NETFLIX-Narcos '17- Season 3 trailer up

Pablo Escobar was a terrorist that killed innocent people including children.

I can understand the system that produces dudes like Limon, I understand why someone like him would idolize Pablo, but that doesn't mean I will excuse their actions. Idolizing Escobar is one thing, helping him reign down terror on others is another. Hell if all Limon did was drive Pablo around then I could feel some sort of sympathy for ole boy.

Once you cross that line, **** you. So once Limon killed that cop, **** him

I agree with you fam...lmaoooo wether he was forced by fear or loyalty, he made his choices.

What I'm saying is, life in that time in Colombia wasn't easy for anyone....a good choice or a bad one, probably didn't matter much...

Did you empathized with Carillo?

I am not condemning everyone in Columbia that supported or idolized Pablo, I'm condemning dudes like LimonLime that knew exactly who Pablo was, and assisted him directly in reigning terror.

I have a special level of hatred for Pablo Escobar though :lol:. Even when he built playground in his city for the poor, he did it with money he made off of flooding neighborhoods with poison.

And trust me, I feel a deep sadness for those dudes that only had Pablo to look up too because the government was so corrupt and incompetent.

Living in despair pushes people to do some horrible things. But at some point, I draw the line.
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I am not condemning everyone in Columbia that supported or idolized Pablo, I'm condemning dudes like LimonLime that knew exactly who Pablo was, and assisted him directly in reigning terror.

I have a special level of hatred for Pablo Escobar though :lol:. Even when he built playground in his city for the poor, he did it with money he made off of flooding neighborhoods with poison.

And trust me, I feel a deep sadness for those dudes that only had Pablo to look up too because the government was so corrupt and incompetent.

Living in despair pushes people to do some horrible things. But at some point, I draw the line.

Yup! That is true....some guys chose that life of crime, others chose to fight them, others chose to mind their business and try to walk a straight line, all of them were dropping like flies during those times and it didn't end when Pabs died....**** actually got worst in those poor hoods....young cats armed to the teeth, fighting for territories, letting bullets fly on a daily basis, women, children good dudes catching the fade because they simply lives in one side of town and crossed the avenue into "enemy" grandma told me stories of kids having to loop the entire town to get to school, because walking directly would mean getting shot....these gangs had these towns looking like war zones....there was no hyerchy to follow in these places once Pablo was gone.

Glad things turn around and you can actually spot tourists roaming the city....I miss it man...specially xmas.
Límon is a POS, period.
Limon is what happens when a normally good person gets caught in the nonsense in his neighborhood. He reminds me of a character on The Wire. Good kid who through bad circumstances ultimately loses his soul. To the point that he would harm the one person he cared the most for. That's what that lifestyle does to people. 
No excuse for Limon. Dude is a POS just like Pablo. Quica is ***** made and a **** boy. The cartel were all fake tough guys that got exposed when Los Pepes came a knocking and actually brought the fight to them. Carrillo was that dude but I didn't approve of what he did. Pablo's fam were a bunch of idiots especially his moms for getting them shot up but yet wanting Pablo to tell her it wasn't her fault. :smh::rofl:
Think about this, what is the difference between Pablo and say, any President of the USA?

Is there really, a difference?
just finished season 2, looking forward to seeing Murphy and Peña getting Cali
Man, finished season 2 last night. That last scene with Pablo & Gustavo really was nice. Will enjoy season 3 & 4 when they come out.
Think about this, what is the difference between Pablo and say, any President of the USA?

Is there really, a difference?

Was Pablo democratically elected to be the leader of a drug cartel, legally bound to follow laws passed by an elected group of people, did he have to answer to the people every four years, can those elected official kick him out of power for not behaving properly?

There is a difference.

The president makes tons of tough decisions that leads to lost of life of plenty, there is no denying that. But generally we have a public and political discussion about how what type of behavior we allow from a president.

Pablo Escobar is a terrorist that acted basically unilaterally.
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S3- cali cartel
S4- el señor de cielos??

Hopefully they keep the seasons comming and it goes all the way to chapo, zetas, and then to the new jalisco cartel.
so about 2 weeks ago my boss held a DEA education fund/ Narcos fundraiser at their house.

Wagner, Boyd and Pedro were there.

Newman as well

and last but not least the real Pena and Murphy was there.

such a good evening. The actors are all really chill. Wagner is super quiet and skinny lol..

boyd was getting lit and pedro was just chillin.

Pena murphy , newman and the actors gave a panel presentation, one thing they wanted to make sure duing the making of this show was that pablo was not being "celebrated in any way" because of the things he was involved with and had done..

Pena and murphy gave a dope *** slide show with real pics of the whole operation. in the slide show got to see pablos estates. real members of his crew. his labs. his money. his product. La Cathedral (place is insane). his hobbies. killings. bombings and various things, one of the dopest was the last slide which was the picture of murphy over pablos dead body (ie like in the show).

some of the facts they through out were insane to... they were experiencing up to 20-30 car bombings a day. the day pablo died, the murder rate dropped 80% in colombia.

if theres anything else i can remember ill add in.
So pablo was 24 when he met his soon to be wife when she was 13?

Think about this, what is the difference between Pablo and say, any President of the USA?

Is there really, a difference?

Ya know, my whole time watching this series and looking at Pablo I kept thinking he's no different than those guys in our government who go out and kill innocent people on the regular. Of course his intentions were awful and he was a petty dude, but I can't look at him with disdain like others. He was powerful with a lot of money and could do whatever the hell he wanted. Difference is he pretty much owned his ****. And nah, I'm not advocating for anything he did. But I "get it."
Ya know, my whole time watching this series and looking at Pablo I kept thinking he's no different than those guys in our government who go out and kill innocent people on the regular. Of course his intentions were awful and he was a petty dude, but I can't look at him with disdain like others. He was powerful with a lot of money and could do whatever the hell he wanted. Difference is he pretty much owned his ****. And nah, I'm not advocating for anything he did. But I "get it."

Had a similar thought. Dude was a King and did what Kings do. His biggest mistake was trying to go legit in the government. Homeboy could've just seized the country at one point because the masses had his back. He played with power and power is a ***** when you half step. Do I condone his actions? Hell no. But seeing it for what it is, Pablo was no different than most rulers. He just happened to rule the drug trade.
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