Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

Originally Posted by Young Handsome

You can leave. We don't need you.

i don't think i came in here asking for thank you/get well soon cards did I? what level troll are you here? you have ribbons and medals next to your name too?

you super triple OG NT dudes kill me.
lol I ask for clarification on how all this is accepted, by all, as a whole and the trolls come out and claim im looking for props and well wishes. dope. Totally off topic.
so let me get this straight?  you are upset people aren't giving you the hook up on sneakers for cost?
you want the old Niketalk when Niketalk is a major reason you aren't getting people to hook you up at cost 
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

i don't think i came in here asking for thank you/get well soon cards did I? what level troll are you here? you have ribbons and medals next to your name too?

you super triple OG NT dudes kill me.

them cats are the worse.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

so let me get this straight?  you are upset people aren't giving you the hook up on sneakers for cost?
you want the old Niketalk when Niketalk is a major reason you aren't getting people to hook you up at cost 
NO. That was one change. one example, that I noticed as a seller and buyer and just one example of an all-encompassing change. I never said I was upset about it nor knocking anyone for doing what they do.  I just want to understand why NT as a whole think its ok to let dudes run rampant on here trolling all over this board and other venues and the first thing they type is "#NT" NT used to be respected, now its just young dudes being idiots all over the web. As a whole we should want more for the site, not downgrading it every chance we get.

Philanthropically NT is to be respected. But as a body of members: pranksters and imbeciles. Makes me think twice about using the hashtag.

all you dopes retweeting "this general tho" this is a general topic posted in the forum for general discussion. Not a topic you want to comment on, just ignore it just like you would any conversation you're not interested in.
Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

NT never used to be the place where trolls were spawned and trained. It used to be a place where sneaker fans connected with other sneaker fans and talked sneakers, life, and all things fun. Now its amateur comedians testing out jokes.

General has pretty much become the place where we who have dropped out of the sneaker hobby reside. This section of the forum is a place where your points will have fallen on deaf ears unfortunately.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

NT never used to be the place where trolls were spawned and trained. It used to be a place where sneaker fans connected with other sneaker fans and talked sneakers, life, and all things fun. Now its amateur comedians testing out jokes.

General has pretty much become the place where we who have dropped out of the sneaker hobby reside. This section of the forum is a place where your points will have fallen on deaf ears unfortunately.

a mod would have moved it here anyway. so no one can't knock me for placement.  It's a topic with merit. Not a post your pic and lets flame you post.
Still some good guys out there. PTone, zyr12, dgoins, Brandon3000, Koma toast, Witnesskb24, and I'm sure I'm missing a couple more but these are the main dudes I *$@@ with/will *$@@ with.
NTs population has just grown... with the mainstreaming of the hobby you now how tons of kids who value kicks based on what other ppl think and its artificially created hype due to nike limiting production numbers.

with the increased size... it just takes more effort to 1. cultivate contacts and relations and 2. weed out the idiots
Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

Originally Posted by StillIn729

so let me get this straight?  you are upset people aren't giving you the hook up on sneakers for cost?
you want the old Niketalk when Niketalk is a major reason you aren't getting people to hook you up at cost 
NO. That was one change. one example, that I noticed as a seller and buyer and just one example of an all-encompassing change. I never said I was upset about it nor knocking anyone for doing what they do.  I just want to understand why NT as a whole think its ok to let dudes run rampant on here trolling all over this board and other venues and the first thing they type is "#NT" NT used to be respected, now its just young dudes being idiots all over the web. As a whole we should want more for the site, not downgrading it every chance we get.

Philanthropically NT is to be respected. But as a body of members: pranksters and imbeciles. Makes me think twice about using the hashtag.

all you dopes retweeting "this general tho" this is a general topic posted in the forum for general discussion. Not a topic you want to comment on, just ignore it just like you would any conversation you're not interested in.
Its the internet son, trolls come with the territory, u learn to live with it and/or ignore them

stop looking for camaraderie on the forum  and just post
ps. I take issue that you say we "allow" trolls to run rampant.

def not in the threads that I go to. whatever knuckleheads do on twitter with nt hashtags we can't control.
It's interesting, because back in 2003 or so a few of the self-proclaimed "OG" users at that time were begging me to set up a hidden forum just for them, so they wouldn't have to suffer the riff raff.  Of course, that would've included you.
You had a good experience on NikeTalk because many of the veteran users decided to include you and help you out - not because they looked down their noses at you as a "newbie" who was "ruining the site," though a few of them certainly felt that way at the time.  The truth of the matter is that our forums have always served teens and twenty-somethings, and you've outgrown a lot of the things you might've found amusing in 2003.  Whether you personally appreciate the majority of posts or not, there is still a very strong sense of community here - and one need look no further than the way our users have rallied together in support of both individual users going through difficult times or in response to events like the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan or the famine in Somalia.  That's something you probably don't see on the average message board and it's a testament to the individuals who make up this community.

Rather than just bash the immaturity of our younger users, I think you'd be better served if you attempted to model the change you wish to see on our forums.  If you help other people out and do for them what the veteran users in 2003 did for you, that's going to have a far more positive impact on the community than simply complaining.

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Originally Posted by ATMOSquare

NT never used to be the place where trolls were spawned and trained. It used to be a place where sneaker fans connected with other sneaker fans and talked sneakers, life, and all things fun. Now its amateur comedians testing out jokes.

Wooooord. It used to be cool to have knowledge here.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

This is general tho half us dudes could give two %*+@$ about kicks

real life famb.. we about making life decisions, getting money, and looking at fine wimmiez...

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

ps. I take issue that you say we "allow" trolls to run rampant.

seriously, some of the threads I see in here are just blatantly ridiculous...and its most of them nowadays.
You got Dirty and Meth to post within 10 minutes of each other? No edits or Bans?

Someone struck a nerve...............
Originally Posted by Method Man
Man Meth, your words are so beautiful

Been here since 05/06, but the change isn't all that bad...I do notice people are more quick to bash than to help.
Originally Posted by Method Man

It's interesting, because back in 2003 or so a few of the self-proclaimed "OG" users at that time were begging me to set up a hidden forum just for them, so they wouldn't have to suffer the riff raff.  Of course, that would've included you.
You had a good experience on NikeTalk because many of the veteran users decided to include you and help you out - not because they looked down their noses at you as a "newbie" who was "ruining the site," though a few of them certainly felt that way at the time.  The truth of the matter is that our forums have always served teens and twenty-somethings, and you've outgrown a lot of the things you might've found amusing in 2003.  Whether you personally appreciate the majority of posts or not, there is still a very strong sense of community here - and one need look no further than the way our users have rallied together in support of both individual users going through difficult times or in response to events like the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan or the famine in Somalia.  That's something you probably don't see on the average message board and it's a testament to the individuals who make up this community.

Rather than just bash the immaturity of our younger users, I think you'd be better served if you attempted to model the change you wish to see on our forums.  If you help other people out and do for them what the veteran users in 2003 did for you, that's going to have a far more positive impact on the community than simply complaining.

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Interesting little slight there. To infer that for one, I came into posting this as to claim "og" status back then, now, or ever. I have never considered myself OG nor campaigned to be treated differently than anyone else on this board. I actively participated in posts in 2001- early 2002 under the name ATMOSquare, the same one I am posting under now. from the days of oldmanwearing nikes, and when I called out YTV for selling me fakes I have contributed to this board with information, the culture and overall merited interaction with other members. In 2003 I bought my first car, prior to that I remember being clowned for my hand me down hoopty in the general forum circa 01-02. I remember these things as it was yesterday. I kept screenshots somewhere on disc. For you to infer this date of membership was a fantasy... I don't live my life in search of the shout-out, and have always chosen to be behind the scenes.So I will not just sit here and let you slight me for something that is not me, nor what I am about. This post was not a plea for camaraderie, but just asking for confirmation to something I had noticed, and I thought others had to. In general I post here because I enjoyed participating and interacting with others. I found it hard to believe that others would let the standard just slip away.

I admit I haven't participated as frequently as I would like, but that's no one's fault and I'm not blaming anyone for that.  We all could've become role models for the younger sneaker generation. As a whole we should all feel guilty for not policing each other on how to define what is an "NT'er" or what that even means. Morality aside just the simple things that kept me coming back for more when I would post on a daily basis back then. In short, do what you want. I just felt maybe I wasn't the only one that felt Niketalkers should be held to a higher esteem than just a place where the trolls spawn, train, and spread.

If you think this is still about shoes, you really missed the point.
Chris! Where have you been?!? You're as close as OG as it gets around here. You've been around for probably longer than 99% of these people.

Really though, it has changed due to points already made such as, "limited releases", going mainstream, multiple releases every other week, other websites other than NT, etc... Blame the likes of ISS and all the popup "online shoe store" websites, including ebay, that have made all of the new kids think that they can get rich quick by purchasing shoes. It's a cycle like anything else that's popular. Once this hype finally dies down, who knows how long, it'll be back as it once was. At least I'm hoping for that.
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