Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

il go out to north Korea and take out 20 of them %++%* if they even try 2 touch American soil let alone bomb it
u would get wrecked im sorry.
If they were threatening seriously, North Korea would launch towards Japan, not at the United States. Japan's military is restricted, but I'm quitesure if something happened, they'd rewrite the article in their constitution. The backlash from all this would be devastating, which we're trying toavoid, but North Korea has a limp muscle in regards to military prowess. Let's not forget that South Korea, does have military forces, backed by the U.S.
I hope Vegas comes out with odds or ML like these:

North Korea wins war vs US +10000000
US obliterates North Korea -100000000
they'd try something and get crushed in the process. but they will get the 1st hit. i would be wary.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

They are not a threat.

I'll say this again, they DO NOT want us to flex our military muscle, especially if it involves the Pacific fleet.

We have close to (since they did raise the threat awareness level)30,000 troops,�not to mention�allied forces�in Korea as it is.

The capabilities we have to destroy�NK in�under a half hour, are tremendous, to say the least.

Only eyebrow I'd raise would be at North Korea's allies and it still wouldn't be enough.

We have the edge in :

- Air Combat ( If they want to inflict harm, they'd have to do it from the air attacking our Air Force and Navy, and they do not have those capabilities)
- Naval Combat - We could mobilize quickly and pound them from a distance (pause)
- Ground Forces/Land Capabilities�(sure numbers)
- Not too mention new capabilities from NORAD ( that missile would be shot down period, if deemed harmful)

and the biggest factor

- Resources -> North Korea's people are living in hell, they simply do not have the resources to go the mile with the U.S. (alone)

Think Operation Shock and Awe�

I remember this, we took over a whole country in a day. My thing is do we really wanna go to war with another country, considering the cost financially. Thesebombs and troops aren't cheap. I think they're bluffing but if i were to take military action i would just locate where these so-called nuclear bombsare based on credible intelligence and bomb it into oblivion.....this was supposed to be Bush's intent in Iraq, to neutralize any "threats"against the U.S. but it turned he had ulterior motives.
The same factors that make it sketchy to us, are the same factors that doom North Korea. I'm quite sure we already know their capabilities and everythingthat they our doing, courtesy of satellites and stealth fighters/bombers/drones. As stated, we can't be the aggressor, it'd look bad on our imageabroad and this administration does not want anything of the sort happening.

We are solely dependent upon the actions they take.

- They fire a missile, we act. They do not fire, we wait.

Rules of Engagement come into play heavily with this situation.
The war's going to take our minds off of the economy. It's the simplest solution everybody has to get out of tumbling economies.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

The same factors that make it sketchy to us, are the same factors that doom North Korea. I'm quite sure we already know their capabilities and everything that they our doing, courtesy of satellites and stealth fighters/bombers/drones. As stated, we can't be the aggressor, it'd look bad on our image abroad and this administration does not want anything of the sort happening.

We are solely dependent upon the actions they take.

- They fire a missile, we act. They do not fire, we wait.

Rules of Engagement come into play heavily with this situation.
even if N. Korea did fire a missiles, i wouldn't worry much ...the US has anti-missiles located in Okinawa, Hawaii and California ...

Plus them Marines boys are station in Okinawa which is just a few hours away from N. Korea
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

They are not a threat.

I'll say this again, they DO NOT want us to flex our military muscle, especially if it involves the Pacific fleet.

We have close to (since they did raise the threat awareness level)30,000 troops,�not to mention�allied forces�in Korea as it is.

The capabilities we have to destroy�NK in�under a half hour, are tremendous, to say the least.

Only eyebrow I'd raise would be at North Korea's allies and it still wouldn't be enough.

We have the edge in :

- Air Combat ( If they want to inflict harm, they'd have to do it from the air attacking our Air Force and Navy, and they do not have those capabilities)
- Naval Combat - We could mobilize quickly and pound them from a distance (pause)
- Ground Forces/Land Capabilities�(sure numbers)
- Not too mention new capabilities from NORAD ( that missile would be shot down period, if deemed harmful)

and the biggest factor

- Resources -> North Korea's people are living in hell, they simply do not have the resources to go the mile with the U.S. (alone)

Think Operation Shock and Awe�

Factual information.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

The same factors that make it sketchy to us, are the same factors that doom North Korea. I'm quite sure we already know their capabilities and everything that they our doing, courtesy of satellites and stealth fighters/bombers/drones. As stated, we can't be the aggressor, it'd look bad on our image abroad and this administration does not want anything of the sort happening.

We are solely dependent upon the actions they take.

- They fire a missile, we act. They do not fire, we wait.

Rules of Engagement come into play heavily with this situation.
even if N. Korea did fire a missiles, i wouldn't worry much ...the US has anti-missiles located in Okinawa, Hawaii and California ...

Plus them Marines boys are station in Okinawa which is just a few hours away from N. Korea

Don't forget that we have Guided Missile Destroyers sitting right outside of NK with missile intercepting capabilities.

As much as we may want them Devil Dogs to see action in North Korea, we both know that they probably won't be needed.

- It's like hearing about a fight, going to the location, and finding out that its over already
Does anyone really take North Korea seriously?

To me, North Korea is the drunk guy at a club who's talking reckless towards the bouncer, America.

His two friends, Russia and China, are trying to hold him back, but, once he crosses the line and throws a punch, it's curtains.

Kim Jong can't be so stupid as to launch a missle at the US. He just can't be.

He's nothing more than a whiny little $!@%% who wants attention.
We cut off their trade, game over.

To counter that, it'd be interesting to see how China would play this and the trading investments that we have, leading me to remember that China does havemilitary capabilities that alarm our military at times(entire different game).. but I do not see them siding with North Korea in this case. We all know thatmost of our imports come from China and if sided with North Korea, that's a HUGE hit to our economy and theirs(currency,imports, etc - just a big messperiod). The United States has always had to turn a blind eye towards China due to this factor.

Let me retiterate this, Kim has already said and passed down the word to his subordinates that any participation by South Korea in deterrence, would beconsidered an act of war.
stay off my island bruh... was born there and got relatives there.

*+@@$# dirty !%% north koreans, we should just nuke them dirty !%% north koreans... yes the entire country.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

^ Man.. You're thinking North Korea wants war.. I'm thinking they're suicide bombers.. Do something crazy but not too crazy to get more at the bargaining table.. Crazy bastards..
If Kim doesn't back down, then we have no choice but to put him in his place and in that case, our military muscle would be flexed.

We could blow his Nuclear Operations off the map, this should be understood, but the United States does not want to engange in any conflict(as the President has said before). We'd engage if we felt threatened or felt as if any one of our allies or floating sovereigns was under duress. The United States doesn't need or wish to engage in any nuclear offensive against North Korea. The only way we attack is if they attack first and that's where we sit at the moment. If we act before they act, then we are the agressor and the image we are looking to push to our foreign counterparts, is wiped away with an order of "fire at will".

Originally Posted by sn00pee

almost seemed like the same thing they said about Iraq/Afghanistan/al queda. But yet we still seem to be struggling in those areas...
Different terrain, different enemy. Things get shady in Iraq or Afghanistan when you do not know who's friend or foe (even the children)

As one of the guys above me said, Al Queda has suicide bombers and pledge their lives to murder in the name of their believed cause. We have seen what North Korea looks like from within and out, once calling for sanctions, due to their poverty and lack of resources their citizens have.

Afghanistan is a mountain terrain and it makes it tough to transport and treck into. Hike in the mountains with about 60lbs of gear on. It's just an entire different ballgame there with the logistics and strategies that must be employed.

North Korea is just north of an allie and is surrounded by water. It'd be tough for them to defend all sides with absolute efficiency. Strategically, they've already lost.

think about it like this: middle east: you're walking in some mountain range (in the valley), and you see dirt puffs start to pop up, but you have noidea where the bullets came from. one down next to you, still no idea.

and thats it. you never figure out where they come from.

north korea would just be exercise. no rough terrain, surrounded by water, and military that are highly trained in marching and drill, but can't hit atarget from 200 yards away to save their lives.
Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Does anyone really take North Korea seriously?

To me, North Korea is the drunk guy at a club who's talking reckless towards the bouncer, America.

His two friends, Russia and China, are trying to hold him back, but, once he crosses the line and throws a punch, it's curtains.

Kim Jong can't be so stupid as to launch a missle at the US. He just can't be.

He's nothing more than a whiny little #$*#% who wants attention.

Never underestimate your enemies.

Always overestimate your enemies.
SpringfieldXD is correct.

To break it down even further, how the United States is currently.

Let's say you were sitting at home and you got into it with this guy verbally, so he decides to get all his friends and camp out around your house(gunsdrawn)...waiting on you to make your move.

That's exactly what it is.
They wish they had the balls.

If you know about something potentially happening, it's not happening.
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