Nike Air Flight 89: now on NIKEiD

Just as I suspected, the color is way off of what's shown on Nike ID. This color is more South Beach than teal. The materials and craftsmanship beat my expectations, though. The quest for custom Miami Dolphins kicks continues. I might have to settle for some Spizikes.
I just received my second pair after I returned the previous one because they screwed up the midsole. These turn out okay. The biggest disappointment is the grey color on the midsole. Its a reddish darker grey that doesn't really match the other grey shades on the shoes. You can see the difference compared to the grey on the sole which is a nice shade of grey. I can live with it though so I'll keep 'em. Again, I'm pretty happy with the leather quality on these.
@crystal method

They weren't glow soles, they were translucent. I'd take pics, but UPS already picked up my return package.
^ same with me... Couldnt come to a decision as they are some $198 (150 EUR) over here :frown: .

Means a %code would be greatly apreciated.
taka taka throwing it back. Remember wanting those back in the day. Wish Nike would release a baby/carolina blue. Make a nice white based ID.

Mine arrived in Australia today. Really happy with the quality and how they turned out. On mobile so I will post a couple of pics after this.
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