NTers..Any Ex-Cons here? vol. Share Your prison stories

Aug 30, 2008
May be random, but what was it like?
I have a couple childhood friends of the family locked in Comstock, some people sitting in San Quentin and Clinton. One in Rikers Island.
Explain what you did that got you locked up, how you started seeing things, if you changed and is it as bad as the media portrays it to be?
Im trying to never go to jail ever in my life because the way I see it, behind bars your doomed if your mind cant consume.
My mothers step brother is actually incarcerated at Rikers Island. I only heard from him once and from what he said, its crazy there. People misbehaving,acting uncivilized like cavemen.
, so he spends his time drawing and writingpoetry to seperate the negativity from his surroundings.
But seriously, any of you guys spent time in jail? Even if it was overnight.
few of my friends had stories to tell but nothing serious. it was all comedic stuff like if they got lonely they put vaseline on a mattress n twisted it into alike cinnamon roll...they called it lucy i think..but it wus a chicks name lol
gun charge, got it thrown out. 3 days in county for pc and 20 days house arrest.

just a boring experience, nasty food, bad tv and uncomfortable beds.
Originally Posted by DeLunatic

few of my friends had stories to tell but nothing serious. it was all comedic stuff like if they got lonely they put vaseline on a mattress n twisted it into a like cinnamon roll...they called it lucy i think..but it wus a chicks name lol

what??? this had to be the most random response i've heard in weeks.
In all seriousness, no lies...my good friends step dad did time with "pegleg" from the mexican mafia. you can imagine why they call em pegleg.

I have no pitty for those that f with someones life or do em wrong and are in jail because of it.

And from my personal experience, keep doing wrong and you deserve to keep going back
Dont be crying and acting like a girl if your going back, its your own fault.
Originally Posted by DeLunatic

few of my friends had stories to tell but nothing serious. it was all comedic stuff like if they got lonely they put vaseline on a mattress n twisted it into a like cinnamon roll...they called it lucy i think..but it wus a chicks name lol

they call it a Feefee around here
. Did 2 1/2 years in prison when Iwas 18 on parole now inmate 175272. Possesion with intent to distribute a whole bunch of X pills. I can't lie and say it was like some MSNBC lockup typestuff. it has its bad moments and not really good moments but brighter ones you could call em. I read alot of books and played pool. Spent alot of time writingletters to people and stuff. Just a side note if you got some one locked up and they write you a letter PLEASE take a min and write em back. Gettin some mailcan really make a day so much better. Theres alot of storys I got that arnt really NT rated. I did see one person killed no shank or nothin just beat reallyreally bad and he got a bubble in his brain and died. He sold a "adult magazine" to someone and they never paid. He went to collect and they beat himbasically.

Ahh I aint tryin to blog lol If you want to know some OP just ask. I aint proud I went and don't plan on goin back but Id be happy to help steer anyoneelse clear of the place. its not as bad as the movies, where I was at anyways but its nowhere you want to live ur life. haveing your freedom to come and gotaken is one of the worst feelings you could ever imagin. Its almost like AA you do it one day at a time and don't think about tomorrow
Naw but my homegirls father was Petey Pablo's cellmate back in the day

Apparently he was always talking about how hew was gonna make it big
Speaking of convicts...Turns out I'm not going to be one, my lawyer guarantees victory....

What do yall think? Take a drug class and probation? Or Misdemeanor and a fine?
I dont want to start anything, but why even post something like that MR. BIG?
Bomb squad simply responded to the question. Its not like he was saying it was a good thing. He clearly made it known that it wasnt something good...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Speaking of convicts...Turns out I'm not going to be one, my lawyer guarantees victory....

What do yall think? Take a drug class and probation? Or Misdemeanor and a fine?
Probation and drug class, a misdemeanor is worst on your record and fines always suck.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

May be random, but what was it like?
I have a couple childhood friends of the family locked in Comstock, some people sitting in San Quentin and Clinton. One in Rikers Island.
Explain what you did that got you locked up, how you started seeing things, if you changed and is it as bad as the media portrays it to be?
Im trying to never go to jail ever in my life because the way I see it, behind bars your doomed if your mind cant consume.
My mothers step brother is actually incarcerated at Rikers Island. I only heard from him once and from what he said, its crazy there. People misbehaving, acting uncivilized like cavemen.
, so he spends his time drawing and writing poetry to seperate the negativity from his surroundings.
But seriously, any of you guys spent time in jail? Even if it was overnight.

Why do you keep using AZs lines?
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Originally Posted by FlyNY

May be random, but what was it like?
I have a couple childhood friends of the family locked in Comstock, some people sitting in San Quentin and Clinton. One in Rikers Island.
Explain what you did that got you locked up, how you started seeing things, if you changed and is it as bad as the media portrays it to be?
Im trying to never go to jail ever in my life because the way I see it, behind bars your doomed if your mind cant consume.
My mothers step brother is actually incarcerated at Rikers Island. I only heard from him once and from what he said, its crazy there. People misbehaving, acting uncivilized like cavemen.
, so he spends his time drawing and writing poetry to seperate the negativity from his surroundings.
But seriously, any of you guys spent time in jail? Even if it was overnight.

Why do you keep using AZs lines?
Why does it matter?
Originally Posted by Mccheesy

Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Originally Posted by FlyNY

May be random, but what was it like?
I have a couple childhood friends of the family locked in Comstock, some people sitting in San Quentin and Clinton. One in Rikers Island.
Explain what you did that got you locked up, how you started seeing things, if you changed and is it as bad as the media portrays it to be?
Im trying to never go to jail ever in my life because the way I see it, behind bars your doomed if your mind cant consume.
My mothers step brother is actually incarcerated at Rikers Island. I only heard from him once and from what he said, its crazy there. People misbehaving, acting uncivilized like cavemen.
, so he spends his time drawing and writing poetry to seperate the negativity from his surroundings.
But seriously, any of you guys spent time in jail? Even if it was overnight.

Why do you keep using AZs lines?
Why does it matter?

I heard A was on here, and wanted to know if this dude is droppong clues.
[color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]a dude in my ENG112 class last quarter had just got out the box ... he always had crazystories ...[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]used to irk me tho. son used to be a manager @ FA but got caught up w/ a 15 y/o braud. but anyways he'd come to school with heat on. Black/Cement III, Laneys, just a lot of AJ's from around when he got locked up and before [around 01-02] but son would have on all this Phat Farm, Platinum Fubu, just crazy outdated gear. [/color]

[color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]I wish I had his number. Son has the most
tattoos I've ever seen and he got them in the box. [/color]
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Speaking of convicts...Turns out I'm not going to be one, my lawyer guarantees victory....

What do yall think? Take a drug class and probation? Or Misdemeanor and a fine?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Speaking of convicts...Turns out I'm not going to be one, my lawyer guarantees victory....

What do yall think? Take a drug class and probation? Or Misdemeanor and a fine?

I know this seems better to everyone but it really depends on what kinda person you are. Probation is dictated by the courts. they can make you jump throughall kinds of hoops and if your on reporting probation your on drugs test and all that. now if you like gettin high or whatever probation is gunna be a problem.honestly its not a good alternative. since Ive been in the situation I say take the mis. and fine. no one ever asks if you been convicted of a mis.
. once you pay the fine ur free to go back to livin life with probations theygot ur leash and it only get worse if you violate.

Note : there is not guarenteed victory in americas court system watch that lawyer
Originally Posted by Pushak513

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Speaking of convicts...Turns out I'm not going to be one, my lawyer guarantees victory....

What do yall think? Take a drug class and probation? Or Misdemeanor and a fine?

I know this seems better to everyone but it really depends on what kinda person you are. Probation is dictated by the courts. they can make you jump through all kinds of hoops and if your on reporting probation your on drugs test and all that. now if you like gettin high or whatever probation is gunna be a problem. honestly its not a good alternative. since Ive been in the situation I say take the mis. and fine. no one ever asks if you been convicted of a mis.
. once you pay the fine ur free to go back to livin life with probations they got ur leash and it only get worse if you violate.

Note : there is not guarenteed victory in americas court system watch that lawyer
i'd rather have no misdemeanor on my record than to actually hav a misdemeanor on my record. Not to mention this whole experience reallyshould show you that the benefits of drug use are far outweighed by the possible consequences.

so i say take the drug class & probation.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

i'd rather have no misdemeanor on my record than to actually hav a misdemeanor on my record. Not to mention this whole experience really should show you that the benefits of drug use are far outweighed by the possible consequences.

so i say take the drug class & probation.

learn how to think for yourself please.
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