Nike Air Bakin Re-Retro

Feb 10, 2008


We're not talking about the Maryland House of Hoops Air Bakin' exclusive, but the OG (black/red) Air Bakin returns once again. This colorway was first introduced in 1997, and then made its retrodebut in 2007. As expected, Nike released new colorways of the Air Bakin' after the re-release of the black/red Bakin's.

Out of the three original colors, Nike re-released two OG colors; black/red and royal blue/black. To our surprise, the black/red Air Bakin' is back! Howdid this news stay under the retro radar so long? The sneaker world may never know, but its been confirmed by the genuine folks at ExtraButter that theblack/red Bakin's are back once again.

ExtraButter takes phone orders, so hit them up if you need a pair. Also, contact your localshops for more info. Step up your Air Bakin' history after the jump…

I'm sure most of the older or vintage collectors already know the story behind the Nike Air Bakin logo. Well, if you're new to the game, don'tcollect vintage Nikes, or too young to remember, pay attention. Back in 1997 an Islamic group had a concern with the flame logo on the back of the Air Bakin.Nike didn't put the logo on the back to offend anyone, instead the logo was suppose to resemble a flame since the shoes were named Air"Bakin".

The Islamic group had a problem with the logo because it was similar to the Arabic word for "God" or "Allah." Nike and Muslim groupslater came to an agreement, and Nike did a recall on the Air Bakin. The Air Bar-B-Q also featured the same flame logo on the heel and was also recalled.

The retro is $125.

Extra Butter
266 Merrick Rd.
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
(516) 632-5150
I picked up my 07 retros from ross for 29.99 each. I got the black/red/yellow and the black/blue/grey. If i was yall i would just wait awhile, they will go onsale.
My 07 pair as yet to some out ..... If I do see the 09 pair out and about , ill cop another one.
Hopefull Footlocker gets em, so I can cop on the next 50. I slept on these last time.. Kept telling myself I'll cop them on sale and I forgot about them.Thankfully I copped the blues.
Classics. Memories of Tim Hardaway lighting up my Knicks in the 1997 playoffs come to mind.
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