Nightmares..........appreciation? *Dream inside* Vol. Cold Sweat

Jan 23, 2009
Whats up NT?
I wanted to make this thread earlier today but I couldn't recall everything.....

Had a dream last night that the world was ending.....
but not because of some 2012 theory.
All layers of Earths atmosphere were polluted to the point of brink
Everyone came out of there house and just started staring at the sky.
People were falling out after breathing in the junk.
I can't remember much but I remember it was night time and I was looking up at nothing but grey clouds.

(Imagine this at night)

I remember looking back at the crowd and yelling about how we have literally killed plant earth.

Also between this storyline I recall going to my girls house and she was crying while watching the news.
It was reported that we only had two weeks left before life and possibly the earth itself would be destroyed.

I woke up shook nonetheless....
but I appreciate this nightmare.

Recently in my life I have been looking for answers.
Why am I here?
How did I get here?
What is the true history of people being here?

But I have yet to take in consideration of Planet Earth, the true setting of my life.
Now I can't guarantee instant change...but I promise that from now on I will find out what I
can do and take action to help our planet.

Have you ever had an Nightmare that took affect on your life?


I've never had a dream that took affect on my life.

Honestly, I don't remember the dreams I dream.

Nightmares are a rare give that I've yet to be bless with in a great while.

I envy you.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


I've never had a dream that took affect on my life.

Honestly, I don't remember the dreams I dream.

Nightmares are a rare give that I've yet to be bless with in a great while.

I envy you.

Julius F. Wrek
diggin your avy man
Originally Posted by Al Audi

thats deep B
It was crazy fam.
After I woke up I had to cut on the TV,blast the air, and sit on the side of the bed for a few mins.
Usually when I have dreams like this I can relate them back to something I've
seen or heard during the day.
But this one was out the blue and felt so damn real.
the worst nightmares i have are the ones where someone close to me dies.
its such a relief to wake up tho.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

i get zombie apocolypes dreams their intense
I got one of those the other night. And I gotta say, being a zombie was
(28 Days Later zombie, not old school slow zombie)
I remember my dreams/nightmares for about 3 hours after I wake up. After that, they get fuzzy.

I love it when you can wake up, go back to sleep, and pick up the dream/nightmare where you left off. Power of the mind.
Originally Posted by Soarin Pass The Moon

You been listening to Kid Cudi a little too much brooo.

Havent even heard the album yet.
Just like the artwork.
All my nightmares now consist of me or family members dying. So definitely....appre.....I mean umappreciated.

EDIT: I did something most ignorant and ignored what OP wrote. I just read the question and posted off the quickness. That truly was a deep dream. That'swhy I don't pollute my dude. I throw my trash away where it's supposed to go. Minus recycling as of late. Just moved in a new crib and we don'thave a recycling bin. Only a garbage joint. But I'm good with recycling also, so long as it's right there in my face.
Originally Posted by ItWasWritten

Can't wait to take my hummer out for a spin tomorrow....
Not to call you out or anything....
but why would you post this?
Are you going for the lulz?
Or do you actually have and hummer to "take for a spin"?
And if you do why would you post that in this thread?
It amazes me everyday how hateful people really are...
just went out your way to type that.

80 posts ftw.

dude thats not anywhere near hateful
its a cruel world out there
dont worry bout comments like that
last night i had a dream i was going down on some dime piece. dont remember her face but it felt so real

my nightmares suck and usually involves me hurting or even murdering someone, leaves me shook when i wake up
I swear to God, 95% of ALL my nightmares are about things chasing me. Zombies, killers, insane people, etc. It's intense dreams. Wonder what it means.

But OP, I had a dream just like yours... Just imagine the skyscrapers in New York at night, except the moon was literally a few kilometres away and the starswere as clear as ever. I remember looking around and seeing everyone looking up... In a way, I knew I was gonna die, but it was majestic. The view was sobeautiful...
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by ItWasWritten

Can't wait to take my hummer out for a spin tomorrow....
Not to call you out or anything....
but why would you post this?
Are you going for the lulz?
Or do you actually have and hummer to "take for a spin"?
And if you do why would you post that in this thread?
It amazes me everyday how hateful people really are...
just went out your way to type that.

80 posts ftw.

hummers are infamous for their excess usage of oil, thus contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer and pollution of the atmosphere.
which relates to your nightmare...

i think that's why he posted that.
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