Netbooks for school


formerly golfwang
Apr 4, 2011
I have a laptop that I use at home for gaming and recreational use but I wanted to get a smaller laptop,preferably a netbook, just for school and work. I would only be using this for web browsing, microsoft office documents, and media(mostly music).

I will have all my music on an small external that I can carry around with me so memory isn't too big of a deal.

Also, I prefer the netbook to have a decent processor so it wont lock up and freeze all the time like other netbooks I have used before. Easily accessible panel opening would also be great for any upgrades I would make in the future. I'm willing to spend up to $650

Anyone have any recommendations fellow NTers?
if you already have a laptop, get a tablet with a keyboard dock..
tablets now a days are crazy, and do almost as much as a netbook, and are probably smoother.
I'll second the tablet thing. Netbooks by their very nature are underpowered and their purpose is to be a cheap computer. A tablet with a keyboard would be ideal. They're great for reading books and just relaxing too. If you get an Android tablet, you'll likely get an expansion port in there too so you can upgrade the memory and store your music on there. With something like Evernote and/or Dropbox, you can also store all you documents on there and access it from anywhere without having to worry about lugging around a USB drive and the likelihood  of losing it and all of your school documents.
netbooks are pretty much dead. Most of the companies are transitioning to ultrabooks. Since most are already on gen 2 of their models you should be able to score a cheap gen 1. Hope that helps.
yeah, netbooks went obsolete by the time tablets and smartphones hit the scene. it's about tablets / iPads, ULTRABOOKS or maybe even a Macbook Air.

A Macbook Air would probably be right up your alley, but their definitely run higher than your $650 budget.

An iPad definitely would work, BUT I'd wait to see how the supposedly 7-inch iPad Mini's turn out this later fall.
I use a netbook for school. I also use a tablet. On the real you can not do any real work on a tablet. The netbook if you wipe it clean of whatever bloatware is fine. I put in a 2 gb stick which helped it. I run windows 8 enterprise on mine and it runs it just fine.

Netbook for real work>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tablet
I'm using my iPad with a Zagg keyboard case this semester for school. Enjoy it so far.
I've been considering buying a tablet with a keyboard since its very mobile and convenient.

I'm still looking at some netbooks, Deciding between the Samsung NF310-A01,Acer Aspire One AOD255-1203, and HP Pavilion dm1z. Couple others I'm looking at also.

Thanks for all the feedback. I'll give an update on my last ladder of choices. Much appreciated :smokin
Wait, is a Macbook pro considered a ultrabook?

Is it dead?

No, the Macbook air is the granddaddy of ultrabooks. A MBP is still basically a laptop, although it's moving towards ultrabook status with the dimensions.

The Macbook Air more less created the ultrabook genre. Razor thin. No built-in optical drive. Wireless only (though I think you can add ethernet with a USB dongle). And of course, battery sipping solid-state hard drive . . .
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