***$$$-NT Sportsbook Thread vol.2- Props props props props props props... EVERYBODY!

I guess I'm not calling it a week.

Taking the Jets -1 tonight.


Should've just stuck to my original plan.
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Thank you!

Now to get my cash quicker instead of check which bitcoin system do you guys use for bovada?
Bitcoin is definitely the way to go. I set up an account (wallet) with Coinbase and then also have an account (wallet) on my phone using the app called bread. When you go on a website you simply put that you want to deposit using bitcoin and it will tell you how much you need to send and also their account (wallet) address. When you want to withdraw your winnings you put your account (wallet) address down and how much you want and it will be there about 15 minutes after they approve the withdrawal. You can also use Circle for an account (wallet) and you can use your debit card to fund your deposit.

When you withdraw I would recommend sending it to your Bread account (wallet) and then immediately sending the funds to your primary account (wallet) on either Coinbase or Circle. Both of those have great options to transferring it to your bank/card and have very low fees maybe 10 cents a transaction if your doing big numbers. You can swipe and create new accounts (wallets) on Bread very easily and makes withdrawing/depositing very easy.
@quell you still owe me $25. For you @airspider777
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What book doesn't do that?

I've never used anything else

I guess I got spoiled. I'm a privately hosted one.

All odds usually start at -105.
All wins are full payout
All loses you get 5% back.
And transaction are done on Venmo.
And you play using money credit. So no need to deposit money.
I guess I got spoiled. I'm a privately hosted one.

All odds usually start at -105.
All wins are full payout
All loses you get 5% back.
And transaction are done on Venmo.
And you play using money credit. So no need to deposit money.

Yea you're spoiled haha. Deposit with bitcoin and there aren't fees.
Didn't look much into it. Made the statement just from season history.

Rockets tonight? Waiting to see if they get more more pts
Reasoning for Army +6:

The last two affairs have been very close contests and that was with Navy having a markedly better team plus do-everything QB, Keenan Reynolds. Army started hot, but fizzled through the middle of their schedule, but they have the most talent and returning talent that they've had in years coming into this game. Ahmad Bradshaw can throw, though you won't see it in the stats much. Army is coming into this game with 3 weeks worth of rest and gameplanning, whereas Navy has played a game each weekend in these past 3 weeks. Also, last weekend, Navy had a bruising contest against Temple. They're QB and top rusher is gone.

Army. Go Black Knights!
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