NT i just made a Twitter....have i really been missin that much?

#Burr #NT

Originally Posted by potus2028

FTR, I wrote this months ago...just thought it applied...

After thinkin about it a lil, I realize I hate Twitter. I do. Obviously you have a computer/cool cell phone so you know what that is...or at least I hope. Anyway, I think its the most pointless %$$@ ever in the history of humankind...I mean, seriously...what possible important %$$@ can you say with 140 (I think) letters? Did you know they ran a study on Twitter, and only 8% of the posts on the ENTIRE website were about anything at all? Which means 92% of the things you read on there are 'omg I'm bored lol', 'i had a great time last night, wish I could find my panties' or 'im sitting on the porch'...and people spend all day on that sunbia. I do not get it at all...I don't get the appeal. (Apparently neither do Twits...I asked one person why she liked Twitter, she said I don't...but everyone else does so I got one...great rationale sweetie...)

Its like they took all the worst parts of Facebook and Myspace and put them together... If I wanted to sit there and read random facebook statuses all damn day, id...y'know...get on facebook...at least fb does other things. By the way...Twitter is not a %+!@+! news source. It don't belong on the newspaper or on the tv news that nobody said nothin on Twitter cuz 1) it might not be them...anybody could get a pic and say they whoever they want. I bet right now if I got a pic of some random female celebrity, started a Twitter account and said I was pregnant it would be in the %+!@+! paper and all over the internet by this afternoon...I think that's tragic.... and 2) Its %+!@+! Twitter. What's next, they gonna start publishing celebrity text messages and %$$@? Its that deep?

And oh no, don't even get me started on how I feel about 'following' folk. (No, you don't make friends on Twitter, you follow folk) Silly rabbit, I'm not followin you, I don't even know you! (Imagine if a dude came up to you in the street talkin bout some 'follow me'...brotha please...) My mommy raised me not to be a follower. Only people over the age of 5 that follow other people are tour groups, cult members and stalkers...come the @!@$ on. Not only that...you don't post, you 'tweet'. Now you tell me if a grown @** man should be tweeting under any circumstances...tweeting in real life can get you in a straitjacket or your @** kicked depending on where you are. I don't think it should be any different online. Point is, Twitter sucks, you prolly suck if you use it, and whoever came up with that $++%@*%% should be hung upside down, filled with candy and beaten with a stick. But that's just one man's opinion..

nice rant, but until you actually have an account, and goof around with other NTers.....you will never understand
I got one, but I dont think Im doin it right.
like dude said, its a bunch of random status updates.
at least on FB you can see peoples responses to things and interact that way
Twitter is cool and all and has an addictive factor to it but at the same time kinda corny aswell. The most enjoyment I get out of Twitter is when I'mbored and trying to pass time.... whereas with FB I genuinely liked going on there to see what my fam & friends are up to.
I have never been, nor will I ever be, on a twitter.

my understanding is that its like a blog with text messages, neither of which I have ever dealt with either.

%%*% twitter and you are a loser if you have one.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

I have never been, nor will I ever be, on a twitter.

my understanding is that its like a blog with text messages, neither of which I have ever dealt with either.

%%*% twitter and you are a loser if you have one.

- co-sign.

- and dont even have texting on my phone, so a twitter account would be extra pointless for me.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I have never been, nor will I ever be, on a twitter.

my understanding is that its like a blog with text messages, neither of which I have ever dealt with either.

%%*% twitter and you are a loser if you have one.

- co-sign.

- and dont even have texting on my phone, so a twitter account would be extra pointless for me.

Word.....my friends are like "dude, how come you never respind to my text message?" I'm like "+#+ is a text message?" They try toshow me on my phone and then realized I don't have the ability to do it.

IT Dude at work was like if you want I'll enact it on your phone...I passed.
HOVKid wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

HOVKid wrote:
I have never been, nor will I ever be, on a twitter.

my understanding is that its like a blog with text messages, neither of which I have ever dealt with either.

%%*% twitter and you are a loser if you have one.

- co-sign.

- and dont even have texting on my phone, so a twitter account would be extra pointless for me.

Word.....my friends are like "dude, how come you never respind to my text message?" I'm like "+#+ is a text message?" They try to show me on my phone and then realized I don't have the ability to do it.

IT Dude at work was like if you want I'll enact it on your phone...I passed.

i had it (texting), but i had a cousin send me a chain text a fewyears back and i took it off my plan altogether. i hate texting....just call me

- and i get the same comments you do. since i dont have texting people assume i do (they say everyone does
), so sometimes ill run into someone with the "ive been texting you likecrazy!! where you been??"

- not having a texting plan FTW. it feels so good to not feel the need to stop everything im doing just because a text came through (like i see most doing).

- the only drawback though. i have a really good friend that had 2 strokes within1 year. he lost his hearing and texting was the only way he could communicatewith me. i halfway thought about it before i canceled my texting plan but deaded it anyway.....oh well
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

HOVKid wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

HOVKid wrote:
I have never been, nor will I ever be, on a twitter.

my understanding is that its like a blog with text messages, neither of which I have ever dealt with either.

%%*% twitter and you are a loser if you have one.

- co-sign.

- and dont even have texting on my phone, so a twitter account would be extra pointless for me.

Word.....my friends are like "dude, how come you never respind to my text message?" I'm like "+#+ is a text message?" They try to show me on my phone and then realized I don't have the ability to do it.

IT Dude at work was like if you want I'll enact it on your phone...I passed.

i had it (texting), but i had a cousin send me a chain text a few years back and i took it off my plan altogether. i hate texting....just call me

- and i get the same comments you do. since i dont have texting people assume i do (they say everyone does
), so sometimes ill run into someone with the "ive been texting you like crazy!! where you been??"

- not having a texting plan FTW. it feels so good to not feel the need to stop everything im doing just because a text came through (like i see most doing).

- the only drawback though. i have a really good friend that had 2 strokes within1 year. he lost his hearing and texting was the only way he could communicate with me. i halfway thought about it before i canceled my texting plan but deaded it anyway.....oh well

just sad. you should dropped as a friend
Go follow Rev Run. It'll change your views about twitter.

And some of you sound really stupid talking about "you suck if you have one". Really? Generalizing millions of people son? Shut the hell up kid.

It's for entertainment. Take it for what it is. SMH @ bammas writing friggin thesis statements about how much they hate a website. You realize how stupidyou look b?
I deleted mine after a while... too many people I don't really know following me and I really don't care what they're doing.
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