NT, How was your transition from glasses to contacts?

kdawg, i meant to say he could never give his 100% recommendation that I wear them more than once. He said they were tested for a day and were made out of almost the same stuff at other weekly products. I thought at the time it was more of a technicality, in where he had to say what he was saying to protect himself. The doctor was very straight down the middle. He couldn't give a concrete NO or a concrete YES... Just what was recommended..

I'm not talking 10 days at once, and sleeping in the dailies. I'm talking wear for 4 hours one day, take them out, clean them, and wear them for awhile the next day. That always made sense to me. And my eyes have stabilized at their given - number. This two for one has saved me some money, with what appears to be no ill effects on my eyes
I've worn glasses for about 12-13 years before switching to contacts. It's not a permanent switch as I wear both time to time. Took me about a week or two to get a routine down for putting on and off my contacts. Now, I just wear contacts when I'm going out and glasses when I'm at home.

I plan to get lasik down the road though.
I wear both; mostly contacts when I can but when I'm tired / at home / driving at night I roll with the trusty glasses.

Main thing is comfort; do your due diligence and try out different brands / price ranges. Make sure to switch up either daily or weekly to let your eyes breathe and reset. I'm not kidding.

Stock up when there is a sale.

I have astigmatism in my left eye so it wreaks havoc when I try to order some online, it used to be that I had to pay so much extra (Bausch & Lomb) just for my left eye prescription.

Recently I switched over to daily 2 week wear pairs, Acuvue Oasys or something like that, they're holding up pretty well.

Some things to remember: try to stay with contacts for sports; man playing ball with glasses on was horrible, depth perception, peripheral vision at speed was gone, etc. Not to mention the danger of flying elbows or hard fouls demolishing your frames... Sports in general require contacts, unless you want to rock prescription goggles that can take a beating.

Swimming, the beach (sand), the pool, or the shower at the gym; try to avoid the soap/shampoo in the eyes, the irritation is intense and can lead to infections (WASH your hands at the gym if touching your face/eyes (common sense I know, just in case) Certain environments do not lend themselves well to contacts, act accordingly.

Avoid wearing contacts when you have a bad cold or sinus congestion; I've found I get more eye infections when I have a cold while contacts are in, even with meticulous hand washing. I think it has to do with my eyes needing more oxygen and a compromised immune system. I then rock glasses until the cold goes away.

Sometimes, (hasn't happened to me lately) but a contact can slide up into the backspace between your eye and your eyelid. Don't panic, some slight rubbing of your eyelid or just blinking a lot will let it either pop out or reset over your eye.

You will lose your contact(s) at an inopportune/inconvenient moment; it happens to everyone. At the movies, on a windy day, at the gym, in her bed, etc.

Always carry backup in either a spare sealed pair, or keep glasses handy. Trust me on this one.

I'm sure I'm missing out on some experience comments but hey, congrats. I'd go for the Lasik or whatever surgery but your eyes degenerate with time so it'd only be for so long and it's still expensive (not covered by most insurance plans/benefits)

Good luck.
I tried contacts once before....I didn't like them one bit....I couldn't get them in my eyes and I had to have my moms put them in all the time.....to me its just easier to use glasses
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

kdawg, i meant to say he could never give his 100% recommendation that I wear them more than once. He said they were tested for a day and were made out of almost the same stuff at other weekly products. I thought at the time it was more of a technicality, in where he had to say what he was saying to protect himself. The doctor was very straight down the middle. He couldn't give a concrete NO or a concrete YES... Just what was recommended..

I'm not talking 10 days at once, and sleeping in the dailies. I'm talking wear for 4 hours one day, take them out, clean them, and wear them for awhile the next day. That always made sense to me. And my eyes have stabilized at their given - number. This two for one has saved me some money, with what appears to be no ill effects on my eyes
Still wrong though - they're growing bugs all the time from when you start wearing them and even if you've only worn them a few hours the risk is still much more than wearing a new pair. It's 100% no you can't wear them again. The manufacturer's recommendations are one thing but the scientific studies trump that (although they're usually similar and align over time).

They also feel a lot less comfortable - I did it myself once as a student and they felt terrible the second day.

I know I see it from a different angle but I always find it strange how people are willing to put up with uncomfortable eyes/poor vision etc. to save $50 a year - and that's probably what you're saving by stretching them out.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

kdawg, i meant to say he could never give his 100% recommendation that I wear them more than once. He said they were tested for a day and were made out of almost the same stuff at other weekly products. I thought at the time it was more of a technicality, in where he had to say what he was saying to protect himself. The doctor was very straight down the middle. He couldn't give a concrete NO or a concrete YES... Just what was recommended..

I'm not talking 10 days at once, and sleeping in the dailies. I'm talking wear for 4 hours one day, take them out, clean them, and wear them for awhile the next day. That always made sense to me. And my eyes have stabilized at their given - number. This two for one has saved me some money, with what appears to be no ill effects on my eyes
Still wrong though - they're growing bugs all the time from when you start wearing them and even if you've only worn them a few hours the risk is still much more than wearing a new pair. It's 100% no you can't wear them again. The manufacturer's recommendations are one thing but the scientific studies trump that (although they're usually similar and align over time).

They also feel a lot less comfortable - I did it myself once as a student and they felt terrible the second day.

I know I see it from a different angle but I always find it strange how people are willing to put up with uncomfortable eyes/poor vision etc. to save $50 a year - and that's probably what you're saving by stretching them out.
What are the best contacts for comfort?
I wore contacts 3 years ago but they were annoying at the time.
Easy transition for me... I love contacts. Rarely ever wear glasses anymore. Only thing that took getting used to was putting them on
Anyone use accuvue moist dailies? as of late they get so moist they almost make my eyes tear
Well this thread has sold me, been wearing glasses for like 2 years now still haven't got used to it.

Thanks fellas
They'll show you how to take them in and out when you go in for the prescription. Contacts were the best decision I've ever made for my eyes.
+1 on the Oasys.
easy transition. 1st day is tough cuz u gotta get used to putting it in your eye. also what bothers me alot is the dryness and irritation. im back to glasses at the moment.
@Kdawg is $115 for a contact lens eye exam w/ astigmatism too expensive. I recall I used to pay $100 for contacts and glasses. SMH
I wear contacts too.
It's great. I rock the Acuvue Oasis w Hyrda Clear plus.
At Walmart it was 89 for the test and then 221 for a years worth of contacts.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

get coloured contacts so youll bag all the pretty light skin @#@#

Don't. This isn't the 90's and you'll look ridiculous.

Man, in 96-97 I had blue, green and hazel contacts (brown is my real color). Doing it, I thought I was.
You get used to putting them in after a while.

I have monthlys that I don't take out for a month. Sleep in them too. It's great, never have to worry about changing them up and stuff.
I know my glasses prescription. Ordered a pair from coastal.com and they are great. If I wanted to order contacts can I use the same Rx, or do I have to go to my eye doctor?

I know this sounds kind of shallow but I only want contacts so that I can rock shades in the summer.
I remember a friend of mine was scared about contacts because she thought it'd get stuck behind her eye and go into her brain

But it was an easy, smooth transition. The first couple days I woke up a little earlier so I could get them in. Get soft ones, not hard.
I just got contacts fitted about 3 weeks ago. They are awesome. Still rock my glasses in my downtime, but the contacts give you a lot more freedom and I know it sounds stupid, but confidence as well. I sucked at putting them in at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly. The worst issue I've had so far is that one of the lens' has rolled up in my eye and gotten caught under my eyelid a couple of times, due to me fiddling with it when I thought it wasn't in there properly. Had me shook the first time I did it haha.
The switch was easy comfort wise at first. But either the solution I was given or the type of contacts made my eyes extremely red, even though they didnt burn hurt. I switch solutions and contact types and been good ever since.
I wish i can wear contacts..

I tried on about 10 different brands and each one causes my eye to get super dry and uncomfortable..

Gotta stick to my prescription sunglasses...
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