NT runners, need some help

I didn't know there was programs....i taught you just warm up and go..

I run btw.
I want to work myself up to the point where I can run up to 3 miles like it's nothing. I used to be able to do that now, but I've really let myself go.

I know getting back into shape isn't going to happen overnight, so I'm just looking for a set routine to follow
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I want to work myself up to the point where I can run up to 3 miles like it's nothing. I used to be able to do that now, but I've really let myself go.

I know getting back into shape isn't going to happen overnight, so I'm just looking for a set routine to follow

 Me too. At my best, I could do 8 laps without stopping. Went from 280 to 237 pounds doing that for few months...then LAZINESS set in and now I'm like 2-3 laps and I tap.
haha yeah man this gut is not a pretty sight. It's at the point where most of my clothes don't fit anymore. So instead of buying new stuff I'm going to lose this weight and start eating better
Start by eating better, you will feel more energy and won't feel so sluggish.
When it comes to headphones yurbuds iron man series are the best guaranteed not to fall out. 
Originally Posted by Cubinican

When it comes to headphones yurbuds iron man series are the best guaranteed not to fall out. 

thanks, it's on android too.
Man if you can't jog a mile without stopping that's not good.

I respect the want for healthy habits though, best of luck to all of you.
I'm in a similar boat. I just got accepted into Navy OCS so I need to start a running program. I've been doing years of heavy weight lifting with only light cardio on ellipticals and my running game is at an all-time low. I've 5 ft 8, 200 lbs with 12% BF but I'm in awful running shape. I ran a mile and a half in 13:00 and almost died the other day.
I'm a cyclist and i also cross train by running when i can. Problem is i've been having knee problems the past year or so. Don't know what it is but it gets bad enough where i limp around when i walk. X rays came back fine so i'm thinking it's a muscle imbalance of some sort. I have huge quads and calves but my hamstrings are pretty weak. I'm trying to get into the Air Force this summer so i need a solution soon to this problem. 
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

I'm a cyclist and i also cross train by running when i can. Problem is i've been having knee problems the past year or so. Don't know what it is but it gets bad enough where i limp around when i walk. X rays came back fine so i'm thinking it's a muscle imbalance of some sort. I have huge quads and calves but my hamstrings are pretty weak. I'm trying to get into the Air Force this summer so i need a solution soon to this problem. 
If you anything like I was you gotta lengthen those hamstrings bruh.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

If you anything like I was you gotta lengthen those hamstrings bruh.

Any tips on this besides just doing it.. My hamstrings are bad, especially the left one which is EXTREMELY tight.. stretching it hurts like hell, but feels amazing afterwards..
Spoiler [+]
should I go ham on my hams Ham City?

at the spoiler. Yeah Ham any recommendations on strengthening them? Lately i've been doing leg curls, i'm just laying flat on my stomach doing them. Doing sets of 15 with 35 pounds of weight.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

If you anything like I was you gotta lengthen those hamstrings bruh.

Any tips on this besides just doing it.. My hamstrings are bad, especially the left one which is EXTREMELY tight.. stretching it hurts like hell, but feels amazing afterwards..
Spoiler [+]
should I go ham on my hams Ham City?
at the spoiler. Yeah Ham any recommendations on strengthening them? Lately i've been doing leg curls, i'm just laying flat on my stomach doing them. Doing sets of 15 with 35 pounds of weight.
I would indeed recommend going HAM on your hamstrings. I try to stretch 2-3 times a day, usually with three repetitions per leg for a duration of one minute per rep.

At the end of the day you are going to have to just do it if you want to loosen them or gain flexibility but one of the things that has helped me is to stretch when \ I'm watching sports. Whether I'm watching football, soccer, or basketball, I get a good thirty minute stretch in and I use the game clock to log those good 60 second reps. Otherwise I get bored/lazy and what should be sixty seconds turns into thirty, three reps turns into 1.5, etc etc.

Also stretching should NEVER hurt. If it hurts it's detrimental and and that's hustling backwards. If you're really really tight you need to stretch as light as possible and build up to a deeper more intense stretch. Stretching should feel like stretching.

jrdnsrnss I don't spend much time in the weight room anymore but I was never big on iso exercises. I always preferred exercises like parallel squats, power cleans, and the  romanian dead lift for my legs/hamstrings.
Wow, I think that runner's world mag is in my closet right now

I would say the best way to get to the point where 3 miles is nothing to you, is to be running at a higher distance throughout the week.
You can't overload yourself since you're pretty much getting back into it, but let's say out of 7 days in a week, you can work out 4 days a
week (every other day), running 5-6 miles a day. When you start out like that, you will build up tolerance/endurance to be able to run
3 miles like you want.

That may sound like a lot, but at one point I was running 10-12 miles a day 5-6 days a week, and even though I'm not in that shape right
now, dropping down to 5-6 miles is really nothing for me.

You definitely want to change/improve your eating habits too if you can, it will only help. Steak and crab cakes may sound like a good dinner,
but you'll be regretting that the next day all throughout your run.
I feel like 5-6 miles would take me forever to complete right now. Not against trying it though.
I miss running
Got a stress fracture in my foot a few weeks ago after building up to about 45 miles/week. Don't build up to fast, that is what I did and I felt fine but got an overuse injury. Good luck OP
Forgot to ask this in my original post but does anyone know the best way to overcome side stitches? Besides my knees %#%#*+% up half the time when i run i get side stitches pretty often. Most of the time i get them on the left but occasionally i get the right side too. Any stretches i should be doing before a run to prevent this? Thanks.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Forgot to ask this in my original post but does anyone know the best way to overcome side stitches? Besides my knees %#%#*+% up half the time when i run i get side stitches pretty often. Most of the time i get them on the left but occasionally i get the right side too. Any stretches i should be doing before a run to prevent this? Thanks.

I've been wondering the same thing. Like what even causes it
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