NT Help me beat my Traffic Ticket!!

Oct 5, 2007
So back in February I got the stupidest ticket ever. I was at a stop sign waiting to turn right and merge onto a street. A cop was coming in the second laneover, and I complete stop and turn into the first lane as the cop passes in the second lane. Is it not standard driving rules to have to merge into the closestlane? The cop slows down, gets behind me and pulls me over, and her reason was "She didn't know which lane I was turning into which made her slam onthe breaks". Me:

But anyways, months later, and countless late fees, I still have to fight it. If I don't take this to court soon my license gets suspended July 2nd

What should I tell the judge?
I been to traffic court before and if you tell the truth and it was actually was a stupid stop you got a really good chance.

One time I got all prepared for a passing on the right summons (which was an excuse to search the car) and got off because the judge saw that it was stupid.

Or maybe you get lucky and the cop don't even show up. I know here in NYC if you suspend it enough times SOMETIMES they dont show
Fight it. This sounds like an easy win for you. Especially if the cop shows and has to explain to the judge why she freaked out about you turning into yourlane, which she was not in.
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