New Westbrook signature shoe? (Pic)

I like Russ even more now.


Kidding, kidding.

But his other option was to be fake nice with you, which would have been the "professional" thing to do, right?

Personally I don't like when people are fake with me and I think I'm not alone in that sentiment.

However I can completely understand how Russ acting like that could turn someone off to him for life.

Here's some perspective though-

I've had to opportunity to meet Michael Jordan twice in my life.

The first time I was like 6 and he blew me and my dad off. My dad was completely turned off by this interaction and in his mind, it has been "F*** Michael Jordan for life!"

I was 6 and just a little sad.

I got over it and once MJ started doing those flight school camps in Santa Barbara I begged my parents to send me.

For a few years my dad refused to pay, but eventually he gave in and ponied up the $500.

At Jordan camp everyone gets to take a pic with Mike and get one thing signed so I got an authentic Jersey signed and he was really nice to me.

I say all of that to say that sometimes it just depends on when and where and in what circumstance you encounter some of these people.

There are two camps on Russ:

1- A camp that says he's basically an outstanding person and humanitarian who'd give the shirt off of his back

2- A Camp that swears he's the biggest a-hole on earth (People in this camp include large swaths of the media and Utah Jazz fans).

Russ doesn't owe any of us anything and everyone should accept that.

Agree with all this - for once

If I met him again, or someone I know came back and he’s a strong guy, I’m good. I even looked at it like you and @peteweezy said - he’s probably going “who the ____ is this Guy and why do I care?” And people in OKC love the guy from what I have seen and heard.

And his shoes are great on court. Honestly.
There’s a detailed Brian Curtis article from grant land from several years ago that goes into deep detail about how the OKC PR people and management enabled Russ’ behavior.

You should probably check it out before saying some ill -informed stupid stuff like you just said.

Now it’s totallt up to you if you want to read that or not, but if you’re not gonna read it and give yourself some context, it’s probably best for you to be quiet about it.

The stupid reporter also published a column that kind of unintentionally revealed that in this specific instance he is in fact the problem and not Russ.

Russ’ former coach Scott Brooks even vouched for Russ as a person on and off the court.

Your comments on this are laughable and you’re not viewing the situation objectively at all.

I appreciate your insight. I read the article back in 2015 when it was originally published, and honestly, I do not disagree with anything written. Trammel gets under the skin of the players, because he is often times too grammatically correct. He is old fashioned in the way he speaks, and structures his questions in a way, that is open ended, and often times comes off as condescending. His questions are purposely open ended and he uses his craft to manipulate, to guide the conversation down the path where he controls what the response from the player "should" be. Then when the athlete doesn't like the question, and/or answers in a way that doesn't jive with what was gets awkward. Often times it makes the athlete look/sound stupid or less intelligent. And therefore...creates tension. Rinse and Repeat, after many years of this...….we have the current situation at hand.

I'm not here to throw out comments like "ill-informed stupid stuff" and "probably be best for you to be quiet about it," as this is a discussion forum open to input from any and all participants. So, you are entitled to your opinion. However, I will also remain confident in my assessment as I am about as closely aligned to the current situation as one could be, without actually being employed by the Oklahoman, or the Thunder organization itself. Myself as well as my children have been around Russ many times over the past 10 years, have worked closely with his foundation, and as posted before...have always been one of his biggest nut-huggers/supporters. (See my avatar pic? I mean, I literally am campaigning for Russ everywhere I drive.) But this little "tiff" with the "stupid reporter" is just more of the same, in his increasingly declining public perception. (As well, as his demonstrative behavior on court) In full confidence, I can tell you that there are several key contributors in the oil/gas industry in Oklahoma that for the most part support the payroll of the OKC Thunder. Russell Westbrook is the face of this organization. To some of those "key contributors," the public perception and RW with the way he carries himself on and off the court as the face of this franchise (and this City) matters MORE to some people, than how he can jump real real high, or dribble real real good, or how many triple doubles he can get. When you have a franchise in such a small market as Oklahoma City, even having one major corporation/sponsor waiver on support, based solely on his will create pressure for something to change.

It's money, and its politics. In a large market like L.A. or N.Y. or even Chicago...this would be a complete non issue. But its VERY different here. If this team was winning, I'm confident most of this chatter would go away. But for the first time ever....there is a collective group of people in OKC who would prefer Russell Westbrook and the Thunder organization to mutually part ways. And it has nothing to do with a stupid reporter.
I like Russ even more now.


Kidding, kidding.

But his other option was to be fake nice with you, which would have been the "professional" thing to do, right?

Personally I don't like when people are fake with me and I think I'm not alone in that sentiment.

However I can completely understand how Russ acting like that could turn someone off to him for life.

Here's some perspective though-

I've had to opportunity to meet Michael Jordan twice in my life.

The first time I was like 6 and he blew me and my dad off. My dad was completely turned off by this interaction and in his mind, it has been "F*** Michael Jordan for life!"

I was 6 and just a little sad.

I got over it and once MJ started doing those flight school camps in Santa Barbara I begged my parents to send me.

For a few years my dad refused to pay, but eventually he gave in and ponied up the $500.

At Jordan camp everyone gets to take a pic with Mike and get one thing signed so I got an authentic Jersey signed and he was really nice to me.

I say all of that to say that sometimes it just depends on when and where and in what circumstance you encounter some of these people.

There are two camps on Russ:

1- A camp that says he's basically an outstanding person and humanitarian who'd give the shirt off of his back

2- A Camp that swears he's the biggest a-hole on earth (People in this camp include large swaths of the media and Utah Jazz fans).

Russ doesn't owe any of us anything and everyone should accept that.

“I say all that to say that an a-hole will be an a-hole, unless you’re paying them money, then they’ll be cool to you”
Lol buddy told him to, “stand over there” I don’t care how bad your day is that’s just not cool. I’ll still buy his shoes if they perform well though. None of the 0.2 CWs have moved me but I’ll definitely buy at disco down the line.

I actually scooped the .01 Chaos recently. Only hooped in them 2x so far but I really like them, great fit/support, cushion and traction. Definitely staying in the rotation. I didn’t like how the shroud looked but heard good things and wasn’t even up on the Chaos version, did a little research and it was a random ShoeTubers shoe of the year. SneakerGearz never watched any of his vids before but from watching a few he definitely knows his stuff.
SneakerGearz is underrated. Always anticipate his reviews.
I agree sole bros starting to look funny in the light they only test shoes for like one b-ball session and automatically talk about how much dust accumulates on a shoe.

We all know dust will accumulate its getting redundant with them.
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I agree sole bros starting to look funny in the light they only test shoes for like one b-ball session and automatically how much dust accumulates on a shoe.

We all know dust will accumulate its getting redundant with them.

They're also obsessed with court feel and knock anything that isn't minimal.

It's okay to have preferences but I feel the bias in the reviews.
They're also obsessed with court feel and knock anything that isn't minimal.

It's okay to have preferences but I feel the bias in the reviews.
It’s mainly Sammy, he’s a frail guy. He constantly nit picks at things and misses overall aspect of a actual review.
They just want that YouTube money and quick views.
and god forbid they actually try and learn this ish by now

for two people who has been exposed to shoes for years and years now, they still have trouble with designs and visuals

i admit i watch their outlet vlogs (they go to the outlet i go to and so that i dont have to go to check out their stock) but damn they have no idea what they are looking at half of the time

there were some hybrids 5s i think but it has that distinct AJ5 design and especially the midsole and they must have named 3 different shoes trying to guess what it is... but get this... the goddamn box is there.. just read the name of the damn shoe!

Trammel gets under the skin of the players, because he is often times too grammatically correct. He is old fashioned in the way he speaks, and structures his questions in a way, that is open ended, and often times comes off as condescending. His questions are purposely open ended and he uses his craft to manipulate, to guide the conversation down the path where he controls what the response from the player "should" be. Then when the athlete doesn't like the question, and/or answers in a way that doesn't jive with what was gets awkward. Often times it makes the athlete look/sound stupid or less intelligent. And therefore...creates tension. Rinse and Repeat, after many years of this...….we have the current situation at hand.

I'm not here to throw out comments like "ill-informed stupid stuff" and "probably be best for you to be quiet about it," as this is a discussion forum open to input from any and all participants. So, you are entitled to your opinion.

Look-- you addressed me as if only you are privy to any info surrounding this, hence my reply.

You can live in Oklahoma, and be as close to the Thunder as @Duke30 was to the Cavs, it doesn't make your opinion more valid than the next.

Trammel is a jerk and Russ has decided that he has had it with that guy. Period.

What you laid out about Trammel is that he asks leading questions to help him write his material. In some circles, that’s the mark of a hack journalist. There's more editorializing in his work than actual reporting, and if you can't see how that would piss someone off, that's beyond me.

I don't know why people refuse to accept that just because Russ makes a ton of money, he doesn't owe anyone, including OKC fans anything at all. Not even a 'Hello'.

Maybe once the OKC community is able to comprehend this, you all will be less eager for this parting of ways you speak of because you won't get equal value for him in a trade.

Also how bright can Trammel really be if he has managed to alienate himself from KD, Westbrook and by extension- Paul George, the very subjects he is supposed to be covering?

That's hustling backwards. He can laugh as much as he wants to about it with Terry Stotts, but the joke is definitely on Trammel.

“I say all that to say that an a-hole will be an a-hole, unless you’re paying them money, then they’ll be cool to you”

I mean that's one way to look at it, but not necessarily always the case.

He doesn't personally pocket the minuscule amount that that camp generates every summer...

My point was depending on when, where and what time you catch people you could be in for a more pleasant interaction.
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Sooo ... back to the sneakers.

I can confidently say that, over my 20+ years of playing basketball, these are the best all-around performance shoes I’ve ever worn (though granted, I missed a good chunk of the early 2010’s stuff). From fit to cushion to support, they just blow me away.

Except for outsole longevity.

About 20 hours of outdoor use later, the outsoles are completely toast. On the right shoe in particular, they’ve worn through to the zoom unit and are also showing the crack that others have experienced.

Bums me out to the max, because these are GOAT status for me otherwise. Only the Ultraflights, OG AZG’s, and Huarache 2K5’s come close. Also begs the question, what’s Nike’s return policy these days for a defect like this? I bought them at my local HOH, so hoping they’ll be able to take them back and let me exchange for something else.

I’ll probably buy another pair down the line, but not until they’re heavily discounted. Can’t justify anything close to $100 for something that literally lasted me 12 weeks.


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If your gonna buy a nike sneaker for outdoor use and need durability look overseas for the XDR version. Quite frustrating nike products don’t use XDR rubber for basketball shoes in the states.
damn. I don't play outdoors but I am forefoot heavy. Popped multiple pairs of 28s. Those pics are crazy.

May 11 is what I’m hearing in terms of a release date (don’t quote that) but saw these at one of the big box stores (not sure if they should have been out). Really wanted to get em from Nike but may go back bc I don’t wanna wait anymore lol.

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