Ninja Turtles movies... WHICH ONES~?~?!?!?!1


Michelangelo: Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."
The thing I never understood is, why did they sound like they were from southern Cali., even though they're from NYC? I liked all of them, I still havepart 3 on VHS.
part 3 does not exist to me
1,2,....................3 i still have all of them on vhs i love those movies gotta go get the dvds
Originally Posted by Meriwether

The thing I never understood is, why did they sound like they were from southern Cali., even though they're from NYC?

Raph didn't IMO.
Faux Brooklyn accent FTM

He was just a little off
My fav turtle though
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