NikeTalk's Avy Tutorials vol. Yuku -- Tutorials for Ulead & PS CS3 & Flash (No 56k)

ok i got it to work.

thanks bro

but yeah, i really don't know how to add a border and fades and crap.


help me!
^ yeah i feel you. i was in a rush. haha oh well

i want a border but im too lazy to take the time to learn how to do one
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

I wonder if that Yuku Help Ticket helped? Are they even working on it?

I signed that petition by the way.

Where is that petition at?
I lost it, I didn't bookmark it... It's somewhere in the General Forum though... somebody just has to do a little grave digging

It was in a post started by Bastich and a warning about the sizes of avatars... that's all I remember about it
^ Props.

What the hell? Since when was there a Daily Post Limit on Yuku? I know they had that on Ezboard, but Yuku? I never had that before
. They implemented a DailyPost Limit before they fixed our avys?! This is an outrage!!

Anyway, here's what I wanted to say:
"I'd honestly be surprised if they actually fixed the problem. They won't let us link our avys through TinyPic or something like that sincethey've already had the Yuku Image crap for our avys. I could probably see them link up our avys through Photobucket since they've already linked ourPhotobuckets, but like I said, I'd be really surprised if they actually fixed the problem."
I doubt they are actually looking into fixing the problem...... we've been on yuku for how many months now?...... And this has been a problem since dayone!
So i have been getting that error message that was posted on page 2 and have downloaded ulead from multiple links and it wasnt working so i got the ulead nontrial version and still not working i have used cinemaforge to convert and i have used vimy or what ever that site is called and video dl and i keep gettingthat message saying its unable to read the video

im trying to get this vid
Mic Check
from the 36 second mark to the 43 second mark with DreamSatterer fading in at the bottom in a Bright Blue
^ Try to save the video as a .flv file and then convert it to an .mov file in cinemaforge. That might work for you because it's worked for others who hadthat same problem.

Not sure when the Yuku Staff will get back to us
. It's been about a month or so when that thread was created and we still haven't heard anyupdates from them.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

The support staff on this board sucks!

They have yet to prove that statement false in my eyes. Granted they still are in their Beta stage, but the least they could have done was give us an updateby now
I want to graduate from Ulead to PS CS3

So I'm new to PS CS3 Extended version 10.0... I'm clueless

I can't upload a video into it. I go to File > Open and upload a random .avi file and here's what I get... a blank canvas
. Help?

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