7 is stopping you from buying DLC?! 

If it is then it is not gonna argue you on that but IMO we are talking about $7....its not that serious to me. 
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Honestly glitches in MW2?! I feel as thought MW2 overall is a much more polished game than COD4....where are the glitches?! I have not had any problems with the games online play. Occasional lag here and there like in COD4 but no major problems.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. I was with you on your other points but that quote needs to be addressed:

Care Package Speed multiplier,
Infinite Care Package, infinite EADrop,
Harrier glitch,
Afghan, Derail, Wasteland level geometry glitch,
Derail, Kirachi, Favela elevators,
M9, MG4 silencers still showing up on radar,
Akimbo M9 knife speed,

Not to mention the overpowered
Akimbo 1887's (patched post-release),
One Man Army noobtube, coupled with danger close,
Commando range,
Painkiller's strength,
Overpowered Secondaries,

These are all problems with the game that could have been eliminated/balanced with a Beta. Activision/IW (whoever made the decision to forgo a Beta) released a very unfinished game to the public. And it still is not balanced.

Take a look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2's last patch changes. Those guys are doing something right.
Yo the only glitch I have noticed here and irks me is the commando range which is ridiculous. Players that play with lightweight and commando pro can just run to bullets and knife you.  I would love that to be fixed. All of the other glitches I have never experienced ( and some I would need explanation on like the Harrier glitch and elevators on certain maps I have no idea what those glitches are) with the exception Painkiller strength too. Not saying you are wrong or you are complaining but did this really effect the enjoyment of gameplay?
There are some corny stuff that  I dont like in MW2 that gives players certain advantages but does it kill the overall gameplay for me? No it doesn't.  Maybe I am not aware of some of these glitches and it could be why I view the game this way but I am just being honest. I am sure the game could have used a Beta but I really don't think the problems are that bad.  However I am going to look into some of the glitches you mentioned so that I am informed. I appreciate the info though! 

The Harrier glitch was one that allowed you to fill the sky with harriers with just one 7killstreak. It required calling in a stealth bomber and a teammate calling in a harrier and then you could call in 3 more with one laptop. Very uncommon, but doable. It may have been patched.

Elevators are where you can make your player float above/below the map to escape the map's boundaries. In Derail it allows for some terrific sniping spots, and are all great for finishing the Lightweight perk challenges (250 miles sprinted).

Commando, painkiller and OMA/noobtube are the three biggest problems for me. It makes the game unplayable for me. And I have over 18 days played on MW2.

While CoD4 is by no means a perfect game, jumping into a lobby and never seeing any of the things I mentioned above is so refreshing.

The resurgence pack looks like a lot of fun, who knows if I will still be playing the game in July when the PS3 gets it, but until them the Stim pack that just dropped keeps me in lobbies.

EDIT: looked for a link to the Harrier glitch in my YouTube history page, but I see the video was removed:
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs


The Harrier glitch was one that allowed you to fill the sky with harriers with just one 7killstreak. It required calling in a stealth bomber and a teammate calling in a harrier and then you could call in 3 more with one laptop. Very uncommon, but doable. It may have been patched.
i believe it was patched, it was difficult to pull off but it was doable. most people did this Harrier glitch during domination and you will literally see a person have five or six harrier's in the sky.

IW needed to have a beta for this game just like they did with 4 but, i think they became pushed to release the game fast as possible by activision.
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs


The Harrier glitch was one that allowed you to fill the sky with harriers with just one 7killstreak. It required calling in a stealth bomber and a teammate calling in a harrier and then you could call in 3 more with one laptop. Very uncommon, but doable. It may have been patched.

Elevators are where you can make your player float above/below the map to escape the map's boundaries. In Derail it allows for some terrific sniping spots, and are all great for finishing the Lightweight perk challenges (250 miles sprinted).

Commando, painkiller and OMA/noobtube are the three biggest problems for me. It makes the game unplayable for me. And I have over 18 days played on MW2.

While CoD4 is by no means a perfect game, jumping into a lobby and never seeing any of the things I mentioned above is so refreshing.

The resurgence pack looks like a lot of fun, who knows if I will still be playing the game in July when the PS3 gets it, but until them the Stim pack that just dropped keeps me in lobbies.

EDIT: looked for a link to the Harrier glitch in my YouTube history page, but I see the video was removed:
Good info bro I seriously had not experienced any of these although I am sure I probably have experienced elevators and not realized it.  I agree with you on Commando (distance) and the painkiller perk....I am not too fond of that. Thanks again for the info....while the Harrier one is uncommon that is just absolutely ridiculous man!
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Honestly glitches in MW2?! I feel as thought MW2 overall is a much more polished game than COD4....where are the glitches?! I have not had any problems with the games online play. Occasional lag here and there like in COD4 but no major problems.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. I was with you on your other points but that quote needs to be addressed:

Care Package Speed multiplier,
Infinite Care Package, infinite EADrop,
Harrier glitch,
Afghan, Derail, Wasteland level geometry glitch,
Derail, Kirachi, Favela elevators,
M9, MG4 silencers still showing up on radar,
Akimbo M9 knife speed,

Not to mention the overpowered
Akimbo 1887's (patched post-release),
One Man Army noobtube, coupled with danger close, < Scavenger, danger close, and Noobtube, with a thumper or rpg. 
Commando range,
Painkiller's strength,
Overpowered Secondaries,

These are all problems with the game that could have been eliminated/balanced with a Beta. Activision/IW (whoever made the decision to forgo a Beta) released a very unfinished game to the public. And it still is not balanced.

Take a look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2's last patch changes. Those guys are doing something right.
Honestly, i'll probably end up buying this, just like i did the last one, for the kids.
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