NT..what drives you?

Aug 23, 2010
I know we all got our issues we have to deal with each day, and I know not everything goes the way it's planned, but when you guys feel like you hit a wall, or rock bottom for that matter, what makes you pick yourself back up and try again? (real talk, I'm trying to keep myself motivated as I go through this grueling semester...)
I want to write what I want to be. Instead of following what people tell me I should do, I would rather define my own life and success.

I won't give up until I make it. I'll take breaks, but time is precious and I know eventually I'll get to where I want to be, so the more I push towards it the earlier it will come.
that indescribable feeling of triumph, you know?

past triumphs as well.

"hell...if i got through THAT, i can definitely get through THIS."
My parents, they've invested too much time and money to facilitate a good life for me just to be a bum. 
money and other things like working hard to pass the class so i dont have to take it again
I feel like I'm here for a purpose. I feel a great responsibility to be there for others even if it comes at my expense sometimes. Definitely my parents,family and my girl. They have all been there for me.

The thought of driving a m3 as an everyday car doesn't hurt either.
- the belief that someday I could design and develop something great.
- my immediate family.
Whenever I feel not motivated to work on a goal, I actually stop trying to work towards that goal and do other stuff unrelated to it. Trying new things allows me to get new ideas and inspiration when I get back to it and I make a huge breakthrough right after.
Right now, food.

I've lost a lot of the motivation I had just a few months ago.

Usually I snap out of it quickly because I tell myself that I'm not living up to my potential. I always have hope.

But right now I don't have much motivation. I need something to snap me out. I'm hoping it comes soon and I'm hoping it doesn't cost me much.
edit: Damn my ego. It won't allow me to let things go. But it also drives me.

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

That too. I can live with a regret, but I can't live with repeating what led to that regret.
Knowing I am capable of greatness and it being my duty as a human born to achieve it.

But right now I don't have much motivation. I need something to snap me out. I'm hoping it comes soon and I'm hoping it doesn't cost me much.
Man, stop %!!%+#% around Wall-E.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Knowing I am capable of greatness and it being my duty as a human born to achieve it.

I hate it when people say we're not capable of doing something. We put a man on the moon. We built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn.

Anything Everything is possible.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Knowing I am capable of greatness and it being my duty as a human born to achieve it.

I hate it when people say we're not capable of doing something. We put a man on the moon. We built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn.

Anything Everything is possible.

btw, I edited my post to try and motivate you
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

But right now I don't have much motivation. I need something to snap me out. I'm hoping it comes soon and I'm hoping it doesn't cost me much.
Man, stop %!!%+#% around Wall-E.

That may actually be enough to snap me out of it lol.... 

I've just been discouraged cause I worked hard on something and it wasn't working out. So I needed a short break from it, but that's costing me time, and I'm running out of time.

edit: What you did, JRS, I seen it. 

I feel like I have the potential to be the best at everything, yet I know that I'm not. With that being said I've made the choice to never be outworked by another person in anything I do.

I don't believe in failure until you make the conscious decision to quit.

"Try and fail is the manner of losers; try and learn is the way of the strong."
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