NT, have you ever met a REAL NYMPHOMANIAC? Vol. Serious Discussion

Oct 8, 2002
Has anyone here ever met a real nympho? I don't mean a freak, JO, bust down, slab or what have you. I mean, like a server mental disorder.

I'm not being thirsty or dreaming, I just have a real curiously about the matter. What are they like on a day to day basis? Do they have "friends" the call, or do they literally stick their head out the door and throw it at the first guy they see? How long did they last before they got pregnant or an STD?

Is it even a real disorder? Do they really even exists? What kind of treatment do these people get?

I did a google search, nothing informative came up. What you guys know about it, ACTUALLY?
you're not thirsty........riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.  
Ha, a NT'er not thirsty, I know right?

But seriously, though.....
yeah my ex....

she wanted to do it all the time...literally we used to spend hours 4-5 days a week just continuously having sex.

let it be known though, most of these girls have serious psychological issues...along with emotional issues and insecurities...

for example my ex was molested and raped by her brother at the age of 4...you don't need a psychologist to figure out how someone like that can turn into a sex freak and crave it all the time...it was sad, but i helped her through it and tried to be there for her...even attempted to curb her constant crave for sex...

but its never appreciated in the end, because they have serious mental issues....stay away from these type of chicks.
no...i wondered about this too...and then i watched 'black snake moan' and didn't wonder so much any more.
Originally Posted by copped

yeah my ex....

she wanted to do it all the time...literally we used to spend hours 4-5 days a week just continuously having sex.

let it be known though, most of these girls have serious psychological issues...along with emotional issues and insecurities...

for example my ex was molested and raped by her brother at the age of 4...you don't need a psychologist to figure out how someone like that can turn into a sex freak and crave it all the time...it was sad, but i helped her through it and tried to be there for her...even attempted to curb her constant crave for sex...

but its never appreciated in the end, because they have serious mental issues....stay away from these type of chicks.
Did you ever worry about her cheating? Did you ever see her after that? Did she ever get any kind of help?
Been with 3 girls like that and they were all molested at an early age by a family member. It's really sad
Originally Posted by copped

yeah my ex....

she wanted to do it all the time...literally we used to spend hours 4-5 days a week just continuously having sex.

let it be known though, most of these girls have serious psychological issues...along with emotional issues and insecurities...

for example my ex was molested and raped by her brother at the age of 4...you don't need a psychologist to figure out how someone like that can turn into a sex freak and crave it all the time...it was sad, but i helped her through it and tried to be there for her...even attempted to curb her constant crave for sex...

but its never appreciated in the end, because they have serious mental issues....stay away from these type of chicks.
Quoted for truth. Though she never really came out and said it, I have a feeling that one of my exes was a nymphomaniac... or at least had many of those tendencies. We'd have sex at least twice daily, if not more. There were times when she'd call in to work just to have it. In the beginning it was cool because the sex was great, but then I realized that we didn't really have much of a relationship outside of the sex... but I stayed because I wasn't about to give that up,
. Imagine the wildest, kinkiest, hottest, sex you've ever had... 2x a day at least? Man... I don't think I frowned once that summer. Not only that but she would buy concert tickets for us, take me out to eat... the whole nine.

But from the beginning I knew something was up. Like the first week we started dating she said something like "I don't care if you see other women... as long as I don't know about it." *Buzzer sound.* She'd text me randomly when we didn't spend the night together "Hey, so there aren't any other women right?" Just random stuff like that. She'd show up to my room hammered at like 4pm on a weekday sometimes. She was always obsessed about her skin tone too... which is weird, because she's black/hispanic... and not too many females with that mix are worried about tanning, but whatever. I just thought it was because she was from the suburbs and that's just how it is out there.

We sailed smoothly for the first couple months though. Great sex, had a ton of fun, and I managed to squeeze a couple of jumpoffs in even. But then she took a trip with her friend to WI. I had a feeling that something was probably gonna go down because she always got super horny after drinking but I thought she might surprise me. She got back, everything was cool, but then a week later she breaks down and starts talking about how she fooled with a guy... said she left mid way through and couldn't go through with it... says how sorry she is for cheating even though we "agreed to remain exclusive" which then prompted an argument about me sleeping around (even though she said she didn't care...) It was a messy breakup.

I mean... in retrospect, for all of the BS that was a direct result of being in a relationship with her it wasn't worth it. But if I had a choice of having the experience or not... I would definitely choose to have dated her. I mean the sex was great, had tons of fun with her, and the pros typically outweighed the cons. But, like dude I quoted said... lots of insecurity issues, huge time commitment, lots of stamina needed... not for everyone.
yes, and i wouldn't even kiss her on the cheek...

she once told me that she went home with a different guy every night for a year...
Originally Posted by copped

yeah my ex....

she wanted to do it all the time...literally we used to spend hours 4-5 days a week just continuously having sex.

let it be known though, most of these girls have serious psychological issues...along with emotional issues and insecurities...

for example my ex was molested and raped by her brother at the age of 4...you don't need a psychologist to figure out how someone like that can turn into a sex freak and crave it all the time...it was sad, but i helped her through it and tried to be there for her...even attempted to curb her constant crave for sex...

but its never appreciated in the end, because they have serious mental issues....stay away from these type of chicks.

So true

Hope she gets help
Server mental disorder??? LOL it is severe brah, and what is wrong with a nympho. Yes I dated one in high school, and dumped, she was a little to crazy in all aspects, but for the most part it was fun while it lasted.
Originally Posted by Yeah

Originally Posted by copped

yeah my ex....

she wanted to do it all the time...literally we used to spend hours 4-5 days a week just continuously having sex.

let it be known though, most of these girls have serious psychological issues...along with emotional issues and insecurities...

for example my ex was molested and raped by her brother at the age of 4...you don't need a psychologist to figure out how someone like that can turn into a sex freak and crave it all the time...it was sad, but i helped her through it and tried to be there for her...even attempted to curb her constant crave for sex...

but its never appreciated in the end, because they have serious mental issues....stay away from these type of chicks.
Quoted for truth. Though she never really came out and said it, I have a feeling that one of my exes was a nymphomaniac... or at least had many of those tendencies. We'd have sex at least twice daily, if not more. There were times when she'd call in to work just to have it. In the beginning it was cool because the sex was great, but then I realized that we didn't really have much of a relationship outside of the sex... but I stayed because I wasn't about to give that up,
. Imagine the wildest, kinkiest, hottest, sex you've ever had... 2x a day at least? Man... I don't think I frowned once that summer. Not only that but she would buy concert tickets for us, take me out to eat... the whole nine.

But from the beginning I knew something was up. Like the first week we started dating she said something like "I don't care if you see other women... as long as I don't know about it." *Buzzer sound.* She'd text me randomly when we didn't spend the night together "Hey, so there aren't any other women right?" Just random stuff like that. She'd show up to my room hammered at like 4pm on a weekday sometimes. She was always obsessed about her skin tone too... which is weird, because she's black/hispanic... and not too many females with that mix are worried about tanning, but whatever. I just thought it was because she was from the suburbs and that's just how it is out there.

We sailed smoothly for the first couple months though. Great sex, had a ton of fun, and I managed to squeeze a couple of jumpoffs in even. But then she took a trip with her friend to WI. I had a feeling that something was probably gonna go down because she always got super horny after drinking but I thought she might surprise me. She got back, everything was cool, but then a week later she breaks down and starts talking about how she fooled with a guy... said she left mid way through and couldn't go through with it... says how sorry she is for cheating even though we "agreed to remain exclusive" which then prompted an argument about me sleeping around (even though she said she didn't care...) It was a messy breakup.

I mean... in retrospect, for all of the BS that was a direct result of being in a relationship with her it wasn't worth it. But if I had a choice of having the experience or not... I would definitely choose to have dated her. I mean the sex was great, had tons of fun with her, and the pros typically outweighed the cons. But, like dude I quoted said... lots of insecurity issues, huge time commitment, lots of stamina needed... not for everyone.
Criminal Negligence.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by copped

yeah my ex....

she wanted to do it all the time...literally we used to spend hours 4-5 days a week just continuously having sex.

let it be known though, most of these girls have serious psychological issues...along with emotional issues and insecurities...

for example my ex was molested and raped by her brother at the age of 4...you don't need a psychologist to figure out how someone like that can turn into a sex freak and crave it all the time...it was sad, but i helped her through it and tried to be there for her...even attempted to curb her constant crave for sex...

but its never appreciated in the end, because they have serious mental issues....stay away from these type of chicks.
Did you ever worry about her cheating? Did you ever see her after that? Did she ever get any kind of help?
ironic thing about these chicks are they are loyal as hell...but if you mess up once or lose any sorts of trust (even if its the smallest little thing that normal women would have gotten over in  a few days) they will begin to explore other avenues, because they no longer trust you anymore...

they crave the attention of other men, even if they aren't physical with them, they crave emotional attention more than physical...this is because they want to feel accepted all the time---being raped at a young age makes you think you are worthless and aren't accepted in society, so they constantly crave that normalcy through acceptance (this leads to cheating)

sex was def amazing....best of my life, made me into the beast i am in bed now

still stay AWAY.
Yup. I've met several.
With one girl in particular, let's just say things got messy...REAL MESSY. After she broke our exclusivity, it was one of the worst weeks of my life ever. This chick tried everything to get back with me (buying me stuff, doing things she doesn't normally do, the whole nine). She wanted to be my official girlfriend since day one but nope wasn't having that at all.  
These girls will end up getting you in alot of trouble if you try to stay with'em.
Learned a rough lesson last summer.
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