NT, Bed Bugs? Warning: Big Pics

Originally Posted by SonOfTony


this is what happens when you dont clean your room. i KNOW you aint gettin no buns with those bedbugs watchin'


Originally Posted by SonOfTony


this is what happens when you dont clean your room. i KNOW you aint gettin no buns with those bedbugs watchin'


bedbugs are no joke in NYC, call your landlord, get your place sprayed. My cousin says they are so prevalent, that after they go to the movies, they get undressed in the hallway and put their clothes into plastic bags just to be safe.

If you read up on them, they can live for like 7 yrs dormant and such. Big problemo sunny dun dunny.
bedbugs are no joke in NYC, call your landlord, get your place sprayed. My cousin says they are so prevalent, that after they go to the movies, they get undressed in the hallway and put their clothes into plastic bags just to be safe.

If you read up on them, they can live for like 7 yrs dormant and such. Big problemo sunny dun dunny.
Bed bugs...I never sleep good in a hotel. I still bring a flashlight and do a thorough inspection before bringing my bags in and I keep my **** in the bathtub 😂🤷🏾‍♂️. I worked for terminix/ and Orkin for 6 years total. The fancy hotels only call pest control when they need too they don't have preventative services. The motel 6s and holiday/hampton inns got weekly service. My biggest most extensive jobs were always at the high dollar hotels. However the lower ends have a high infection rate because the amount of people coming in and out. All hotels nasty no matter how much you paying. You gotta pick your poison.

What do you suggest? I have only been staying in Air BnB's as of late.

Am I any safer?
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