NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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Does clicking the link to a thread you're subscribed to no longer take you where you left off? Is this a setting I can change? :nerd:
Site is looking good, kinda big though and will get some time getting used to. Man over a decade here haha.

How do I only see the threads I've subscribed to? Right now its pretty much showing me every single thread there's a new post on.

Also, how do I unsubscribe to threads?
Does clicking the link to a thread you're subscribed to no longer take you where you left off? Is this a setting I can change? :nerd:

I guess the new site didn't pick up where we left off from huddler days. It seems to work now with this thread for me.
Site can go back and forth from new to old all morning. Even saw some still left behind post on old Move Thread. Posted they should X out browser, clear cookies and temp files, go back to web address and sign back in. Seems to work. Not sure.
One thing I will say I miss is the small button on the top right that would take you directly to the bottom of the page. Made navigation a lot easier for me.
We added up and down arrow shortcuts to the bottom right:

Arrow Shortcuts.jpg

You can thank the beta testers for that. They had the same requests. We had the designer add it for us.

That's an example of what's possible now with the new platform. It's not an earth shaking improvement, but it's a little quality of life upgrade that we invested in at our fellow members' request. It won't be the last.

Methodical Management Methodical Management

How do we get the capital letters back in our SN's?

I need my caps back
I mentioned this earlier in the Temporary Area on the old site, but since that content is gone now: we need a little time for the site to stabilize before rolling out the name change feature. As you can see, some images are still populating and it's taking awhile to get the old emoji characters back as those need to be reintroduced to all the old posts. With all these processes ongoing, it's not a good time to invite massive database changes when everyone adjusts their account names at once.

That feature should be available in 24 hours or so.

we cant post emojis no more?

and someone please clarify yalls stance on profanity since someone said they no longer blur it.
The old emoji characters are coming. All the old shortcut text will work again, like :nthat:

The profanity filter is back. Profanity is still against NikeTalk Rules.

Weren't we able to see who repped by clicking on the reps? Now don't have to do anything to see it.

Go to likes received under the settings menu:

Likes Received.jpg

The forum is nice, but I liked the fonts on the last layout better. It was easier on the eyes. Some of the bold fonts are harsh to read with the jet black background. Other than that, it's nice.

EDIT: And I miss the old subscription page, but I'll get used to the new way.
I've wanted to fix the font weight on desktop. The font face is fine on mobile. On desktop for some reason there's added weight that's not appealing. We'll get that dialed back. I've been nagging the team about it for weeks now, but, as you can imagine, it's not the highest priority item on the "To Do" List.

You can still see all your subscriptions in one place. Click "Watched Threads" under home:

lol if someone gets 300 member likes u will see all 300 names? :D
No, thankfully. After the first few likes, it says "and X others."

Turned off ALL my email settings. :lol: Not trying to see any of that.
Those are really for users who don't frequent the site as much. If you created a legit check post as a new user and you wanted to be alerted the moment someone replied, an email subscription would be great.

If you're here multiple times per day or you follow a ton of threads, you shouldn't use it - and you can just uncheck the box that defaults email subscriptions so it won't be a bother moving forward.

I'm all for people disabling that and we don't want to spam people. The old system sent out WAY too many email messages. Even if we were greedy and selfish, each email sent costs us money. We don't want to send messages people don't find useful.

We'll add a guide for email settings as well so there's a clear reference for everyone on how to disable email notifications.
It fell to the second page.

One thing I will say I miss is the small button on the top right that would take you directly to the bottom of the page. Made navigation a lot easier for me.
Thanks famb.

But for some reason, the thread doesn't show up in the General Forum thread list for me, even used Crtl+F to make sure. I just posted in it, but I dunno if that is a bug or not.
Does clicking the link to a thread you're subscribed to no longer take you where you left off? Is this a setting I can change? :nerd:

The Unread Watched Thread page will take you to all your subscribed threads.


Nt Unread Watched Thread.png

If you want to go to your last unread post of a particular thread, click the red dot right next to the thread title as seen in the screenshot above.
i like the white font than the red, the red was a lot harder to read on a high resolution display when im on desktop. i had to use the zoom on chrome to view it properly. looks like some image assets on the site are higher resolution too! that niketalk logo on the upper left is very crispy, even on zoom. B)

i noticed that some of the images are missing, even the recently submitted (at least this year) ones. avatar folders on our profiles are missing as well. are they coming back? tia

edit: user names below the avatar on every post has to be a bigger font, the likes and the post count text can be smaller
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I'm glad to see that the reps transferred over in the move. I know Meth mentioned that the unique user accumulated points wouldn't be recognized on this new platform.
It's just funny.

You get your usual clowns on here that say their little racist/prejudice remarks. And then you have the people who rep them and don't wanna expose themselves.

Since this is a closed community, most of us know who's who. No more hiding now.

A lot of people do that to troll... if you baited to that trap then that's on you imo
Gonna take a while to get used to but looks amazing. Couple questions.

How do we search within a thread?

Can we no longer see rep we've given?
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