MY Top Ten Dunks of 2008-2009 NBA Season

#7 should have been in the top 3....I understand you're a Bulls fan.....but com'on...
#7 should have been in the top 3....I understand you're a Bulls fan.....but com'on...
Yeah I know I was at both games so don't let my being a season ticket holder sway your judgment of my list

But real talk those were my favorite and although I can understand people not being happy with my #1 there is no doubt in my mind about #2 being nastydon't matter what team you route for that flush was outta control!

but i like the one where shawn marion had the dunk to win the game and
they traded him the next day..
Yeah I was also there when poor Thabo got banged on...
Only wishMarion could have been traded the day before instead of the day after

You guys have posted some nice ones a few I forgot about
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