NYC Cigarette prices...OD much? vol. $9 a pack

May 28, 2003
So tonight i was hookahing and was walking out and stopped by a deli. I saw a sign for like marlboros for $8.85 and i thought it was like a buy 1 get 1 freedeal...but nope. FOR 1 FRIGGIN PACK!
I dont smoke regularly, sometimesafter drinking and whatnot but this really surprised me. I mean i heard they are raising it in june but i never believed it..i

Well i guess i'm quitting smoking for good then unless i can bum off someone...but the prices out here are OD. i remember in HS when every1 used to smokewe all flipped out when the price went from 5 to 6$...every1 started buying 100's to "get the most out of their $"
i guess there will be less hs kids smoking now and hopefully also less peoplesmoking in the city.
I work at a liquor store (suburbs of Boston) and a pack of Marlboro is $5.85
Yeah, I went there a while ago and I was gonna buy a pack but it was $7.75 or something absurd like that. I was like.... PASS.

Sin tax.
that's crazy i smoke once in a blue but at those prices idk whowould start smoking well that's a good thing i guess
I pay like $3.99 for my ports...some areas are priced bad areas ciggs are cheaper..smh...but reason for them to be that high....ismoke, but damn just make it illegal then...what a joke.....its like 25 cents to produce a pack of smokes and they sell it for $9....LOL how dumb are wehuh?...whats goin on?
I stay in Atlanta....all cigarettes are no more than 4.50 tops! I've been to NY just visiting so that means I took cabs all day. I'm imagining ya gasprices are 7 bucks a gallon if yall taxin for cancer sticks like that! WTH!
london's worse.. cigarettes can cost up to $13 and even like $16 in clubs
You'll save a ton of money by quitting or at least cutting back.

If you are really upset, flex your financial muscle and refuse to be taken!
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

just like gas prices...people will complain yet still pay them

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] EXACTLY, hell they should make it $10 a pack[/color]
Originally Posted by c0neV3rgE

u guys should quit its a pointless habit anyway =p

ciggs could be 12.00 and fiends will still buy em. i always said there are only slight differences between crack heads and cigg smokers. cigg smokersdon't drop mad weight and they don't have that walk.
Originally Posted by RO RO 8

just like gas prices...people will complain yet still pay them

Completely different... You need gas to get to work/go out, You dont NEED cigarettes.
Fiends are too weak to quit, they could charge $15 a pack if they feel like it.
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