NT Readers come in... vol. I need help!

Oct 16, 2007
Recently, I don't know what I've been doing with my life and am a big believer in improving as a person

I'm on amazon right now and I'm contemplating ordering

The Art of Manliness
The Power of Now
48 Laws of Power

Does anyone else have any suggestions for self help kind of books? like the ones above, or any other kind of recommendations for me?

I'm not looking for entertainment books or anything like that
As a man thinketh - short but great read

The Road less traveled - pretty amazing ready on Psychology

The secret - i enjoy flipping on the dvd and listening to it while i do !%!% around the house

the prophet - Kahlil Gibran - read this ASAP- short quick read - not about religion like you think
Your question is pretty broad.
In what ways are you looking to improve yourself?
I think once you figure that out, you'll have a better idea of the stuff you want to read.
Yeah your right, how about in going after the things I really want to do
Finding what I enjoy and being happy doing it
and a sub-category of those 2 is getting better doing those things

I dunno, I'm not a real good explainer.

How about books for someone who doesn't know what to do with his life. Living with no regrets
Do yourself a favor and indulge(sp?) yourself into the world of esther hicks, mike dooley, and the great minds that enhibit the phenomonal world that is the Law of Attraction.

Truly life changing stuff bro'
Read a book on the hard work requirement to success. The Tipping Point by Michael Gladwell or David Shenk's The Genius in All of Us: Why Everything You've Been Told About Genetics, Talent, and IQ Is Wrong
any more suggestions?
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