NT how do you deal with annoying girls

May 26, 2007
im talking about the girls who always bug you and somehow always want to be around you, no matter how rude i am they still don`t seem to get the hint. i meandamn its 3 am and this stupid %!**$ calls my cell and my house. i hate it when +!%%%%# call my house phone late at night, especially since family is sleeping.you think some people would have common sense not to call someones house phone this late at night.

straight up i hate clingy and immature +!%%%%# with no common sense

just needed to vent, anyways how do you deal with girls like that
last time this happen i literally told the girl infront of all her friends and mine......


!$%%$ tried to play it off like there is no jock

i was like ya there is cuz u on it like u on deez right now and she was like

edit: 200th post
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Be rude. And when I say rude, I mean a-hole rude.

I do that....and it makes them like me MORE! I'm usually the cool laid back type of guy who makes jokes. As soon as I act like an A-hole to get awayfrom annoying chicks, they seem to dig it more. I guess it adds some sort of "bad boy" image. Just ignore her man that basically the best you can youdo.
this is my response to everything an annoying girl says to me:
online: lol
real life: haha

im sure she'll get the hint
If we're face to face I'll politely request to be left alone and proceed to get "ignant" if they persist. If they're on the phone I willlet them talk to my boy dial tone because he doesn't mind the mindless chatter...
If its one thing I thought a NTer would know it'd be how to lose a girl.

Cosign...the amount of threads here askin for relationship advice makes me think that most of these guys are PROS at it.
just act really weird around them.

or just do what my roommates does...

BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZE it before you chill wit' her.

tons of girls will get off of your's.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

If its one thing I thought a NTer would know it'd be how to lose a girl.
I know right, I was coming here to ASK about this...I seem to have accidentally hit a switch that's making all these girls I don't really likecome after me...
I don't know what to do.
I was cool with all of them before, said hi/bye, small talk a little, basically keeping good feelings for when they get that one
friend I wanna talk to. Lately they all been throwing banana peels in my plan andthey tryin to catch me slippin up.

I'm not the kind of person to turn down anyone, everybody likes me and I keep connections open and clear, but I can't have them thinkingsomething's gonna happen, not a chance.

Help? Just straight telling them hasn't really worked, showing no interest in what they say just brings them around at another time, and I'm not tryingto kill friendships. Please help me.
easy. tell her (moreso show her) that you're too busy to mess around with small talk. tell her if she's coming around you, itd better be good. hell gether to take you out on a date and pull ut the Dave Chappelle "Wrap It Up Box" when you're tired of her.

some girls need you to be more direct with em...cuz when you treat em foul, they like it more.
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