nt confession thread vol. let it out before 2010

Damn Kakashi I thought you was gonna confess to getting it poppin in that "adult party"
Originally Posted by solefood229

i couldnt get it up twice in the past month and its scaring me


Peanuts and Guiness bro

Change your sig, no use in her taking her panties off if you having technical difficulties.
-cant wait for junior year to be over, it sucks, and i want to be a senior
-i need to pay more attention in class
-need to cut down on smoking
-need to stop wasting money
-need a new jacket
-grades need to go up
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by imsojayded

i regret breaking up with my ex...but would never get back together
it was more the way it was done then the actual act
im a girl who can have whoever she wants
but im stuck on one %**%%...and i dont know y...

i hate my father
im thinking about writing a book
i cant kick my addiction...
i want to quit school and become a chef...but thats foolishness
and its 7 am on a sunday and i aint been to sleep yet...


Did NO ONE else catch this? So like....all that #+%+ talking to your man on here was all a front?


not stuck on him...thats a diff confession....
i feel bad about how it ended is a better way to word it
Originally Posted by yancancook90

i need a girl
i need money
i need more people i can trust
i feel like i need more motivation in life.

for some reason, im lazy to go out and fulfill those needs.
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

My girl is at times %*+#/cross eyed and It bothers me a lot. Especially during sex when we're lookin at each other
I cheet in my math, science and English classes. I haven't Learned a thing all year.
I puched my sister down the stairs because she was in my room looking at pics of my girlfriend

If you're a girl and were freinds, I'll probablee buy you anything you ask me.
I'm riding my mom as long as I can. I don't wanna get a job and earn my own money until after colledge.
my age range when it comes to girls is 8th grade all the way through college senior. I turn 18 next year. I won't know what to do.
my best friend said cousins were off limits, I took his cousin to homecoming, when she tried kissing me while giving me dome, I let her. After too
I have scouting reports of girls I scout, excel sheets, word docs, etc etc. I've scouted several schools south of downtown
I have dreams about niketalk, specifically S&T henz0 calvin Johnson and the illuminati
the fact that I wasn't invited to my ex girlfriends 15th birthday party last night deeplee sadens me. she still has the diamond tennis bracelt I bot her

Originally Posted by New Wu

Originally Posted by TheSouthside

My girl is at times %*+#/cross eyed and It bothers me a lot. Especially during sex when we're lookin at each other
I cheet in my math, science and English classes. I haven't Learned a thing all year.
I puched my sister down the stairs because she was in my room looking at pics of my girlfriend

If you're a girl and were freinds, I'll probablee buy you anything you ask me.
I'm riding my mom as long as I can. I don't wanna get a job and earn my own money until after colledge.
my age range when it comes to girls is 8th grade all the way through college senior. I turn 18 next year. I won't know what to do.
my best friend said cousins were off limits, I took his cousin to homecoming, when she tried kissing me while giving me dome, I let her. After too
I have scouting reports of girls I scout, excel sheets, word docs, etc etc. I've scouted several schools south of downtown
I have dreams about niketalk, specifically S&T henz0 calvin Johnson and the illuminati
the fact that I wasn't invited to my ex girlfriends 15th birthday party last night deeplee sadens me. she still has the diamond tennis bracelt I bot her

Dislike spoiled kids that get everything from their parents.

M'faaa do you know how hard it is for me to pay for tuition, and still owe $2000
(btw not getting any help from the government)
i seriously need a girl and i need to stop going after %%** at parties
or thinking by not having sex with a #*+ thats gonna make her a girl.

I also need to eat better.
Be a nicer person cause im an !!#%+!% at times.
Finally get my +$!! together with school and internship so I can line up a job.
-I might transfer to College Park after this year and I haven't told my roommate and he thinks we're getting an apartment next year.
-I was at a party full of theater majors last night... Had no idea that's where I was going lol.
-I'm extremely self-conscious.
-I kissed the girl my best friend used to like and took to prom. And it's probably gonna go further.
-My work fired two of my friends saying they needed to cut hours and I went in the next week to ask if I could get my job back for Winter break and they toldme yes. And I don't feel bad.
*ate gurl out so she wouldnt tell the whole school && my gal i couldnt get on hard to smash
*had a fight wiid my ex gurl
*swung on somebody and made em have a small crash...
- i have been doing some stupid things the past month; taking xanax bars, driving hammered, not studying for school,& the list goes on.
- i have finally let go of this girl that was i stuck on for three years earlier this semester.
- i have been hanging out with this girl that has a boyfriend . . their one year anniversary was the other month,
- this other girl i ended up messing with somehow . . is a friend of the girl i'd rather have & she's theone that introduced us.
- i might lose my scholarship.
- i avoid certain events to not run into the girl mentioned in the second confession above; it's for thebetter.
- it's hard as hell for me to trust & open up to anyone.
- i picked up cigarettes earlier this year, casually . . the past six months i could be considered a 'smoker';i'm putting them up for new years.
- don't try to have relations with someone at work.
- Used my moms card to pay my mechanic.

- Jay-Z fan and didnt like Blueprint3

- Smashed a college classmate in her car in the parking lot.

- I cheated on two test this year.

- I bought my girl a used iPod and she thinks its new.
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I'm in such a bad state in life right now[/color]
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]broke as %@@# and in debt[/color]
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]working 1 job that doesn't even help pay the bills[/color]
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]have a pending charge that's $$%!%%+ me over for work[/color]
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]@%%@$*[/color]
--new motto for new year "20, 10, never again"
-'09 was alright more downs than ups
-come to the realization that I "put it on the pedastal" and i gotta treat these chicks like $%@%$'s
-video's of what my cousin does to chicks on his phone confirms this (sorry no vid)
-letting go of alot of stuff mentally
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