Nike Air/Jumpman on insole

Mar 17, 2007
how do you keep the "nike air" or jumpman logo on the insole of the shoe from fading?..some people say cover it with tape, but after walking a lotand putting all your body weight pressure on it, won't it peel off along with the tape when you take the tape off? i also hear that if you tape on clearsarap wrap on it it will be protected from fading..any suggestions?
Wear your shoes w/ 2 insoles, just add another insole on top of it and the original insole will stay w/ a fresh logo.
this is exactly what i was thinking about this morning, idk, shoes are meant to be worn, so it's alright with me.
^yeah i know. thats what i was thinking too, but it would be nice to have the insole logo still intact if i were to sell the shoes or something...
^yea, thats exactly what i do, i just like seeing it there when i put them on
just take them out and put in new insoles and when you sell you will have fresh insoles and beat shoes haha jk but yea if i want to keep the logo etc id justput in a new insole. except for the zk2 and the lbj iv since they have the zoom air in them (i think zk2 have them incorporated right? otherwise they are justhard for me to pull off)
it would be nice to have a jumpman shaped tape
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