Nike Air Raid?

Did the straps last night.

@whytewunder Looking really good! Pls post an another pic or 2 when finished making those grey into black.
A black fabric marker, need to use a marker to get in and around the peace sign.

You could prob use a black paint marker but I would recommend a fabric marker.
Yeah this dude I know just blacked out his straps but didn't dye the grey Nubuck. He just used a sharpie on the straps and they look pretty good.
That all black strap looks like pure fire

These fits starting to look a bit better than the actual shoes are...
Thanks for posting they look sick! Look as good as I was imagining, I'm gonna have to break down and do a pair now. What did you use if you don't mind me asking?
I used Kelly's cobler black leather dye, also need something with a narrow point to get in the tight spaces. Thanks, It looks much better than the orbital.
I heard angelus black suede due is the best. I think it's confirmed, I'm dying mines black. I just got to watch the tutorials on how to do it..
Man theses look good dyed . Still a air raid 1 but makes me like them a lot better.
Glad I picked these up. Love the grey, it gives more pop to the shoe. Quick shoot.
that's a great picture!

I also have to say that they look pretty dope all black. I'm not a guy who usually customizes sneakers, but in this case I'd consider it.

Glad I picked these up. Love the grey, it gives more pop to the shoe. Quick shoot.
I'm debating if I want to dye mines black. The grey does't look bad at all. It's going to be a tough decision lol
Saw these in store over the weekend...they look really nice. I didnt bite though. I am going to wait a little longer until the price drops.
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