NT I feel really disgusted with myself for taking advantage of oomf

In 10 years time, Op will be married to ol' girl and have three kids by her. Guaranteed!!!

Always happens in these types of scenarios.

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she in the friendzone playa... for advanced alphas this is known as junior pimpin... just don't hit it and make sure she knows you aren't trying to date her.

Thread doesn't need pics because he's not trying to poke. No need to gauge attraction in this situation..
Obvious sophisticated spam bot is obvious.

Pics are never NOT needed in a girl problem thread. Gauging attraction isn't just to tell the OP to smash or not whether or not he's trying to or not.
You are quite the little douche. Leave this girl alone, she can do better. You do this for an ego boost, look at how you call her a friend then bad mouth her in the same breath. You're worthless b. You deserve every bit of how the girl you're attracted to but wants nothing to do with you treats you. It ain't hard to be a decent human being. Start there.
Think you read his OP wrong. He's the one that doesn't want anything to do with his "friend" All he added was that he was in to someone else not that that girl wanted nothing to do with him.

You don't know OP's history and girl trouble. I read it right. If you do it will make sense, and it will disgust you that he's acting like hot **** with the one female showing him that kind of attention.

Ok maybe i'm too harsh, but this ain't cool OP. Gather yourself, take some you time and gain some self respect. You're too extreme with the lameness right now, you're like a caricature. Get it together. Leave all girls alone for a bit, especially the one you're pining after and just find you.
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got a dilemma guys, I know yall been here before. Basically a childhood friend (I wouldn't consider her that but we grew up together) claims shes in love with me. Now I do not like her nor will I ever will (not my type). Same elementary, same hs, currently same college. She wont disappear out of my life. I feel really disturbed that she likes me to this degree.

Cutting her off obviously easier said than done. I hate everything about her, dunno even why I continue to chill with her. She regularly gets me a ride to and from school, helps me do errands, asks me to chill at school, etc. I feel disgusted that Im taking advantage of her. She knows I don't like her tho and that Im into somebody else.

What should I do? Let me repeat, I have no feelings for her nor do I find her attractive one bit. Not hittable, just getting that out of the way.
she in the friendzone playa... for advanced alphas this is known as junior pimpin... just don't hit it and make sure she knows you aren't trying to date her.

Thread doesn't need pics because he's not trying to poke. No need to gauge attraction in this situation..


Pass her my way bro. I need one of them types of girls and you can't handle it.
You are quite the little douche. Leave this girl alone, she can do better. You do this for an ego boost, look at how you call her a friend then bad mouth her in the same breath. You're worthless b. You deserve every bit of how the girl you're attracted to but wants nothing to do with you treats you. It ain't hard to be a decent human being. Start there.

Like those chicks that keep ugly fat girls in their circle :rofl:
still waiting on the pics 
OMGZ guyz what do I do this chick likes me and I don't like her and I keep hanging out with her omgzz guyz what do I dooo?!!!


Get drunk with her and see what the giraffe is like b4 you cut her off, cant let a girl on your meat like that go to waste, your gonna regret it
I mean you seem confused breh. If you really didn't wanna be involved with ole girl in any way, all you gotta say is "*****, leave me the **** alone" in two different languages so she know it's real. This seems like one of those situations in which you taken advantage of her, treated her like **** and want nothing to do with her, but once she start messin with somebody else, you gon be all jealous an what not. You got two options, go full douchebag and amp up what you doing now, or just part ways with the skank.
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