National Title Game : Kansas Vs Memphis - 9:21 EST

YO! #+@* KU...
Bitter broads. I pray they stop ridin' the Heels so hard.

Now, unrelated to the game:

Is tournament footage no longer exclusive CBS rights after the title game? I noticed when they were showing the WKU buzzer beater it had "NCAA" inthe corner as opposed to "CBS" like they'd had during the tournament. DF!!!
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

I had to laugh thinking about all the kids who are going to hate their coaches for making them run suicides after missing free throws because of this game.

that's something bad coaches do. you can't punish kids for missing free throws, that just puts more pressure on them.. you've gotta make them relaxed at the foul line under pressure.. Or better yet, you've just gotta recruit kids who have that winner's mentality.. it something some people are born with and others aren't... i think foul shots in crunch time speak more of your character than your coaching.

I disagree, shooting free throws has a lot to do with mental focus and practice. I ran suicides all throughout my playing career for a powerhouse program and I knew that if I didn't practice my free throws in the off season and my down time I was going to be running all night.

The threat of having to run if you miss doesn't equate to mental focus.. it mostly equates to fear and nervousness. I want guys as relaxed as possible at the line.. relaxed doesn't mean you aren't focused, it means extreme focus through calmness.

Maybe that method works for you - but for many players, they more stress you put on them the worse they will perform.. it's important not to let FT's get into a players head, that's why you should make them as comfortable as possible at practice.

The idea of punishment for missing them is very 1980's style coaching.. it's old school, and maybe still works for a lot of players.. but i would never do things that way. You should make players run for a lot of different things they do wrong, but missing shots is a bad one to go after somebody for, it's a good way to make somebody a headcase... nobody goes to the line trying to miss - that's something you don't get better at by being afraid of.

I guess we have to disagree on this one. I think you need to simulate the in-game tension in practice and become relaxed with that tension there so you can come through when the game is on the line. Running is one thing that players hate to do as punishment, but realistically, if you are a headcase due to running you probably weren't going to be much of a help in pressure situations. And if you can't hit freethrows with the threat of running a simple suicide on the line, how are you going to hit a free throw with a championship at stake?

I'm with you to a point - i know WHY they do it, to simulate that in game pressure.

I just think many coaches went too far with it - causing the FT line to haunt players by having them shoot too many in practice.

I would say for most basketball players, the foul line is about 95 percent mental and 5 percent physical.. sometimes the best thing for a player is just NOTto shoot them for a few days.. Whereas all i've heard these bonehead analysts saying for weeks now is "they need to shoot more FT's inpractice", when you know Cal had these dudes strapped down to the foul line more than he'd ever want to.

But it doesn't really matter - there's 1000 ways to skin a cat... if your team is making FT's when they need to, doesn't matter how you getit done. Apparently nothing Cal tried worked too well this year though.

by the way - anyone else find it hilarious that KU won a chip the year before Roy took over, and just a few years after he left.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

The threat of having to run if you miss doesn't equate to mental focus.. it mostly equates to fear and nervousness. I want guys as relaxed as possible at the line.. relaxed doesn't mean you aren't focused, it means extreme focus through calmness.

Maybe that method works for you - but for many players, they more stress you put on them the worse they will perform.. it's important not to let FT's get into a players head, that's why you should make them as comfortable as possible at practice.

The idea of punishment for missing them is very 1980's style coaching.. it's old school, and maybe still works for a lot of players.. but i would never do things that way. You should make players run for a lot of different things they do wrong, but missing shots is a bad one to go after somebody for, it's a good way to make somebody a headcase... nobody goes to the line trying to miss - that's something you don't get better at by being afraid of.

which is the reason memphis lost, they choked when it got close CDR and Rose were both on point the whole tourney with minimal FT issues because they wererarely challenged and games were not as close.....but with 2 min left in the Nat'l championship game and the world watching its nervous breakdown time.
suicides help simulate a situation where you are tired. CDR wasn't freshly hydrated and relaxed when he shot those FTs. no, it was the 4th quarter and hewas dog tired.

and when you do them in a team situation, it also creates a situation where your team is counting on you. you know that if you miss, everyone will be pissedbecause the whole team has to run suicides. so if you've ever been in a practice like that, you KNOW you'll be more focused and you'll hit thoseshots.

being in that situation over and over makes you comfortable with hitting FTs under duress. you may say its 80s style coaching, but it works better thanwhatever Calipari tried to do.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! #+@* KU...
Bitter broads. I pray they stop ridin' the Heels so hard.

Now, unrelated to the game:

Is tournament footage no longer exclusive CBS rights after the title game? I noticed when they were showing the WKU buzzer beater it had "NCAA" in the corner as opposed to "CBS" like they'd had during the tournament. DF!!!

I don't think so cause ESPN is already planning to air it this week as an instant classic game.
Yeah, it is most definitely mental...

they hear it all season long and tonight in the biggest spot of their's all up to the FT line.

in the other games in the tournament, they started to knock them down early and got on a roll....confidence is huge.
I don't know if anyone mentioned it but I think the biggest turning point was when Kansas was down 7 then they stole the inbounds pass and drained a 3 tocut the lead to 4. It gave them there confidence back and made them believe they could win again. I feel for Memphis but in a way it's like it's theirown damn fault for missing those free throws. And once it went into OT there was basically no way Memphis would win...
First of all, mad props to Memphis, had a great season, and played a great game.
But wow. I was sure this one was over with 2 minutes to go. One final prayer...and bam. Chalmers hits the greatest shot I've ever seen.
This is the greatest night of my life. I will never ever ever forget this.
Thank you Kansas Jayhawks 2008.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

suicides help simulate a situation where you are tired. CDR wasn't freshly hydrated and relaxed when he shot those FTs. no, it was the 4th quarter and he was dog tired.

and when you do them in a team situation, it also creates a situation where your team is counting on you. you know that if you miss, everyone will be pissed because the whole team has to run suicides. so if you've ever been in a practice like that, you KNOW you'll be more focused and you'll hit those shots.

being in that situation over and over makes you comfortable with hitting FTs under duress. you may say its 80s style coaching, but it works better than whatever Calipari tried to do.

I'm actually pretty sure that's the type of method he DID use... which is why i'm bringing this up at all. The whole, "team runs if youmiss" thing is so old, i think every coach at least tries that method at some point. It'd be more of a shock to me if he DIDN'T use that withthese guys.. you know he put them in pressure situations in practice, the man is a good coach.. I'm just saying, maybe he put too much pressure on them fortoo long this year - maybe that's why they were all head cases.
I was watching the game thinking them +%@@$@ probably angry as hellat that damn confetti.
I don't think so cause ESPN is already planning to air it this week as an instant classic game.
Damn, I meant to say when ESPN showed the WKU buzzer beater. But I think you answered it.

And CDR is gone... might as well change that sig, whoever it is who has it. Eh, Tarheels will be preseason #1. DF!!!
You dudes are out of your minds with this "Rose has taken the #1 pick" away from Beasley talk...

And for the dude who said a PG is more important than a big me ONE championship team in the post Jordan era that didn't have an all star caliberbig man.
Props to Memphis they gave a good fight"
But Big propz to Mario it seemed jus like when i used to watch him in high school at bartlett

We had it till the end. If we got dem FTs down it would have been a done deal.

Oh well no partying down at Beale for me this year.
You dudes are out of your minds with this "Rose has taken the #1 pick" away from Beasley talk...

And for the dude who said a PG is more important than a big me ONE championship team in the post Jordan era that didn't have an all star caliber big man.

I think It's 50/50 at this point depending on what teams/executives get that pick.

As far as big man/little man debate..

Beasley isn't 6'11 or 7' like Oden was last year that will live on the block and can dominate on D.

Not that he's a finesse player, just rather that...he isn't fitting the dominate big man mold of players who won titles (TD, Shaq)...which is obvious....he's a pretty unique player.

I would say nobody is going wrong with either choice.

You didn't use that argument in the Oden/KD debates tho either..

Just sayin you might be stickin up for your boys on these two...which is understandable.
i took great pride in watching these %#@*@%$ bums choke away the game. i was hating Fresh style tonight

i ant going to read the whole post but why the %+%+ was roy williams at the game in kansas gear??
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Kansas was, imo, the best team in the country this year from start to finish. THey made the big plays when they needed them and found ways to win... can't take anything away from them.
I would agree with that.
at how you had a Freudian slip andsubliminally capitalized the TH of they in your second sentence. I always knew you were a closet Tyler Hansbrough fan.

But in all seriousness this was a great year in college basketball. I thought the tourney wasn't as boring as some would say and this championship game wasvery entertaining. I wish it was the Heels though...

Can't wait for October 12......
Originally Posted by allen3xis

You dudes are out of your minds with this "Rose has taken the #1 pick" away from Beasley talk...

And for the dude who said a PG is more important than a big me ONE championship team in the post Jordan era that didn't have an all star caliber big man.

That's because Oden isn't an all star caliber big man....people are HOPING he develops skills that an all star caliber big man has. Mike alreadyhas those skills...nobody's hoping he develops them.
Originally Posted by theUisinthebuildin

And for the dude who said a PG is more important than a big me ONE championship team in the post Jordan era that didn't have an all star caliber big man.
beasley is a 3
According to who? Because he certainly hasn't EVER played that position in his life.
That's because Oden isn't an all star caliber big man....people are HOPING he develops skills that an all star caliber big man has. Mike already has those skills...nobody's hoping he develops them.
Yeah, Mike is more skilled certainly..

I would say Oden is an All Star caliber defender whenever he steps on the court tho...

6'9 to a legit 7' is a difference too.

I think both will be All Stars....I think the same with Rose and Durant.

All 4 are gona be great imo.

But My preference this time around is Rose.

According to who? Because he certainly hasn't EVER played that position in his life.
Yeah...this i do not all. I don't know what people were watching with him to form that statement.
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