No Alcohol August: Challenged Accepted

Alright, guys. As mentioned earlier in this thread, I'll be attending Happy Hour (Japanese BBQ) tomorrow with a group of friends who all plan to drink and take advantage of half-off drinks from 3-6 PM. Going to be a test, hope I stay strong for myself and the challenge. Will certainly keep you guys posted.
All who are particpating should be ashamed of themselves. People have given their lives for booze, show some respect.
Vegas next weekend
Bachelor party the following weekend

Maybe another a month....

I do wish I drank a bit less but I don't think I could do cold turkey
Aren't you a fellow Eagles fan? Preseason BBQs will be tough avoiding a nice, cold brew.

I am and I am an avid microbrew fan; I generally have a nice beer with dinner daily

I rarely ever get drunk anymore as I've gotten older I have learned to enjoy a good beer rather than just drink 12 Miller Lites to get wasted
I am and I am an avid microbrew fan; I generally have a nice beer with dinner daily
I rarely ever get drunk anymore as I've gotten older I have learned to enjoy a good beer rather than just drink 12 Miller Lites to get wasted

I am as well...But I had to move back home after college, parents don't drink and won't allow booze in the house. I was drinking a nice IPA with almost every dinner, feels good to be sober for a bit. A lot on my mind anyways :rolleyes
Honest Confession: Almost failed today guys. Party of 8 for NYC Happy Hour, I attended for the special deal on high-end Japanese BBQ. One other close buddy also elected not to consume alcohol for health reasons. Worst point of temptation was watching the six others order numerous rounds of half-off cocktails followed by $8 (special) pitchers of Kirin Japanese beer. Remained strong in my conquest but this isn't as easy as I initially thought.
Honest Confession: Almost failed today guys. Party of 8 for NYC Happy Hour, I attended for the special deal on high-end Japanese BBQ. One other close buddy also elected not to consume alcohol for health reasons. Worst point of temptation was watching the six others order numerous rounds of half-off cocktails followed by $8 (special) pitchers of Kirin Japanese beer. Remained strong in my conquest but this isn't as easy as I initially thought.

Sitting at home now because all my boys are out drinking. Feels good actually.
I'm in this now...if it's not too late.

I'll remain alcohol free from now till Sep 6th since I'm still a bit drunk...

Part of a deal I made with someone...
Good job ChampCruThik. One day at a time!

I'm sitting here hungover like :smh:

EDIT: Also those biblical quotes are the truth
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yep I handle no "Soda July" I can handle no Alcohol, my birthday is coming up next week saturday though so yea I'm still not gonna drink, even if my boy tries to force.
Baltimore: You're definitely in. Stay strong, steady does it.

Joka: If you don't mind me asking, any particular reason for the 13-month cleanse?

Get Money: Thanks, brotha. August 6th: Feeling great, new job is keeping my occupied. Played poker night yesterday without any urge for a beer. Lots of the guys usually enjoy tipping back a couple Yuengling's over cards. Does this happen to everybody else: When old (college) friends hit you up to catch up and chill, is it always "let's grab a drink or hit the bar"?

Alchemist: Happy early Birthday, my man!! I know how you feel, my close group of friends are already scheming for my b-day. Might consider shutting down the phone and FB for the day.
Friday: Went bar hopping with a bunch of friends to celebrate 2 birthdays... it was nothing but HATE for my challenge.. like really! how does my alcohol consumption effect their fun! Im a mellow drinker anyways... insecurity is the only answer i can think of...

saturday: got box seats at the A's game for my uncles birthday who brought a TON of alcohol to the session... no one really tripped I wasnt drinking although they did factor me into the equation... Baseball is pretty boring to me so I spent the day eating everything to distract me and fill this void in my soul

Sunday: Went to a bar with a few friends... drank tea, coffee and water.. even ordered soup at once place while everyone drank

Monday!: TODAY: doing a meeting at a bar.. will be getting water all day since i can pour it myself.. shouldnt be hard..

One unexpected challenge is how much I rely on drinking to sleep.. even if its just a few beers it really helps.. had trouble sleeping the first few days...

Im going to stay away from my hater highschool friends until this challenge is over..

Im definitely getting my 5 glasses of water a day.. well at least all at night... Peeing like a madman.. don't really miss the alcohol but Im pretty addicted to the atmosphere
yep I handle no "Soda July" I can handle no Alcohol, my birthday is coming up next week saturday though so yea I'm still not gonna drink, even if my boy tries to force.

There were white girls, expensive bottles. I felt like a NBA player(Kobe Fever).....:smh: :smh: :smh:
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