NT, How does one get a job at BBC store or Bape...in NYC ??

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

you are chasing big dreams alright


For both you idiots.

I didn't move here to "pursue a career in retail."

I need a job right now so I can have some type of income instead of the monies previously saved.

   beggars can't be choosers,  if your looking for a consistent income you would take the first reasonable job offered rather then limit your search to  bbc and bape.
most of those jobs its who you know but every once and a while they will call one of those people who dropped off a resume.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Keep pretending that "in search of" is a good album, they should hire you based off that dedication alone!
Oh damn. Low blow.

Pretty much summed it up right here. I'm friends with mostof the current staff and I can tell you now that you might as wellforget about it and hit up H&M or something. They pretty much paythe same anyway.

Small world, seems like someone always knows someone on here.

I always wondered what it's like to work in the "boutique" retail industry. I've only been to Bape in Tokyo but the dudes there were really chill helping me out. I personally loathe working retail though, pay is crap for what's required of you.
You just have to be cocky as f*_k and show what you can do for the brand. like photography, social media, html and other basic skills. But social media is a must8)
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