NFL Week 16 In Review.....(Christmas Edition....


Jan 30, 2007
Post your observations from Week 16....

-Tell Eli Manning to stop passing the ball and just hand it off and what do you get? A win....

-Where are all those people that said the Packers were better than the Cowboys last week?

-The Jaguars will be a tough out for whoever plays them in the playoffs.

-LOL @ the Browns if they don't make the playoffs.

-What's stopping a Cowboys VS. Patriots Super Bowl?

Fraud of the Holiday Season=Green Bay Packers

Top 5....
@ the ravens
-Cosign what you said about Eli, he's been atrocious to say the least
-wow@ the vikings right now
-the hell is up with the jets and their play calling?
-lol @ the Lions finally getting a win
-the Saints have been a disappointment to say the least
How are you going to show up this week after you went ghost last week?

The Packers choked away their chance.
The Jags are rollin.
The Eagles will be back with a healthy McNabb next year.
Elisha Manning sucks.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

The Eagles will be back with a healthy McNabb next year.

hasn't the city of Philly turned its back on Mc Nabb? At least thats what its looked like from the home games Ive seen
-No one wants to deal with the Jaguars in the playoffs, not even the Patriots or Colts
-The Bengals played the Grinch for the Browns' playoff hopes
-Are we seeing Donovan McNabb back to his true form? Yes we are.
-Karma will do the Cowboys bad in the playoffs
-Bears sweep of the Pack is their only bright spot for them this season
-Eli Manning still sucks and the Giants will be out the first round for the third straight season
-Panthers stink.

-Ravens even stink more.

-Are we seeing the Lions getting back at it? Oh well too late even after a win.
-Saints suck on defense terribly.
-Can we see the Cardinals make it to a .500 season? Next week most likely yes.
-Props to Kevin Everett for a strong recovery.
everyone says MB3 and AD are the hardest runners in the nfl but know one ever says anything about MJD he runs HARD
@ the Browns. I need that Madden curse to kick in major next week

- Pack did themselves a favor avoiding the cold weather in Lambeau with that offense they run.

- Jax will win the AFC IMO

- Ben Rothlisberger has a broken heard it here first.

- AD hit that rookie wall.

- Marion the Barbarian is SICKENING.

- Why do none of the black QBs in the league have any legit WRs? McNabb, Tavaris, VY, Garrard...



- LT needs to give me @ least 20 FF points tomorrow night for my championship

49ers on a 2 game winning streak. thank you for teasing us fans and getting ready to hype us up for next year.

I love watching the ******** play well

Its hard not to like the jags

I thought TO was going to break into a "God is good, God is great" children's rendition in his post game interview.

Vikings arent going anywhere with that QB play.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

How are you going to show up this week after you went ghost last week?

The Packers choked away their chance.
The Jags are rollin.
The Eagles will be back with a healthy McNabb next year.
Elisha Manning sucks.

this dude was looking for the threadstarter all week long...he owes you some money?
Originally Posted by hole in the earth

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

How are you going to show up this week after you went ghost last week?

The Packers choked away their chance.
The Jags are rollin.
The Eagles will be back with a healthy McNabb next year.
Elisha Manning sucks.

this dude was looking for the threadstarter all week long...he owes you some money?

Why do you care?

How are you going to say this:

-Where are all those people that said the Packers were better than the Cowboys last week?

When just one week ago you were doing the same? It's annoying. S&T is a much better place when shoes isn't around.
he owes you some money?
Nah, I owe him a "good game Eagles" and a "Cowboys=Fraud of the Week".

Then maybe, just maybe, he will hop off. Chances of that are very slim though....

-Homefield advantage

-Thank you, Chicago special teams.

-I fear the the !#%! do they not have any Pro Bowlers!? (aside from injury replacement Freddy T)

-Eli sucks. Giants= one and done.

-There are really no teams in the NFC that present a huge threat to a healthy Cowboys team. *zips up flame suit*

-Where was THAT all season, Chicago D?

-McNabb is prolly gone next year...sorry, yall.

-I forgot Brett Favre HAD bad games

-Seriously, Derek Anderson...what the hell?

-If you told me week 1 that the Vikes, Saints, and Skins would be fightin 4 the last WC spot in week 16...

-Damn...I really wanted ATL 2 win...

-Get well soon, Eldorado...
For the 3rd time in the last 6 years the Vikings controlled their own destiny...and they lost all 3.

Eli sucks

Palmer sucks

Yet no one is calling for their spots to be taken or saying they need to be moved to punt returner or wide receiver.

I'm tired of this damn double standard that exists. We need to stop pretending and sugar coating this. There is covert discriminating in the media, fans,etc. when it comes to qb's.
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