Wow, they have the Lagoon Blues, but only a size 8.5  Wonder if they had more sizes up earlier...hope I didn't miss out on a size 11.

I think I was on there rights as they posted and only saw an 8. Would have jumped on the 11 myself
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what is NDC? I haven't been on these forums long so I'm not up to pace with the lingo yet. Is it a website or something?
Was on the hunt for a 7.5 in the women's black/gray... live in Illinois and eventually got in touch with Nike Scottsdale to do a phone order and they came through.  Nike Las Vegas was the store who actually looked up who still had stock, so if you're looking for something specific and online retailers are out, that is always a route to try.
sitting on my couch heavily sedated after a knee scope.... figured i would check out the thread :smile:   Glad to see things are still rolling!

sitting on my couch heavily sedated after a knee scope.... figured i would check out the thread :smile:   Glad to see things are still rolling!

Fresh hope you recover quickly -- do you know any quick strikes that are dropping soon?  You mentioned there would be some at some point in the next month or so.  Thanks
I feel like the brother just mentioned the quick strikes like yesterday let him breathe haha

The plugs in here have been nothing but helpful and on it when they can.

bit nah fresh can you personally text me first before anyone about the 3Ms that be dope
Ended up ordering a pair myself of the Sqaud blue/orange from Rogue.  Did anyone who ordered this colorway get a secondary colored pair of shoelaces with their shoes? I think they'd look killer with some Laser orange laces but not sure if its included.  I was hoping for an different color pair of laces when i got my Nike's Persian Violet metcons.  Does anyone have a lead on matching laces for these shoes? 
Looks like the 3M's wont be dropping in August!  I might be good until the 2's drop in Feb now.  My bank statement appreciates this.
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