New Report: Majority of Snap Recipients Are White

So you'll scream at the top of your lungs that you're not racist, but you cling SO hard to anything that presents people of color - especially Black people - as inferior.
Just agreeing with a factual statement. The article tries to skew people into thinking that there are more whites and blacks on the program, and of course most people dumb enough run with it, but when you do the math it's pretty obvious that there are more African Americans on it. Get over yourself and take a chill pill. 
Eh he can see whatever you edit and show everyone whatever you wrote before you deleted it. No escaping this.

I didn't delete it, he did.

If your post contains a rule violation, it's subject to deletion.  It was up for a minute.  Nobody was impressed.  We'd rather get back to discussing the topic at hand, which actually matters to some folks.  

Get over yourself.  The thread's not about you.  

Nothing in my post that was deleted was in anywaya rule violation and it was on topic.
You reach to call me a racist, then deleted my response.

Expose them racists Meth.

I'm confused on when I became one.

This dude koopa trying so hard to get in the middle of shots that wasn't even directed at him.

I'm no Meth D rider but i think we can all accept his D is nothing to mess with...

Lol I have never tried to take shots.

It was really a honest question followed by jokes.

Meth been known to run off and ban anyone thst opposes his views.

Dude definitely a scholar but that doesn't make him right on his opinions.
So you'll scream at the top of your lungs that you're not racist, but you cling SO hard to anything that presents people of color - especially Black people - as inferior.
Just agreeing with a factual statement. The article tries to skew people into thinking that there are more whites and blacks on the program, and of course most people dumb enough run with it, but when you do the math it's pretty obvious that there are more African Americans on it. Get over yourself and take a chill pill. 
Of the thousands of "factual statements" made on our forums each day, it's obvious to everyone unfortunate enough to recognize your account name that you only "agree" with a select few.

There's no denying the pattern, just like you're incapable of actually defending your positions.  All you do is take your little racial cheap shots and then run away.  Is it any wonder people believe you're just a racist forum troll?  

Read the article.  There ARE more White people than Black people on the program in absolute terms, just like there ARE more US-born players in the NBA than foreign-born players.  That there are "disproportionately more" foreign born players relative to their share in the population doesn't cause anyone anywhere to consider the NBA a "foreign born" league.  

Try again.  

You're defending a negative racial stereotype.  I want to know why. 

You STAY ducking my question about attribution, and I've asked in other threads.  You seize every opportunity to pile on to anything that impugns people of color, but when prompted to explain why you feel that racial inequality is somehow "justified," suddenly you have nothing to say.  

Prove me wrong.  

It's SO important to you to make it known that Black Americans are disproportionately represented in this program.  Why do you think that's so?  Huh?  What's that?  Speak up and stay focused.  No distractions.  No diversions.  

Answer the question.  Biology?  Culture?  What is it?   

Hmm?  Afraid you'll expose yourself?  

Let's hear it.  
If your post contains a rule violation, it's subject to deletion.  It was up for a minute.  Nobody was impressed.  We'd rather get back to discussing the topic at hand, which actually matters to some folks.  

Get over yourself.  The thread's not about you.  
Nothing in my post that was deleted was in anywaya rule violation and it was on topic.
You reach to call me a racist, then deleted my response.
It had nothing to do with the topic.  The post was entirely about your ego and was deleted for petty insults.  Move on. 

I never called you a racist.  I wasn't even speaking to you.  For some reason, you went out of your way to take offense and then play Internet tough guy.  

You caught feelings over a post that wasn't even directed at you.  The only reason I could think of, under the circumstances, was your warning this past summer for using the word "darkie."  I didn't call you a racist.  I cited a simple fact about your posting history.  

As others have noted, you went out of your way to jump in front of shots that weren't even aimed at you and frantically express your outrage in the most childish way possible.  

You misinterpreted my post in a way that nobody else seems to have done, and you've compounded your error by rifling off a series of pointless, juvenile personal attacks.  "Want these bruises?"  "You sound like you need a woman."  Grow up.  This is a thread about a meaningful subject.  Your misunderstanding was ended hours ago.  Do not attempt to further disrupt the thread.  You know how to PM me. 

I don't ban people who disagree with me.  I disagree with people who disagree with me.  That you still have the ability to argue otherwise only proves my point. 
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That's what I thought.

If anyone catches Duck Dodgers popping off on some more racial drive-by nonsense, tell him to get back here and answer the damned question.  

It's one thing to have an opinion and accept accountability for it.  It's another to act like a cowardly Internet troll and just traipse around lobbing out incendiary comments before going back into hiding.  Anyone engaged in the latter doesn't deserve posting access to our community. 
Late to the party but damn :smokin :lol:

Koopa tried real hard to get Meth's attention here though :lol:

I expect similar sentiments from these racists when it comes to what the DOJ discovered in their investigation about the Ferguson PD but I know that'll just set up their automatic deflection mechanisms.
Obviously there are more whites then blacks in this country unless this is saying 40% of all whites vs. 25% of all blacks which i highly doubt.

Came in here to say this. The way the article presents the data is obviously trying to give you a message. Obviously 25% of blacks on snap is still a large percentage proportionate to the population if blacks in the country. But the article doesn't say that though.
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