Obama uses executive privilege to withold Fast and Furious documents 'update'

Originally Posted by blazinRook

Instead of questioning his actions and motives, and pointing out all the problems, are any of you providing reasonable advice to approach said problems? No, then sit down. Republicans smh. Nagging wives that don't help the situation, only complain.

I'm not so sure that this is a Republicans vs Democrats sort of thread.  Let's not turn it into that sort of a joke. 

Politicians, seem to be in large, lying scumbags.  Obama is pretty much showing through action that he is from the same cloth as the rest.  I'm regretful that I voted for him.  In fact, regretful that I participated at all in the political charade known as voting. 

@ referencing the FDA about raw milk.  The FDA is very corrupt and a complete joke. 

Why all the personal Pig Love attacks?  Why not give real answers to his questions instead?  I haven't seen ONE person refute anything properly. 
anyone defending OBAMA is mentally ill.....

its a disease to believe in politicians who aren't cut from our cloth....

this thing we call politics has been bought off to the highest bidder...

the ones calling the shots are behind the curtain...

the fall guy is the front guy we beat up and ridicule while the money is going through the back door i.e. ( JP morgan losing 2 billion on 1 trade a few weeks ago , and MF global misplacing 2 billion dollars late last yr with no accountability to who has it or where it went)..... or the 700 billion the banks used in the bailout with 0 percent interest and they still have not been asked to pay it back.....



Originally Posted by blazinRook

Instead of questioning his actions and motives, and pointing out all the problems, are any of you providing reasonable advice to approach said problems? No, then sit down. Republicans smh. Nagging wives that don't help the situation, only complain.

To stop this nonsense we need to listen to Jesse Ventura and do away with the two party system. When you go and vote for a candidate you need to know who you are voting for, not what gang they belong to. Democrats and Republicans are Bloods and Crips, except that they don't just cause havoc in LA, they ruin the world. They play for the same team, 6 Mega Bank. Yes people Romney and Obama are the same candidate, just like George Jr. and John Kerry are cousins. George Jr. "beat" Gore and Gore laid down so he could become one of the richest men in the world by scaring everyone with his global warming nonsense? When George Soros counts the votes in Spain, it doesn't matter what they say. It matters what was discussed at Bilderburg three weeks ago. Should I continue?

My advice to you is to not vote this time around. If under 40% of the country vote, then the election is  technically legally invalid. They won't tell us this though.

You don't believe in conspiracy? Then someone tell me WHAT HAPPENED TO BUILDING 7?
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Four years ago I thought dude could be the next great leader and was filled with hope. Now four years later I'm disgusted for trusting and voting for him. Dude is worse than Bush, imo, because of all the hope for change that he promised us.
you actually thought that a president of the united states would actually do what is right for the country?
Yeah c'mon JRS, what were you thinking? 

Unfortunately he was thinking the same thing millions of other people in this country were thinking,
which is a shame (regardless of your take on election fraud)

back in early '09 i warned one of my gung-ho 'liberal' neighbors with the old cliche:
"There is no such thing as an honest politician." - & they almost wanted to fight me

that's how strongly they had been brainwashed!
The President cant please everybody...

George Bush better than Obama? You guys sound like a bunch of Tea Party idiots. Personally, Obama has done a lot for my family and I. I finally got health care as of two years ago. For that im thankful for. What did Bush do? Engage in a war with Iraq to find WMD...were there any WMD? No. He racked up debt on debt for this nation. Now my generation has to pay.

All politicians lie and say what the country wants to here. OBAMA2012.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

The President cant please everybody...

George Bush better than Obama? You guys sound like a bunch of Tea Party idiots. Personally, Obama has done a lot for my family and I. I finally got health care as of two years ago. For that im thankful for. What did Bush do? Engage in a war with Iraq to find WMD...were there any WMD? No. He racked up debt on debt for this nation. Now my generation has to pay.

All politicians lie and say what the country wants to here. OBAMA2012.
relish the false sense of strength your ignorance provides

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

The President cant please everybody...

George Bush better than Obama? You guys sound like a bunch of Tea Party idiots. Personally, Obama has done a lot for my family and I. I finally got health care as of two years ago. For that im thankful for. What did Bush do? Engage in a war with Iraq to find WMD...were there any WMD? No. He racked up debt on debt for this nation. Now my generation has to pay.

All politicians lie and say what the country wants to here. OBAMA2012.

Only those who put him in power ...

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

The President cant please everybody...

George Bush better than Obama? You guys sound like a bunch of Tea Party idiots. Personally, Obama has done a lot for my family and I. I finally got health care as of two years ago. For that im thankful for. What did Bush do? Engage in a war with Iraq to find WMD...were there any WMD? No. He racked up debt on debt for this nation. Now my generation has to pay.

All politicians lie and say what the country wants to here. OBAMA2012.
Isn't that statement dual sided irony though since the HCR will add several trillion to the deficit over the next 2 decades? If we're serious about reducing healthcare costs, we would repeal the medicare reimbursement limits & Medicare Pt. D that was passed in '05. Not eliminating HSA's and ensuring that only the large insurance companies will be able to collude with the federal government.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

debs 168 wrote:
he would be allowed to do more if the congress didn't have it in for him as he got sworn in...

i wanna
i wan-
but I wa-
but I

and how is obama a worse president than bush was? factually speaking.

Here's a few questions for you. 

1. Why is there an active nuclear threat in Japan and our government refuses to even address the issue?

2. Obama insisted on adding the detention clause to the NDAA after he publicly said on TV he was against it.

3. Why are the vaccines given to our pets safer than the ones for our children since ours are tainted with mercury which kills areas of the brain.( DO NOT vaccinate your kids)

4. Why is the TSA groping childrens and adult genitals when they have NEVER caught a terrorist?

5. Why do you need a high powered Xray performed on you to get on a plane when again, we have never caught a terrorist?

6. Why are cops in Minnesota getting kids high and dropping them off at occupy movements?

7. Why are 30,000 drones being prepped to monitor us from the sky to spy on peoples gardens?

8. Why are farmers being arrested and threatened with 20 years prison terms for selling raw milk?

9. Why is our government preparing to go into yet another (nuclear this time?) war with a country that does not endanger us?

10. Why are 53,000 corpses in Florida registered to vote and expected to acually show up to fill out their ballots?

11. Why does George Soros new company have the contract to count the votes for the 2012 presidential election in, wait for it, SPAIN!

12. Why is our government heavily invested in plastic coffins for the fema centers?

13. Why are there 800 new fema centers that have surfaced in the past ten years if our country is so broke?

14. Why are 8 year olds being taught sex ed?

15. Why is one of his biggest campaign contributers Bain Capitol? Mitt Romneys company?

Heres a more historically relevant question for YOU swine...

when in American history did the executive branch breach the so called 'checks and balances' of your precious American democratic society?
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Pig Love

^ You are right, I conceed. Obama is a wonderful president because
8 year olds are learning sex ed. I don't know what came over me.
Everything else is ok because of this issue, it's a great thing.

Carry on
You can't deflect like this and expect ppl to take your opinion and these threads seriously. I'm not surprised cuz I recall asking you questions when you came through with all of these claims and you didn't answer any of them. Why don't you answer the questions?
I answer everyone's "questions".
When you answer my questions in the kill list thread I'll believe that.
I don't believe Obama is cut from the same cloth as Bush.

You thoroughly Believe Obama had the intentions of killing federal agents by selling guns to Mexican cartel?
why would he do that.

Most of the corrupt political moves have politicians ending up with profit $$

What does Obama gain from executing this program? He's just trying, and he failed. deal with it.
Originally Posted by blazinRook

I don't believe Obama is cut from the same cloth as Bush.

You thoroughly Believe Obama had the intentions of killing federal agents by selling guns to Mexican cartel?
why would he do that.

Most of the corrupt political moves have politicians ending up with profit $$

What does Obama gain from executing this program? He's just trying, and he failed. deal with it.

Drain support for firearm ownership.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by blazinRook

I don't believe Obama is cut from the same cloth as Bush.

You thoroughly Believe Obama had the intentions of killing federal agents by selling guns to Mexican cartel?
why would he do that.

Most of the corrupt political moves have politicians ending up with profit $$

What does Obama gain from executing this program? He's just trying, and he failed. deal with it.

Drain support for firearm ownership.
This, plus setting up for another Assault Weapons Ban. Glad public support didn't go in that direction.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

This dude can't seriously be trying to correlate sexual activity to sexual education in schools. Pig Love can't be that dense and have such backwards logic.

They have access to porn and that makes them hyper-sexualized. That's bad parenting. There was no sexual education in 5th grade for me but we all knew the code to unlock the spice channel on the box.

If you don't think sexual education is a deterrent to the young ppl getting STDs and unwanted pregnancies you're completely out of touch with society today.
There it is.  This dude Pig Love with the constant FRAUDULENT threads.

You are the biggest troll on NT. You post in more of my threads than Unsayable Peak

ever did and you always say the same thing. Have you been keeping up with all my new profiles?

Pot meet kettle.  How many more times are you going to lie to the people champ??

I'm surprised by the amount of people that still don't see how similar Bush and Obama are in terms of their foreign and domestic policies. The unfortunate truth is, it's easy to make the argument that Obama is a worse human rights violator than Bush. Very easy.

Even The Washington Post just two weeks ago pointed out that the primary source of strength for AQAP — the Terror group which the U.S. Government insists is the greatest threat to the U.S. — are repeated U.S. drone strikes in Yemen; said The Post: “An escalating campaign of U.S. drone strikes is stirring increasing sympathy for al-Qaeda-linked militants and driving tribesmen to join a network linked to terrorist plots against the United States.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by Deuce King

There it is.  This dude Pig Love with the constant FRAUDULENT threads.

You are the biggest troll on NT. You post in more of my threads than Unsayable Peak

ever did and you always say the same thing. Have you been keeping up with all my new profiles?

Pot meet kettle.  How many more times are you going to lie to the people champ??


You know, if your going to continue to follow me around and call me "names" instead of actually contributing feedback
to a thread (It's ok, I understand you really have nothing to say anyways.) we can just meet up instead and get this out of
the way. You could probably ask your mom for a ride. Dude seriously, you are stalking a grown man, it's pathetic. 
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