NT, if you could make up your own UNIQUE law, what would it be?

Originally Posted by Protoman11

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

require hs/college students to perform a certain number of community service hours before graduating.

not really unique but it's been considered before.

I had to do this to graduate high school
Same but I didn't actually do anything. This group I was in in high school gave us like 100+ hours so we were gravy.

might wanna float around idea of a siesta too.
Now that's a law my pops and I would definitely enjoy.
4 day work week

no fines for downloading music/movies from the internet (record labels and film studios need to do a better job of watching their employees, don't blamethe consumer)

driving test one is pretty obvious for seniors

no full ride scholarships for college athletes instead pay them hourly as an on campus student worker - would free up some of that money for the students whostruggle to pay loans after graduating
1. Make the driving test super difficult
2. Eliminate all the nonsense that goes with traffic violations. A one time, not insurance affecting $50 ticket. (Since people have to be better drivers to beon road, should be less dangerous theoretically if they are speeding).
2. Continued.. change speed limits so they accurately reflect under ideal conditions what you should be driving. Such as, on the I-5 between Norcal and So cal,should be 90 (max). If you are over 90, fine throw a big ticket at the person.
3. Have cabs run by the city (in major cities), with a base salary/gas allowance/repair allowance etc. The cost of the cab should just be whatever you tipthem. If it is more than a 15 mile journey, have a set cost.
4. Charge taxes for more than 3 televisions in a house
5. Drop the work week to 4 days
6. Employer incentive programs for people to exercise daily. (Would reduce SOOOO many healthcare costs)
7. Reduce NASA spending on flying, finding random galaxies etc. Focus the money on improving public transportation and/or hoverboards.
8. Raise taxes on purchases over $100,000 (luxury items such as boats, cars, wtv, except real estate).
9. Create many more charter schools (meaning schools accountable for performance).
10. Classroom reading program (1 hour a day in classroom time to read a book until end of 8th grade).
11. Lower drinking age to 18. That way people don't have to throw as many house parties and can just meet at the 'pub' etc.
12. Legalize mary jane, and tax it.
13. Don't allow anyone to carry guns anymore. You can purchase guns, but they must be stored in a firing range. Make carrying a gun a huge monetary fine,but not a felony. 2nd offense, felony and good amount of slammer time. Continue increasing penalties for being in a gang type violence act.
14. Make a penalty for suing people if you lose...needs to be a less litigious society.

I dunno, many more.
have people monitor cops in neighborhoods, and if they do some crooked shhhh they get fired and never let back on the force
Make the license test 500x harder, it is a joke, in other countries you have to take lessons for like 10 sessions and when u take the test you need to drivearound the city as well as a large obstacles course (wet and dry) and a long test on theory. Im TIRED of people who CANT DRIVE, they shouldnt be allowed in thedrivers seat if they have ANY doubts whatsoever about ANY roadlaws, signs etc.

nationwide exercise in schools for at least an hour EVERY DAY, and not just some sit outside and talk crap, ACTUAL EXERCISE
Originally Posted by Sundizzle

1. Make the driving test super difficult
2. Eliminate all the nonsense that goes with traffic violations. A one time, not insurance affecting $50 ticket. (Since people have to be better drivers to be on road, should be less dangerous theoretically if they are speeding).
2. Continued.. change speed limits so they accurately reflect under ideal conditions what you should be driving. Such as, on the I-5 between Norcal and So cal, should be 90 (max). If you are over 90, fine throw a big ticket at the person.
3. Have cabs run by the city (in major cities), with a base salary/gas allowance/repair allowance etc. The cost of the cab should just be whatever you tip them. If it is more than a 15 mile journey, have a set cost.
4. Charge taxes for more than 3 televisions in a house
5. Drop the work week to 4 days
6. Employer incentive programs for people to exercise daily. (Would reduce SOOOO many healthcare costs)
7. Reduce NASA spending on flying, finding random galaxies etc. Focus the money on improving public transportation and/or hoverboards.
8. Raise taxes on purchases over $100,000 (luxury items such as boats, cars, wtv, except real estate).
9. Create many more charter schools (meaning schools accountable for performance).
10. Classroom reading program (1 hour a day in classroom time to read a book until end of 8th grade).
11. Lower drinking age to 18. That way people don't have to throw as many house parties and can just meet at the 'pub' etc.
12. Legalize mary jane, and tax it.
13. Don't allow anyone to carry guns anymore. You can purchase guns, but they must be stored in a firing range. Make carrying a gun a huge monetary fine, but not a felony. 2nd offense, felony and good amount of slammer time. Continue increasing penalties for being in a gang type violence act.
14. Make a penalty for suing people if you lose...needs to be a less litigious society.

I dunno, many more.

I agree with most. 14 is dead on
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