NT Fathers Unite: Tips and Cheat Codes for 1st-Time Dads

Her mama was a fat baby but a super skinny teen while I was the opposite so her genes got her all f'd up lol
Just had my first one 12/15, so I'm still learning things myself. The wife was straight gangsta with it. 12 hours labor, 2 pushes and no epidural. I watched the whole thing. It's so much different than watching the videos. I still can't believe that he's here on the outside.

How hard was it for you guys to get your little ones on a sleep schedule, and when did you start??

I'm still working on my swaddle game too. Little man always punches his way out!! :lol:
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Man if they want out, they get out
Moving from swaddled to sleep sack
Couple weeks and he'll be in his crib and no bassinet
He's been doing alright in the crib fortunately.

Maybe I should look up a sleep sack...
Just had my first one 12/15, so I'm still learning things myself. The wife was straight gangsta with it. 12 hours labor, 2 pushes and no epidural. I watched the whole thing. It's so much different than watching the videos. I still can't believe that he's here on the outside.

How hard was it for you guys to get your little ones on a sleep schedule, and when did you start??

I'm still working on my swaddle game too. Little man always punches his way out!!
It all depends. For us, he started "sleeping through the night" at about 3 months. Although he's been a great napper (2 2 hour naps until a year & 3-4 hour naps now) and sleeper (12 hours/night until 1 year) some days were brutal. I'd put him down for the morning nap and hop in the shower before starting work and he'd wake up with a start right after I got in. Same thing at night. Since I work from home I was on duty at night and he's wake up with a start at midnight or 2am and be up for the next 2 hours. Just know that 1-2 days doesn't make a trend. Try to stick to a schedule and notice any trends emerging in their sleep patterns. We used an app to track everything and it worked out great for the first 6 months because sometimes you swear you just did something and it turns out to be 4 hours ago with all the chaos and lack of sleep.
Naps been killing (my wife during the day, more so) us....hardly gets to an hour..typically 30-35 mins and is stirring then wakes up.

Sleeps GREAT during the night, has pretty much done so since like 6-8 weeks....

4-6 hours at a time...sometimes as many as 8-10.

would love the naps to get right so my wife can get some stuff done....
I would suggest is do your normal daily routine around the house. Have a radio or tv in the background so your infant gets use to the noise. If you go the quiet route any little noise might startle your baby. Works for me. My son eats almost 3x as much as my daughter did/does When he was on milk/formula we added some cereal. Most would be against it but he's all over the the place so he is a healthy weight and size hes 1yr and 1/2 now. it helped alot to keep him full. For the naps and overnight sleeping.
there was a time, probably when my son was about 2 months old, that i thought we would never be sleeping regularly ever again. my son would breastfeed almost on the hour and he didn't take too many naps during the day. he barely tolerated me and only wanted his mommy. my wife and i were going mental from the sleep deprivation. i would go to work and sleep at my desk. by three months it started to smooth out though. he's almost 3 now and he gets pissed when i wake him up for school. he tells me no daddy i still sleeping...a little while more :lol:
So it sounds like I should just chill right now since he's only 2 weeks old... :lol:
:lol: yeah man
I asked our doc at the first appointment (2 week? Can't remember) if keeping a schedule for setting sleep etc. was worthwhile. She said only for mom and dad.

We've been doing close to the same type stuff since birth, and we've lucked out. He wasn't a night owl in the womb nor when he was born, so I think he figured it out pretty easily.

our first mistake initially was, we were trying to set "night time" too early (born in Sept) by dimming our house and stuff...in reality, he needed like 15 mins of that, not an hour.

We've swaddled him from the get go and he found comfort in that, however, dude was like Houdini in getting out of it by 8-10 weeks. We're now at 14 weeks.
So it sounds like I should just chill right now since he's only 2 weeks old...
Ya, you're not going to be chilling for a while. Try to get him on a schedule as soon as possible though. It's amazing how ours is going full tilt, then once the nap time rolls around, he's OUT. Been that way for over a year now. There's always exceptions, but I can usually count on at least a 3 hour solid nap during the day. He once slept for 5 hours straight during the day when he was about 6 months old and I was freaking out going up there every 30 minutes to make sure he was ok.
and I was freaking out going up there every 30 minutes to make sure he was ok. :lol:
:lol: i know that feel.

It's that mixed emotion between "is he still alive?!" and "Party on! This is awesome!!!"

I wake up with the blanket off of me because of how often my wife gets up at night to check on my little one and I always put my hand to her belly when I wake up to make sure she's breathing and then thank god :lol:

Anyway, my baby turned 5 months last week and today, she's 15lb, 6oz and 26.25". I can't believe I used to be able to hold her in one hand just a few months ago and now, she's that big. Time flies is an understatement.
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Just had my first one 12/15, so I'm still learning things myself. The wife was straight gangsta with it. 12 hours labor, 2 pushes and no epidural. I watched the whole thing. It's so much different than watching the videos. I still can't believe that he's here on the outside.

How hard was it for you guys to get your little ones on a sleep schedule, and when did you start??

I'm still working on my swaddle game too. Little man always punches his way out!!
Congrats on Fatherhood, bro!
Just had my first one 12/15, so I'm still learning things myself. The wife was straight gangsta with it. 12 hours labor, 2 pushes and no epidural. I watched the whole thing. It's so much different than watching the videos. I still can't believe that he's here on the outside.

How hard was it for you guys to get your little ones on a sleep schedule, and when did you start??

I'm still working on my swaddle game too. Little man always punches his way out!! :lol:

Congrats on Fatherhood, bro!

Thanks man! You gotta help me! :lol:
What was it like transitioning your baby to daycare? I want to get the g/f back working, but man our baby is super spoiled. She thinks she has to be held 24/7, even in her sleep she'll wake up and start tripping if she feels you lose contact. She feeds constantly at times, sometimes even refuses the bottle and demands to just fall asleep on the breasts. I feel like if I take her, they'll be calling us back within hours telling us to come pick her up, she cries too much. No way day cares have the personel to do that for every baby. She is going to cry so much and be annoying every one and even worse do damage to herself like her hernea from screaming so much if they think they just going to sit her in a carrier and keep it moving with a 20 to 1 daycare teacher to kid ratio or something.
Man im blessed, my chicks mom has her own business so she has a ton of free time to the point where she suggested that she can watch our son and we agreed. Today was the first day and when i picked him up lil vato was passed out. Did the WWF arm lift and fall test and his arm fell on his hip amd he sighed afterwards.

Somethin about that grandma love
What was it like transitioning your baby to daycare? I want to get the g/f back working, but man our baby is super spoiled. She thinks she has to be held 24/7, even in her sleep she'll wake up and start tripping if she feels you lose contact. She feeds constantly at times, sometimes even refuses the bottle and demands to just fall asleep on the breasts. I feel like if I take her, they'll be calling us back within hours telling us to come pick her up, she cries too much. No way day cares have the personel to do that for every baby. She is going to cry so much and be annoying every one and even worse do damage to herself like her hernea from screaming so much if they think they just going to sit her in a carrier and keep it moving with a 20 to 1 daycare teacher to kid ratio or something.
Our transition was pretty easy. He started going when he was about 4 months, and never really cried or anything (until these past 2 weeks). How does she do with family members or friends holding her? Does she cry a lot still?

Every daycare is different, especially is it's a home day care or a day care facility. We take our son to a day care facility and they have a 3 (or 4) to 1 ratio in the infant room. They keep them stimulated while also holding them and providing comfort. Facilities like that are nice in the sense that they have a program established, so you know what to expect. With in home day cares, from my experience, it's not as structured. 
i was in the exact same boat. my son had to go to day care right at 3 months. i was thinking there was no possible way my son would last because they said they'd call if he cried for more than 30 minutes. he was a total mama's boy and never even used a bottle until a week before he had to go to day care. he refused all the bottles until he tried the damn dr browns (PITA to clean) and barely tolerated it the day before he started. all of his milk was from the boob and my wife had to pump some bags full. i dropped him off and they never called me. their infant ratio was 3:1. they gave us a detailed report of how much milk he drank each day, poop/pee, as well as curriculum lol. he stopped being such a crybaby and really flourished. learned rudimentary sign language before he spoke. he stayed at that daycare until 2.5 years old and we recently transitioned him to preschool with zero problems.
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